

Din sökning på "*" gav 533093 sökträffar

Crime & Authority: State Actors’ Protection - A Study on the Correlation Between Functional Immunity and Rules on Obedience to Orders

Funktionsimmunitet innebär att en person som begått en brottslig gärning i en annan stat, men på uppdrag av hemstaten, blir immun mot straffrättsligt an-svar. Ett kontemporärt problem på området är dock att kretsen individer som kan erhålla funktionsimmunitet är oklar. I detta examensarbete studeras frågan i vilken utsträckning indi-vider kan undgå straffansvar för gärningar begångna å statens väFunctional immunity shields individuals from criminal responsibility when they commit a criminal act in a foreign state, on behalf of their home state. However, a prevailing issue in this domain is the ambiguity surrounding the scope of individuals that are eligible for functional immunity. This thesis examines the extent to which individuals can evade criminal responsibility for acts perpetrated

Digitala undervisningsverktyg i programmering - En kvalitativ intervjustudie över svenska mellanstadielärares val och användande av system

En kvalitativ intervjustudie som undersöker vilka faktorer som påverkar mellanstadielärares val och användning av informationssystem för undervisning i programmering. Studien finner att underlättande förhållanden, såsom tillgång till hjälp och fortbildning, samt lärarens eget intresse, är de mest framträdande faktorerna i valet av system. Dessa förhållanden är emellertid ofta bristfälliga, vilket

Cloning and expressing the genes encoding Glycerol dehydratase (GDHt) and 1,3-Propanediol dehydrogenase (1,3-PDDH) in E. coli

The biodiesel sector has witnessed tremendous growth in recent years, leading to a significant increase in glycerol production as a by-product. Addressing the challenge of glycerol valorization is crucial for the sustainability of the biodiesel industry. One promising solution is the conversion of glycerol into more valuable chemicals, such as 1,3-propanediol (1,3-PDO). Microorganisms offer severa

Liquid crystalline assemblies of ordered gold nanorods

Gold nanorods have been prepared in aqueous solution using a seed-mediated growth approach in the presence of surfactant. We observe the formation of liquid crystalline phases in concentrated solutions of high aspect ratio (13-18) gold nanorods by polarizing microscopy, transmission electron microscopy, and small angle x-ray scattering. These phases, which are stable up to 200°C, exhibit concentra

Hur fungerar systemet med indexreglerade hyresavtal i en höginflationsmiljö?

Under det senaste året har indexreglerad hyra diskuterats intensivt i media. Hyresgäster är upprörda över stora hyresökningar samtidigt som fastighetsägare drabbas av ökade kostnader. Syftet med studien är att studera hur väl systemet för indexreglerade lokalhyresavtal fungerar i en höginflationsmiljö. Frågeställningar som besvaras i rapporten är: 1. Vad ser parterna för fördelar och nackdelar mDuring the last year, index-regulated rent has been intensively discussed in the media. Tenants are upset about large rent increases at the same time as property owners suffer from increased costs. This paper aims to study how well the system for index-regulated rental leases works during high inflation. The questions that will be answered in the report are: 1. What do the parties see as advantag

Utökad medborgardialog, hiss eller diss? - Planerares syn på utökad medborgardialog i översiktsplaneringen.

Citizen dialogue is something that within planning is advocate now today. It helps planners to gain valuable information about place and space but it also strengthens democracy. The literature often presents perspectives based on what is important to think of within planning, e. g. social justice and inclusion, but little about planner’s actual workload and capabilities. The purpose of this thesis

Artificial Intelligence Adoption in Software Development, A Qualitative Study on Developers’ Views

The sustained continued rapid evolution of Artificial Intelligence (AI) has revolutionised various sectors, including software development. This qualitative study employs a thematic analysis approach to investigate the views of individuals participating professionally and personally in software development, focusing on the adoption of Artificial Intelligence (AI) technologies in the field. The res

The Causes of Digital Divide in Nigeria: The Context of the Nigerian Law Reform Commission

Digital divide is the gap between individuals who have access to and can use the internet and ICT devices and those who do not. In this thesis, factors such as income, education, positional categories, electrical power supply, digital literacy etc. are identified as contributors to the cause of digital divide in Nigeria. The quantitative research method was adopted in order to measure those variab

Moving up the ladder: a mixed-method case study of barriers to gender diversity in leadership pipelines

The underrepresentation of women in management has been extensively studied over the years. Although research proves the many benefits of gender-diverse teams, and many initiatives have been introduced to promote them, this still remains an issue today. This paper was conducted as a case study, allowing the authors to explore an unique setting within an multinational organization, exploring and id

