Production of very cold, highly charged ions by synchrotron radiation: Comparisons of the “scalpel” and “hammer” methods
Measurements of kinetic energies of highy charged argon ions produced by inner-shell photoionization and by ion-beam impact have been made using time-of-flight techniques. High-charge-state recoil ions produced by beams of ∼ 0.5−1 MeV/u Cl5+ are found to have energies one to two orders of magnitude higher than ions of the same charge produced by vacancy cascades following inner-shell photoionizatiMeasurements of kinetic energies of highy charged argon ions produced by inner-shell photoionization and by ion-beam impact have been made using time-of-flight techniques. High-charge-state recoil ions produced by beams of ∼ 0.5-1 MeV/u Cl5+ are found to have energies one to two orders of magnitude higher than ions of the same charge produced by vacancy cascades following inner-shell photoionizati