Din sökning på "*" gav 532995 sökträffar
Blood biomarkers for Alzheimer’s disease in clinical practice and trials
Blood-based biomarkers hold great promise to revolutionize the diagnostic and prognostic work-up of Alzheimer’s disease (AD) in clinical practice. This is very timely, considering the recent development of anti-amyloid-β (Aβ) immunotherapies. Several assays for measuring phosphorylated tau (p-tau) in plasma exhibit high diagnostic accuracy in distinguishing AD from all other neurodegenerative dise
Humanioras svenska kunskapshistoria : Reflexioner över ett forskningsfält
Experimental and Numerical Analysis of an Active Pre-Chamber Engine Fuelled with Natural Gas
Increasingly stringent pollutant and CO2 emission standards require the car manufacturers to investigate innovative solutions to further improve the fuel economy and environmental impact of their fleets. Nowadays, NOx emissions standards are stringent for spark-ignition (SI) internal combustion engines (ICEs) and many techniques are investigated to limit these emissions. Among these, an extremely
Between dependency and engagement : Centring subaltern geopolitics in multiperspectival border studies. Lessons from the Western Sahara
Contributing to the growing interest in multiperspectival border studies, this article advocates for a re-centring of subaltern geopolitics in the debate. Focusing empirically on Morocco's diplomatic dispute with the EU over the application of trade agreements to the Western Sahara (2015–2019), the analysis considers the geopolitical bordering of the controversy through the concepts of dependency
The 'Arab Spring' as a Milestone in Feminist Performance
This chapter explores feminist performances during and after the so-called Arab Spring, primarily focusing on Tunisia and Egypt. The Arab Spring stands as a distinct milestone demarcating a definite “before” and an “after.” As a pivotal event, it posed new challenges and contexts for feminist activists. While the toppling of old regimes initially held promises of ushering in a more open and libera
In Green and White: Feminist Struggles for Abortion Rights in Argentina
Remissyttrande: Förstärkt skydd för demokratin och domstolarnas oberoende (SOU 2023:12)
Flexible design in the stomatopod dactyl club
The stomatopod is a fascinating animal that uses its weaponized appendage dactyl clubs for breaking mollusc shells. Dactyl clubs are a well studied example of biomineralized hierarchical structures. Most research has focused on the regions close to the action, namely the impact region and surface composed of chitin and apatite crystallites. Further away from the site of impact, the club has lower
Research Handbook on Strategic Communication
Strategic communication as a research field and a professional practice is becoming increasingly relevant for organizations. Bringing together contributions from almost 60 leading international scholars, this dynamic Research Handbook on Strategic Communication is a timely contribution to a vivid and developing academic field. Divided into three key parts - fundamentals, perspectives, and processe
Skill-Based Autonomous Door Opening
Den könsrelaterade diskrepansen i operasångares försörjningsmöjligheter
Det första av mina två syften var att undersöka huruvida det finns en könsrelaterad diskrepans gällande operasångares försörjningsmöjligheter. Jag samlade in empiri om antalet arbetstillfällen per röstfack och könsfördelningen vid operautbildningar, samt genomförde en enkätundersökning om hur tidigare studenter vid Sveriges operahögskolor försörjer sig. Slutsatsen kunde dras att det finns en stor The first of my two purposes was to investigate whether there is a gender disparity in the possibilities to make a living as an opera singer. I collected empirical data on the number of jobs per fach and the gender breakdown of students at opera schools, and conducted a survey on how former students at Sweden's opera schools supported themselves. I concluded that there is a large disparity to
Tvärflöjter: Speltekniska och musikaliska möjligheter
