Din sökning på "*" gav 533107 sökträffar
An MPSoCs demonstrator for fault injection and fault handling in an IEEE P1687 environment
Replication as a strategy for retail internationalization - challenges to knowledge sharing: A case study of IKEA
Fem i tolv - kan konstmusiken räddas?
Syftet med projektet som ingår i Projekt K på Institutionen för kulturvetenskaper vid Universitetet i Lund är att undersöka det "konstmusikens krisläge" som allt oftare och allt hårdare betonas av aktörerna på det konstmusikaliska fältet. Har konstmusiken möjligheter att leva vidare och hur förhåller sig i så fall dessa möjligheter till begrepp som kunskap och hållbar utveckling? Målet är att göra
Lexical diversity in referential communication dialogues. A comparison between teenagers with CI and teenagers with normal hearing.
"World Culture" with Chinese Characteristics: Continuities in Chinese Appropriations of Global Educational Models and Ideas
Presentation av forskningsprogrammet ”Det tidiga klosterväsendet och det antika bildningsidealet”
Developing m-Services; lesson learned from a developers Perspective
eHealth services, patient empowerment and professional accountability - An empirical study on the changing patient-doctor relationship in the digital world
In Sweden, as in many other European countries, government and public agencies have promoted the expansion of eHealth over the past years, arguing that this development enhances patient participation, empowerment and cost efficiency. The development is part of a more comprehensive movement, emphasizing patient’s rights including options to make far reaching decisions concerning the patient’s own c
Stilutvecklingen i svensk litteratur 1600-1760 : En kvantitativ undersökning av epokstilar, genrestilar och författarstilar
Vetenskapsmannen som hjälte: Thore Frängsmyr
Preliminary notes on the phonology, orthography and vocabulary of Semnam (Austroasiatic, Malay Peninsula)
This paper reports tentatively some features of Semnam, a Central Aslian language spoken by some 250 people in the Perak valley, Peninsular Malaysia. It outlines the unusually rich phonemic system of this hitherto undescribed language (e.g. a vowel system comprising 36 distinctive nuclei), and proposes a practical orthography for it. It also includes the c. 1,250- item wordlist on which the analys
Eidola : Gender and Nation in the Writings of Penelope Delta (1874-1941)
Penelope Delta was a writer of books for children in the beginning of the twentieth century in Greece. Delta was active when the national project was at its peak. Delta's own participation in the national project consisted of writing for children in a vernacular language and belonging to a group of intellectuals actively promoting modernization in other aspects than only political and technologica
Optical theorem and forward scattering sum rule for periodic structures
Based on energy conservation, an optical theorem is constructed for a slab having an arbitrary periodic microstructure in a plane. A sum rule for low pass structures is derived using analytic properties of Herglotz functions based on causality and passivity. The sum rule relates the extinction cross section to the static polarizability per unit cell, and quantifies the interaction between the slab
The structure of the semenogelin gene locus--nucleotide sequence of the intergenic and the flanking DNA
The sequence of 15.7 kb from the human semenogelin gene locus has been determined. Together with previously published sequences, this gives the structure of a 28-kb region encompassing the two semenogelin genes. The two transcription units are separated by 11616 bp intergenic DNA comprising more than 40% repetitive DNA sequences, predominantly located to a 4-kb block of L1 and Alu repeats. Two mor
Industrious migrants: Women’s and men’s mobility and earnings in Swedish manufacturing at the turn of the century
Transnational mobility of higher education within Asia
Generation of synthesis gas for fuels and chemicals production
Popular Abstract in Swedish Dagens samhälle är mycket beroende av fordonsbränslen och kemikalier som producerats av råolja. Framtidens tillgång på råolja är oviss, det enda som är säkert är att det är en ändlig resurs. Användningen av olja bidrar dessutom till koldioxidutsläpp till atmosfären. För att säkra framtida tillförsel av energi och kemikalier till samhället och för att uppnå ett mer klimaMany scientists believe that the oil production will peak in the near future, if the peak has not already occurred. Peak oil theories and uncertain future oil deliveries have stimulated interest in alternative sources of fuel and chemicals. This interest has been enhanced by concerns about energy security and about the climate change caused by emissions of carbon dioxide. The result has been incre
Low Power Unrolled CORDIC Architectures
This paper shows a novel methodology to improve unrolled CORDIC architectures. The methodology is based on removing adder stages starting from the first stage. As an example, a 19-stage CORDIC is used but the methodology is applicable on CORDICs with an arbitrary number of stages. The CORDIC is implemented, simulated, and synthesized into hardware. In the paper, the performance is shown to be incr