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Recension av : Christina G. Wistman. Manifestation och avancemang: Eugen: konstnär konstsamlare, mecenat och prins
Delaktighet med förhinder. Vardagsetiska perspektiv i habilitering.
Social inclusion has become a central value for the country council’s habilitation activities. Habilitation should in this way not only focus on the individual’s development, but also give the individual an opportunity to participate in community life. Hereby has the care gone from controlling the individual to a perspective that is giving the individual possibilities to live an independent life.
På drift i tid och rum? Om informationspotentialen i komposita dokumentationsmaterial.
Seed predators in south Swedish deciduous woods: a field experiment
Seeds from oak, horse chestnut, hawthorn, and sloe were exposed to seed predation during one week in autumn and over winter (for 6 months) in two different years. Three different exposure treatments were used and designed to exclude (1) small mammals and birds or (2) birds or (3) none. Insects and slugs had access to all exposures. 16 replicate experiments were set up in different deciduous woods
Endovascular Repair of Abdominal Aortic Aneurysms. Aspects on a Novel Technique
A new concept of treating abdominal aortic aneurysms was studied during a three-year period. Instead of open repair, graft insertion was accomplished endovascularly from the groins. The graft was attached by expandable stents to the non-dilated infrarenal aorta, i.e. the aneurysmal neck, and to the iliac artery/ies. Pre- and postoperative work-up included CT-scanning, angiography and ultrasonograp
Hemlösa barn och ojämlikhet i hälsa: En redogörelse för forskningsläget
Altered consciousness is a many splendored thing
Abstract in UndeterminedContrary to the notion that altering our ordinary state of consciousness necessarily produces delusional beliefs and is generally deleterious, various findings in psychology and other disciplines suggest that 1) the ordinary state of consciousness does not provide an accurate mapping of reality and 2) alterations of consciousness can have various positive functions. Among t
'Se til venstre, der er en svensker.' Identiteter över Öresundsbron
Heat induced aggregation of b-lactoglobulin studied by dynamic light scattering
The in situ heat-induced aggregation of commercial β-lactoglobulin as such, or after further purification, was followed to a z-average hydrodynamic diameter of 15–20 nm at 59–63 °C by dynamic light scattering. In this temperature range, measurable increase of hydrodynamic diameter occurred after an apparent lag period, which was strongly dependent on heating temperature, pH and initial protein con
Social intuitionists reason, in conversation.
Augmented Heat Transfer Of An Internal Blade Tip Wall With Pin-Fins
The heat transferred to the turbine blade is substantially increased as the turbine inlet temperature is increased. Cooling methods are therefore much needed for the turbine blades to ensure a long durability and safe operation. The blade tip region is exposed to the hot gas flows. A common way to cool the tip is to use serpentine passages with 180-deg turn under the blade tip cap taking advantage
Observer-Based Impedance Control in Robotics
This paper presents theoretical and experimental results on observer-based impedance control. Impedance control is a technique for robot force control, which is often used to deal with geometric uncertainty. The aim of this technique is to obtain a dynamic relation between position and force in interaction similar to Newton's second law. Here the velocity is used to modify the damping of the imped
Scandoromani : Remnants of a mixed language
Scandoromani: Remnants of a Mixed Language is the first, comprehensive, international description of the language of the Swedish and Norwegian Romano, also labeled resande/reisende. The language, an official minority language in Sweden and Norway, has a history in Scandinavia going back to the early 16th century. A mixed language of Romani and Scandinavian, it is spoken today by a vanishingly smal
Design: category formation, prototypicality and (aesthetic) preference
The Topography of Nationalism in Turkey: Actors, Discourses and the Struggle for Hegemony
Non-Discrimination as a social and a free market value
Kulturarv - alltid en tillgång?
Vinterväghållning i Lunds tätort. Lokalklimatologiska mätningar.Appendix 1 till Bulletin 2 1989 (Vägklimatologiska mätningar)
Peptide-tagged proteins in aqueous two-phase systems
Popular Abstract in Swedish När en dressing tillreds används ofta olja, vinäger och kryddor. Även om dressingen skakas ordentligt kommer den efter ett tag att dela upp sig i två lösningar, en med olja och en med vinäger. Ett tvåfassystem har bildats där kryddorna fördelar sig mellan olje- och vinägerfasen. Inom biokemiforskning används tvåfassystem av vatten och polymerer. Polymerer är stora molekThis thesis deals with proteins containing peptide tags for improved partitioning in aqueous two-phase systems. Qualitatively the peptide-tagged protein partitioning could be predicted from peptide data, i.e. partitioning trends found for peptides were also found for the peptide-tagged proteins. However, full effect of the tag as expected from peptide partitioning was not found in the tagged prote