Detta är en studie och jämförelse av speltekniska förutsättningar på Boehmflöjt, alt-, bas- och kontrabasflöjt. Utgångspunkten ligger i tekniska aspekter som fingerteknik, embouchure, artikulation och luftförbrukning. Även en jämförelse av nya speltekniker och hur dessa svarar på respektive flöjt förekommer. Undersökningarna har genomförts med stöd av erkänd flöjtlitteratur, praktisk övning samt sThis is a study of technical conditions and a comparison of the Boehm flute, alto-, bass-, and contrabass flute. The study involves technical aspects such as fingering, embouchure, articulation, and air consumption. In addition, there is a comparison of how commonly used extended techniques respond on the different flutes. The surveys of this thesis have been conducted through studying well-known
Digital games and ELT : bridging the authenticity gap
In this chapter I will suggest that in cultural contexts such as Sweden where English is an integral part of young people’s everyday lives and is encountered and used in a range of out-of-school domains, a particular challenge facing teachers is not so much generating motivation to succeed in long-term competency goals, but rather engaging students in day-to-day classroom activities. Based on the
Impact of Performance Measurement System on Employees’ Motivation and Work Effort in Organizations Offering Non-Incentivized Compensation Scheme: The Case of Banking Sector
The study has two purposes: in the setup of heavily regulated industry (banking) and non-incentivized compensation scheme, (1) to investigate separately bankers’ enabling and coercive perceptions of PMS and how they contribute to motivation and work effort; and (2) to explore to what extent the combination of enabling and coercive perceptions of PMS influences motivation and work effort. The stud
Ensam vid pianot - verktyg för att närma sig soloimprovisationer
Den här texten beskriver processen under vilken jag studerat mig själv som improvisationsmusiker i formatet solopiano. Jag undersöker hur jag skapar bästa möjliga förutsättningar för att känna mig både fri, inspirerad och motiverad, när jag inte får någon musikalisk information från andra medmusiker. Med hjälp av etablerandet av strikta ramar och begränsningar av olika karaktär har jag genomfört iThis paper describes the process during which I’ve studied myself as an improvisational musician in the format of solo piano. I examine in what way I can create the best possible conditions for myself to feel both free, inspired and motivated, when I’m not receiving any musical information from fellow musicians. With the help of different kinds of strict frames and limitations, I have performed im
En Undersökning av Musikaliska Beståndsdelar & Variabler
Efter att ha hört termen parameter användas fritt i olika musikaliska sammanhang under min utbildning började en idé formas, kan musiken analyseras utifrån utvalda parametrar istället för ackords-, funktions-, form-, Schenker- eller temaanalys? I den här uppsatsen arbetar jag med att ta fram en personlig metod för att kartlägga kombinationer av parametrar som sedan kan analyseras för att bättre föDuring my education I have heard the term parameter used freely in different musical contexts. This has led to the forming of an idea, can music be analyzed according to chosen parameters instead of harmonic-, function-, form-, Schenker- or thematic analysis? In this essay I work with creating a personal method to map out combinations of parameters which then can be analyzed to better understand h
"What stunning brilliance, what modern veracity:" Jean Baudrillard's America as a Reluctantly Romantic Document
Spatiotemporal and microstructural characterization of heterotopic ossification in healing rat Achilles tendons
Achilles tendon rupture is a common debilitating medical condition. The healing process is slow and can be affected by heterotopic ossification (HO), which occurs when pathologic bone-like tissue is deposited instead of the soft collagenous tendon tissue. Little is known about the temporal and spatial progression of HO during Achilles tendon healing. In this study we characterize HO deposition, mi
The Mantis Network : III. Expanding the limits of chemical searches within ultra-hot Jupiters: New detections of Ca I, v I, Ti I, Cr I, Ni I, Sr II, Ba II, and Tb II in KELT-9 b
Cross-correlation spectroscopy is an invaluable tool in the study of exoplanets. However, aliasing between spectral lines makes it vulnerable to systematic biases. This work strives to constrain the aliases of the cross-correlation function to provide increased confidence in the detections of elements in the atmospheres of ultra-hot Jupiters (UHJs) observed with high-resolution spectrographs. We u