

Din sökning på "*" gav 536996 sökträffar

Critical Raw Material supply chains - the Key to a Twin Transition?

The thesis investigates how the problem of Critical Raw Material supply chains is represented within the European Critical Raw Materials Act of 2023. Bacchi’s ‘What's Problem Represented To Be’ approach has been adapted and utilised to explore what aspects of these supply chains are problematised. By highlighting how the problem of supply chains is represented, this research aims to uncover wh

Mitigating and Adapting to Water Shortage: A Case Study of Women Small-scale Farmers in Morogoro, Tanzania

The thesis is a qualitative case study of women small-scale farmers in Morogoro, Tanzania. The research explores how women small-scale farmers experience water shortages, their mitigation and adaptation strategies, and what the implications of these are. The theoretical framework used is intersectional ecofeminism, the gendered division of labour, and the concepts of mitigation and adaptation. Dur

Where Gender Stands: Urban Planning and Gender in Mexican Cities

This text explores the implementation of a gender perspective in urban planning in Mexican cities, emphasising its impact on citizens' lives, services, and public spaces. It aims to assess how cities incorporate gender perspectives in their urban development plans. The study analyses the urban development plans of Mexico's 30 most populated cities and their policies in terms of implementin

Överturism - Existerar det på Gotland? - En kvalitativ studie baserad på aktörers och lokalbefolkningens attityder

Problemdiskussion: Turism är en växande sektor som idag är viktig för flera destinationer. Kombinerat med att den tekniska och digitala utvecklingen, som skapat lättillgängliga och billigare resor vilket har resulterat i en högre efterfrågan, bidrar detta till ett intressant balansproblem där överturism har blivit allt mer diskuterat. Detta fenomenet är väl förekommande på flera europeiska destina

Human and Robot Narrator: How Gestures Affect Comprehension and Recollection

This thesis investigated if a human or a robot narrator affected listeners’ comprehension and memory recollection similarly in a narrative story. 103 participants (MeanAge = 35) were recruited to an online experiment to investigate if gestures affected the participants’ narrative comprehension and recollection more than a narrator that did not produce gestures. Participants were presented with the

The IsoGenie database : An interdisciplinary data management solution for ecosystems biology and environmental research

Modern microbial and ecosystem sciences require diverse interdisciplinary teams that are often challenged in “speaking” to one another due to different languages and data product types. Here we introduce the IsoGenie Database (IsoGenieDB; https://isogenie-db.asc.Ohio-state.edu/), a de novo developed data management and exploration platform, as a solution to this challenge of accurately representin

Den motsägelsefulla lagstiftningen vid häktning av barn

Uppsatsen behandlar de rättsliga regleringar som utgör gällande rätt vid häktning av unga mellan 15-17 år. Syftet för uppsatsen är att utreda om denna reglering är rättssäkert utifrån principen om förutsägbarhet. För att göra detta redovisas regleringen om frihetsberövande generellt, för att vidare begränsas till frihetsberövande genom häktning och sedermera behandla regleringen gällande unga mellThe thesis deals with the legal regulations that constitute the current law on the detention of young people aged 15-17. The purpose for the essay is to investigate whether this regulation is legally secure based on the principle of predictability. In order to do this, the regulation on deprivation of liberty is described in general, then limited to deprivation of liberty by means of detention and

"We are not leaving." Tunisian civil society organisations in the context of democratic backsliding.

Recent decades have seen the emergence of a global trend of democratic backsliding, in which authoritarianism is gaining traction, leading to a weakening of democratic practices, institutions, governance, and norms. Interestingly, this trend is noticeable in Tunisia, which just over a decade ago experienced a political revolution and began a democratisation process in which civil society played a

Sex and gender in infection and immunity : addressing the bottlenecks from basic science to public health and clinical applications

Although sex and gender are recognized as major determinants of health and immunity, their role is rarely considered in clinical practice and public health. We identified six bottlenecks preventing the inclusion of sex and gender considerations from basic science to clinical practice, precision medicine and public health policies. (i) A terminology-related bottleneck, linked to the definitions of

Optimizing First-Order Method Parameters via Differentiation of the Performance Estimation Problem

This thesis treats the problem of finding optimal parameters for first-order optimization methods. In part, we use the Performance Estimation Problem (PEP), a framework for convergence analysis of first-order optimization methods. The fundamental idea of the PEP is to formulate the problem of finding the worst-case convergence rate of a first-order optimization algorithm, as an optimization proble

A Functional Genomic Screen Identifies the Deubiquitinase USP11 as a Novel Transcriptional Regulator of ERα in Breast Cancer

Approximately 70% of breast cancers express estrogen receptor α (ERα) and depend on this key transcriptional regulator for proliferation and differentiation. While patients with this disease can be treated with targeted antiendocrine agents, drug resistance remains a significant issue, with almost half of patients ultimately relapsing. Elucidating the mechanisms that control ERα function may furth