Din sökning på "*" gav 534117 sökträffar
Scalable stability conditions for heterogeneous networks via integral quadratic constraints
Decentralised and scalable conditions for robust stability of networks of heterogenous linear time-invariant (LTI) systems are derived based on integral quadratic constraints. These generalise previous works in the literature with an increased flexibility in the choice of multipliers employed. The results allow for arbitrary interconnection matrices and accommodate multi-input-multi-output systems
Advanced ITO ceramic sputtering tragets and transparent conductive thin films
(Klit-or-is) – konstruktionen av klitoris och kvinnligt begär i 1970-talets kvinnorörelse
ESS-förhandlaren Allan Larsson - Lund har goda chanser
Studies of aerosol particle formation from various sources using ion and electron beam analytical techniques.
The thesis presents the results of studies of aerosol particle formation using ion and electron beam analytical techniques. The sources of aerosol particle formation studied are the following: 1. production of primary aerosol particles in the high Arctic region during summers 2. emission of ultrafine aerosol particles from wear on the road-tire interface 3. emission of aerosol particles from di
New directions in non-porous membrane extraction
Popular Abstract in Swedish Avhandlingen berör membranbaserade tekniker för provupparbetning, vilket enkelt uttryckt innebär att använda membran för att ”skilja agnarna från vetet”. De membran som använts kan designas för att vara selektivt genomsläppliga, d.vs. släppa igenom vissa molekyler och inte andra. Denna selektivitet behöver inte vara baserad på molekylstorlek, tvärtom styrs den mer av moComplex biological and environmental samples require a high degree of selectivity in order to determine components therein. Sensitivity measures, such as analyte pre-concentration are often required for assessing composition quantitatively. Use of membranes and especially non-porous membranes for extraction purposes offers in many cases the desired measure of selectivity and sensitivity for trace
Negation and approximation as configurational construals in SPACE
This article is a window into conceptual space through antonyms, negated antonyms and antonyms modified by degree modifiers. It investigates native speakers’ understanding of negation in combination with BOUNDED antonymic adjectival meanings and also in relation to their interpretations of the approximating degree modifier, ‘almost’ in Swedish. The results of the investigation are compared with a
Locating and extending livelihoods research
Family Policy Paradoxes. Gender Equality and Labour Market regulation in Sweden, 1930-2010
Genetic variation and sexual reproduction in a moss with dwarf males, Homalothecium lutescens
Popular Abstract in Swedish GENETISK VARIATION OCH SEXUELL REPRODUKTION I EN MOSSA MED DVÄRGHANNAR, KALKLOCKMOSSA Mycket små hannar (dvs. dvärghannar) finns i flera olika djurgrupper men inom landväxterna bara hos mossor. Hos mossor uppstår dvärghannarna ifrån hansporer som landar och gror på honskottet där de inte blir större än några millimeter. Sporerna bildas inuti sporkapseln, som växer ut ifDwarf males occur in many unrelated groups of organisms. Among land plants they are unique to mosses. Moss dwarf males originate from male spores that land and germinate on the female where their final size is restricted to a few mm. Fertilization in mosses occur over short distances with swimming spermatozoids. Having the males growing as tiny epiphytes on the females facilitates fertilization, a
Mellan omedvetet och medvetet : om psykoanalys, poetik och livslångt lärande
Simnon : User's Guide for MS-DOS Computers : Version 1.0
Phase separation, aggregation and gelation of a charged helixforming polysaccharide in aqueous salt solution
Popular Abstract in Swedish De senaste åren har jag ägnat åt att undersöka en speciell typ av gelbildare: kappa-carrageenan. Kappa-carrageenan kan användas för att göra gelé men används också i annan mat t.ex. efterrätter och glass, för att ge konsistens. När man vill göra en gel av kappa-carrageenan blandar man ut lite pulver i vatten och kokar sedan upp det hela. När blandningen kyls av kommer dThe phase behaviour and gelation of the anionic polysaccharide kappa-carrageenan (KC) in different salt solutions was studied. The specific site binding of certain anions and certain cations to the KC helix was used as a means of controlling the interactions. In the presence of a binding anion (I-) the charge density of the helix increases and the aggregation of helices, and thereby the gelation,
Analysis of DIGE data using a linear mixed model allowing for protein-specific dye effects
Abstract in UndeterminedDifferential in-gel electrophoresis (DIGE) experiments allow three protein samples to be run per gel. The three samples are labeled with the spectrally resolvable fluorescent dyes, Cy2, Cy3, and Cy5, respectively. Here, we show that protein-specific dye effects exist, and we present a linear mixed model for analysis of DIGE data which takes dye effects into account. A Java
The Process of Change in Patterns of Daily Occupations among Parents of Children with Obesity - Time use, family characteristics and factors related to change
Popular Abstract in English This thesis provides new insights into parents’ patterns of daily occupations. It proceeds from the basis of an occupational perspective on family life, using an occupational lens to understand how, when and where individuals spend their time. In recent decades, lifestyles have changed worldwide and the transition into an increasingly sedentary lifestyles is a major heaThis thesis provides new insights into parents’ patterns of daily occupations. It proceeds from the basis of an occupational perspective on family life, using an occupational lens to understand how, when and where individuals spend their time. In recent decades, lifestyles have changed worldwide and the transition into an increasingly sedentary lifestyles is a major health concern, the origins whi
Setting the agenda
Gudarnas föda och svart guld: Teknik, fetischism och exploatering i andinsk och europeisk civilisation
Religion and nationalism : meeting points, conflicts and challenges
The Importance of Taste for Food Demand and the Experienced Taste Effect of Healthy Labels - An experiment on potato chips and bread
This paper quantitatively analyzes the importance of taste versus health in food demand, as well as the effect on consumers’ experienced taste of the non-intrinsic value of healthy labels. Our analysis is based on taste experiments and Vickrey second price auctions on potato chips and bread. Our findings imply a large positive effect on demand for potato chips from higher taste scores: when consum