Eco-Innovation in the Scandinavian and Finnish Furniture Industry: Investigating Drivers, Barriers and The Role of Company Age and Size

Thesis Purpose: This study explores the major drivers and barriers to eco-innovation in Scandinavian and Finnish furniture companies, examining the influence of company size and age. The findings benefit stakeholders including businesses, policymakers, professionals, investors, and consumers. Theoretical Perspective: This study’s theoretical framework was developed through an exploration of eco-in

Assessing the market possibilities and productization of ambulatory ECG-devices in the Business to Consumer space

There is currently a shift in the healthcare sector moving towards remote monitoring, meaning that monitoring of diseases and other issues is moving out of hospitals and into people's homes with the use of medical technology. One of the fastest-growing at-home monitoring solutions is the ECG device, especially due to the fact that cardiovascular diseases are the leading cause of death worldwid

"Vem ska ansvara för det här?" - En internkomparativ uppsats om värdekedjor i EU-rätten

Inom ekonomin har begreppet värdekedja funnits sedan 1985 då det myntades av Michael E. Porter, professor vid Harvard Business School. Porter använde värdekedjekonstruktionen för att förklara värdeskapande aktiviteter inom företag där varje aktivitet utgör en viktig länk i en större kedja som skapar värde och konkurrensfördelar för företagen. Genom att ha översikt över sin värdekedja kan varje förValue chains have been an established concept in economics and business since 1985 when it was coined by Professor Michael E. Porter. Porter used value chains to explain value creating activities within companies where each activity is an important link in a larger chain which generates value and competitive advantages for companies. By overviewing its value chain, each company can streamline and

Human Analysts’ Perceptions towards AI-based Solutions in Cyber Security: A Qualitative Study

Artificial intelligence is transforming the technology landscape. As the complexity of cyber threats continues to increase, organisations are increasingly turning to AI-based cybersecurity solutions to enhance their threat detection and response capabilities. This paper aims to answer two research questions. First, what are human analysts' perceptions on the potential benefits and limitations

Production of 5-ketogluconic acid using recombinant strains of Gluconobacter oxydans

5-Keto-D-gluconic acid (5-KGA) is a valuable compound that has a wide range of applications in the chemical and food industries and is commonly used as a precursor for manufacturing tartaric acid (TA). Industrial production of 5-KGA through chemical approaches was practiced in the early 1920’s and was dropped immediately due to several drawbacks because of its complicated process that resulted in

Characterization of the structure of mesoporous thin films grown at the air/water interface using X-ray surface techniques

Grazing incidence X-ray diffraction (GIKD) and X-ray reflectivity have been used in situ to study the structure of surfactant-templated silica films grown at the air/water interface at different depths in the film. The results confirm that cylindrical silica-encased surfactant micelles are predominantly organized into a two-dimensional hexagonal structure, with the long axis parallel to the surfac

Renovering utan renovräkning? En fallstudie av hur ett fastighetsbolag arbetat med renovering och hyreshöjning i miljonprogramsområdet Lindängen

The houses from the million homes program are in severe need of renovation. A problem that arises when housing companies renovate are extreme rent increases. In many instances it exceeds the tenants’ payment ability. Resulting in a renoviction process where the tenant has no choice but to move. This study aims to examine how the housing company Fastigheter AB Trianon has worked with these necessar

Kyliga lösningar för varma städer

Against the backdrop of anticipated increases in both the frequency and severity of heatwaves, this study examines how the municipalities of Malmö and Trelleborg consider future temperature rises. Consequently, the aim of this study has been to explore how heat is perceived as a potential risk in the urban development projects of Nyhamnen and Sjöstaden, and to investigate how the municipalities’ i

Bridging the Lacuna: Enhancing Victim Protection through the Extra-Territorial Applicability of the European Convention during the Active Phase of Hostilities

This thesis argues that the European Convention on Human Rights should apply extra-territorially during the active phase of hostilities to protect victims of the armed conflict. In this regard, three main issues are discussed separately. Firstly, the applicability of the Convention in the hostilities and norm conflict with International Humanitarian Law. Secondly, the issue of extraterritoriality.

Sports Clubs’ Role in City Branding - What do they actually do?

In today’s city branding field, a gap exists between research and practice. A gap made more evident since the field has moved to prefer a participative approach, where stakeholders are more acknowledged as an important part of the city branding process, illustrating the little knowledge of stakeholders’ own practices. This study undertakes a mission of moving forward in the research field by shedd