

Din sökning på "*" gav 533046 sökträffar

En Undersökning av Musikaliska Beståndsdelar & Variabler

Efter att ha hört termen parameter användas fritt i olika musikaliska sammanhang under min utbildning började en idé formas, kan musiken analyseras utifrån utvalda parametrar istället för ackords-, funktions-, form-, Schenker- eller temaanalys? I den här uppsatsen arbetar jag med att ta fram en personlig metod för att kartlägga kombinationer av parametrar som sedan kan analyseras för att bättre föDuring my education I have heard the term parameter used freely in different musical contexts. This has led to the forming of an idea, can music be analyzed according to chosen parameters instead of harmonic-, function-, form-, Schenker- or thematic analysis? In this essay I work with creating a personal method to map out combinations of parameters which then can be analyzed to better understand h

Spatiotemporal and microstructural characterization of heterotopic ossification in healing rat Achilles tendons

Achilles tendon rupture is a common debilitating medical condition. The healing process is slow and can be affected by heterotopic ossification (HO), which occurs when pathologic bone-like tissue is deposited instead of the soft collagenous tendon tissue. Little is known about the temporal and spatial progression of HO during Achilles tendon healing. In this study we characterize HO deposition, mi

The Mantis Network : III. Expanding the limits of chemical searches within ultra-hot Jupiters: New detections of Ca I, v I, Ti I, Cr I, Ni I, Sr II, Ba II, and Tb II in KELT-9 b

Cross-correlation spectroscopy is an invaluable tool in the study of exoplanets. However, aliasing between spectral lines makes it vulnerable to systematic biases. This work strives to constrain the aliases of the cross-correlation function to provide increased confidence in the detections of elements in the atmospheres of ultra-hot Jupiters (UHJs) observed with high-resolution spectrographs. We u

Science and the legal rights of nature

We review the use of science by lawmakers and courts in implementing or rejecting legal rights for nature in Ecuador, India, the United States, and other jurisdictions where some type of rights of nature have been recognized in the legal system. We then use the “right to evolve” to exemplify how interdisciplinary work can (i) help courts effectively define what this right might entail; (ii) inform

Vad gör djuren när de blir rädda?

Alla blir vi rädda någon gång, både människor och djur. Ibland är det samma saker som skrämmer och ibland är det något helt annat som djuren tycker är läskigt.Vad gör djuren när de blir skrämda? Kanske gömmer de sig? Försöker de springa därifrån? Eller försöker djuren lura den som skräms att titta åt ett helt annat håll? Ska vi kolla hur djuren gör?Vad gör djuren när de blir rädda? är en bok som g

Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on sick leave among healthcare workers : a register-based observational study

Objectives To assess the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on sick leave among healthcare workers (HCWs) in primary and specialist care and examine its causes. Methods Using individual-level register data, we studied monthly proportions of sick leave (all-cause and not related to SARS-CoV-2 infection) from 2017 to February 2022 for all HCWs in primary (N=60 973) and specialist care (N=34 978) in Nor

Energy retrofitting effect on perceived indoor climate: A case study of Estonian multi-family buildings

Energy renovations are an important measure for achieving the European Union’s target of climate neutrality by 2050. To meet the EU goal, Estonia needs to fully renovate 14 000 multi-family buildings by that time, affecting the indoor environment conditions of a large number of people. To gain knowledge for the upcoming renovations, the experience of the people living in the multi-family buildings

Conviviality and Conscience: How Degrowth and Abolition Theory Critique and Re-envision Welfare States

Abolition theory and degrowth theory address important issues in the social-political world. An emergent discipline (in academia), abolition theory carefully dissects the ideological and historical underpinnings of the current system of police and prisons in the United States. It offers a systematic critique of their impact. Abolitionist scholars and activists also offer a creative framework for e

Många källor till problem i systematiska översikter

A well-conducted systematic review requires a scrupulous assessment of the design of included studies. This may unveil major issues in how studies were planned, conducted and reported. This section presents a few examples. 1) A Cochrane review on pain and sedation management in the newborn identified a study described as a randomized trial, which later, following communication with authors and the

Citizens as aid agents: the overlooked outsiders in development assitance? Situating small voluntary-led development organisations in Denmark through an institutional work perspective

Contemporary global challenges require collective action that exceeds national borders. This thesis explores a group of active citizens who take the initiative to contribute to combat some of these challenges through small voluntary-led development organisations (SVDOs). Specifically looking at the role of engaged citizens in Denmark, these SVDOs form an unconventional actor in international devel

GANDER : A Platform for Exploration of Gaze-driven Assistance in Code Review

Gaze-control and gaze-assistance in software development tools have so far been explored in the setting of code editing, but other developer activities like code review could also benefit from this kind of tool support. In this paper, we present GANDER, a platform for user studies on gaze-assisted code review. As a proof of concept, we extend the platform with an assistant that highlights name rel

Combining histological grade, TILs, and the PD-1/PD-L1 pathway to identify immunogenic tumors and de-escalate radiotherapy in early breast cancer : A secondary analysis of a randomized clinical trial

Background The implementation of immunological biomarkers for radiotherapy (RT) individualization in breast cancer requires consideration of tumor-intrinsic factors. This study aimed to investigate whether the integration of histological grade, tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes (TILs), programmed cell death protein-1 (PD-1), and programmed death ligand-1 (PD-L1) can identify tumors with aggressive ch

Contactless palm print recognition: Novel design and palm openness classification

Biometric technologies, such as facial and fingerprint recognition, have become widely adopted for identity verification in various applications. Palm biometrics, utilizing the unique patterns of the human palm, has gained significant attention for its accuracy and security. This thesis aims to investigate and propose a comprehensive design for certain as- pects of a contactless palm print recogniImproving Contactless Palm Print Recognition Technology Biometric technologies, such as facial and fingerprint recognition, have become widely used for identity verification in various applications. An- other promising biometric solution is palm biometrics, which utilizes the unique patterns found on the human palm for accurate and secure iden- tification. This thesis focuses on investigating and

Rapid manoeuvre of fan worms (Annelida: Sabellidae) through tubes

Multiple variables determine the success of an escape response of an animal, and the rapidity of the escape manoeuvre is often the most important. Fan worms (Annelida: Sabellidae) can rapidly withdraw their tentacles, which are covered in heavily ciliated ramifications called pinnules, into their tubes to protect them from approaching threats. Here, we explore the dynamic and mechanistic features