

Din sökning på "*" gav 532868 sökträffar

Effekt på dammförråd och PM10-halter av tunnelstädning

Driftmetoder mot höga partikelhalter orsakade av vägdamm i gatu- och vägmiljöer har under lång tid utvärderats i vanlig gatumiljö. Resultaten är dock ofta förhållandevis svårtolkade på grund av inverkan av meteorologi och omfattande inblandning från andra partikelkällor än just den gata som studeras. För att komma vidare med mer detaljerade studier av metodik och strategi och för att få mer lättol

A resilience approach to DMO communication during the COVID-19 pandemic.

This article addresses how urban Destination Management Organisations (DMOs) in Sweden, have understood their communicative role, developed communicative strategies and tactics in relation to stakeholders during the COVID-19 pandemic. The aim of this research is to explore communication strategies for urban destination resilience. DMOs have a key role in balancing the interest of stakeholders, the

Interaktion mellan elfordon och elnät : Fallstudier (delrapport 2)

Samhällets omställning till fossilfri energi innebär bland annat en ökad elektrifiering. I sin tur innebär en ökad elektrifiering också en högre efterfrågan på nya anslutningar till och behov av ökad kapacitet i elnätet. Syftet med delrapporten är att analysera två specifika fallstudier för att belysa utmaningar och möjligheter i interaktionen mellan elfordon och elnät. Den första fallstudien beha

Sustainable water management in the Jordanian phosphate mining industry

Jordan is a very water stressed country with very low annual renewable water resources per capita. The effluent wastewater from two Jordanian phosphate mines (the Al-Abiad and the Eshidiya mine) was analysed and compared with the national and international standards and regulations for irrigation and industrial effluent wastewater. The water management at the mines was examined from a sustainable

Mathematics in physics classrooms: a case study on mathematical reasoning in relation to the notion of specific heat capacity.

This study is part of a larger study of mathematics in physics teaching at upper secondary school. In this paper we focus on the use of mathematics in relation to the teaching of specific heat capacity of water. We report from two physics lessons with first-year students (lecture, problem solving, and labwork). One observation is the frequent technical use of mathematics during the lessons, which

No title

Jorge Ibargüengoitia is one of the most prominent writers in 20th-century Mexican literature. This study provides an analysis of his narrative in the work Dos Crímenes. The primary objective is to elucidate how the author constructs his narrative threads through the use of irony, which becomes a recurrent tool in his style. To accomplish this, it is proposed that Ibargüengoitia employs different t

Entrepreneurial intermediation in innovation : A study of multilayered contexts and embedded dynamics of organisation-creation

The article is based on a theoretical exploration and empirical analysis of formalized public initiated instruments—eight network entrepreneurs—intended to promote, intermediate and support innovation and entrepreneurship in firms and firm networks located in three different business areas in Mid-Norway: food value chain, experience industries, and renewable energy and environmental technology. Th

Entrepreneurship and process studies

Process studies put movement, change and flow first; to study processually is to consider the world as restless, something underway, becoming and perishing, without end. To understand firms processually is to accept but also – and this is harder perhaps – to absorb this fluidity, to treat a variable as just that, a variable. The resonance with entrepreneurship studies is obvious. If any field is a

Association of Somatic TET2 Mutations With Giant Cell Arteritis

Objective: Giant cell arteritis (GCA) is an age-related vasculitis. Prior studies have identified an association between GCA and hematologic malignancies (HMs). How the presence of somatic mutations that drive the development of HMs, or clonal hematopoiesis (CH), may influence clinical outcomes in GCA is not well understood. Methods: To examine an association between CH and GCA, we analyzed sequen

Dealing With The Unexpected in Prehospital Patientcare: The Lived Experience Of EMS Clinicians

Background In prehospital patient care, numerous patients are examined, treated, and transported. Some are acutely seriously ill, while others, though not acutely ill, necessitate ambulance transport due to their inability to do so independently. Among the latter group, patients may be sicker than initially estimated. Objective This study aims to delineate the course of action for EMS clinician

Inoculation with adapted bacterial communities promotes development of full scale slow sand filters for drinking water production

Gravity-driven filtration through slow sand filters (SSFs) is one of the oldest methods for producing drinking water. As water passes through a sand bed, undesired microorganisms and chemicals are removed by interactions with SSF biofilm and its resident microbes. Despite their importance, the processes through which these microbial communities form are largely unknown, as are the factors affectin

Immune evasion by proteolytic shedding of natural killer group 2, member D ligands in Helicobacter pylori infection

Background: Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) uses various strategies that attenuate mucosal immunity to ensure its persistence in the stomach. We recently found evidence that H. pylori might modulate the natural killer group 2, member 2 (NKG2D) system. The NKG2D receptor and its ligands are a major activation system of natural killer and cytotoxic T cells, which are important for mucosal immunity a

Are enhanced recovery protocols after pancreatoduodenectomy still efficient when applied in elderly patients? A systematic review and individual patient data meta-analysis

Background: This meta-analysis investigated the effects of enhanced recovery after surgery (ERAS) protocols compared to conventional care on postoperative outcomes in patients aged 70 years or older undergoing pancreatoduodenectomy (PD). Methods: Five databases were systematically searched. Comparative studies with available individual patient data (IPD) were included. The main outcomes were posto

Small-Molecule Galectin Ligands : Structure-Based Optimisation of Affinity and Selectivity

In the body, all cell surfaces are covered with glycans, and many regulatory components havecarbohydrates attached to them, which can aid in their function. Galectins are a family of proteins whichcan bind to specific glycans and oligosaccharides and cross-link them to influence a wide range of cellularprocesses. The members of the galectin family are structurally similar and can be involved in th

Comparable survival in rats with intracranial glioblastoma irradiated with single-fraction conventional radiotherapy or FLASH radiotherapy

Background: Radiotherapy increases survival in patients with glioblastoma. However, the prescribed dose is limited by unwanted side effects on normal tissue. Previous experimental studies have shown that FLASH radiotherapy (FLASH-RT) can reduce these side effects. Still, it is important to establish an equal anti-tumor efficacy comparing FLASH-RT to conventional radiotherapy (CONV-RT). Methods: Fu

A Robust Observer with Gyroscopic Bias Correction for Rotational Dynamics

We propose an observer for rotational dynamics subject to directional and gyroscopic measurements, which simultaneously estimates the gyroscopic biases and attitude rates. We show uniform almost global asymptotic and local exponential stability of the resulting error dynamics, implying robustness against bounded disturbances. This robustness is quantified with respect to a popular nonlinear comple

Empowered and engaged : Group exercise for adolescent depression – perspectives from adolescents, parents and healthcare professionals

Objectives: Depression is increasing and is a leading cause of disease burden among adolescents. Available evidence-based treatments with medication or psychotherapy have modest effects. Aerobic exercise is a hopeful alternative as an augmenter or a stand-alone treatment. Qualitative studies have shown that participants in group exercise for adolescent depression experienced improved mood and a se