

Din sökning på "*" gav 533093 sökträffar

Separation of lignosulfonate lignin into antibacterial lignin oligomer fractions

Introduction: Antibiotic resistance is rising globally, increasing the demand on new antibacterial substances. Background: Studies suggest that lignin exhibits antibacterial properties, however this property is unexploited commercially. The valorization of lignin is difficult due to its complex and variable structure. Aims: This study aims therefore to fractionate lignosulfonate lignin (LSL) into

EU som lagstiftare inom den sociala dimensionen - one size fits all? Samspel och motsättningar mellan den svenska modellen och EU-rätten

Den svenska modellen kännetecknas av arbetsmarknadens parters autonomi som en långvarig tradition. Detta innebär att parterna själva i mångt och mycket är lagstiftare, domare och processförare där staten har en låg grad av inblandning. Denna modell har emellertid flera gånger utmanats sedan Sveriges inträde i Europeiska unionen år 1994 då Sverige fäste stor vikt vid värnandet av den svenska modellThe Swedish model is characterized by the autonomy of social partners as a long withstanding tradition. This means that the social partners act as legislators, judges, and litigators with a low degree of governmental interference. This model has, however, been challenged several times since Sweden’s accession to the European Union in 1994 where Sweden reiterated the importance of defending the Swe

Strategier i lågkonjunktur - En studie om hur bygg- och fastighetssektorn bemöter marknadsförändringar

Strategier i en lågkonjunktur - Hur bygg- och fastighetssektorn bemöter marknadsförändringar Av: Camilla Lindbäck och Victoria Heisterkamp Pausade byggprojekt, varsel och svagare köpkraft är exempel på faktorer som signalerar en lågkonjunktur i bygg- och fastighetssektorn idag. Vilket strategiarbete krävs för att dämpa verksamhetsförluster? Och vilka konsekvenser får detta på samhällsutvecklingenThe construction and real estate sector have been operating in a prosperous environment for a long time, enabling high production and turnover. However, the economic situation has been strongly impacted by the Covid-19 pandemic and Russia's invasion of Ukraine in Q4 2022, resulting in a recession that is expected to last for several years. Historically, economic crises have led to decreased ho

Charting fossil fuel investment protection in the EU beyond the Energy Charter Treaty

Det folkrättsliga skyddet för utländska direktinvesteringar utgörs av ett lapptäcke av multi- och bilaterala investeringsavtal. Internationella investeringsavtal kritiseras regelbundet för det skydd de ger bland annat investerare i fossila bränslen och för att de begränsar staters frihet att reglera verksamheter för allmänna intressen. Detta uppges sätta hinder för den gröna omställningen. Energy Under international law, foreign direct investments are protected by a patchwork of bilateral or multilateral investment treaties. International investment agreements have been criticised for protecting foreign direct fossil fuel investments and limiting the regulatory space of host states, thus creating obstacles for a green transition. At the time of writing, the European Union and its member st

Medvetenhet och utbildning i informationssäkerhet: En analys av hur internutbildning och medvetenhet kan stärka en organisations säkerhet.

Syftet med denna undersökning är att utforska hur medvetenhet och internutbildning påverkar hur anställda arbetar med informationssäkerhet i en organisation inom fordonsindustrin. Genom en litteraturgenomgång lades en teoretisk grund där faktorer som ökad medvetenhet och utbildning definieras. Studien genomfördes genom semistrukturerade intervjuer för att samla in data från anställda inom organisa

Roles of TGF-β signals in tumor microenvironment via regulation of the formation and plasticity of vascular system

Tumor cells evolve in tumor microenvironment composed of multiple cell types. Among these, endothelial cells (ECs) are the major players in tumor angiogenesis, which is a driver of tumor progression and metastasis. Increasing evidence suggests that ECs also contribute to tumor progression and metastasis as they modify their phenotypes to differentiate into mesenchymal cells through a process known

Carbon dioxide flooding to reduce postoperative neurological injury following surgery for acute type A aortic dissection : a prospective, randomised, blinded, controlled clinical trial, CARTA study protocol - objectives and design

INTRODUCTION: Neurological complications after surgery for acute type A aortic dissection (ATAAD) increase patient morbidity and mortality. Carbon dioxide flooding is commonly used in open-heart surgery to reduce the risk of air embolism and neurological impairment, but it has not been evaluated in the setting of ATAAD surgery. This report describes the objectives and design of the CARTA trial, in

Incorporation of sparingly soluble species in mesostructured surfactant-polymer films

Recently we have investigated the formation of novel thick, solid, mesostructured films of polymer/surfactant mixtures which form spontaneously at the air-solution interface. Here we report studies of the effect of adding a series of sparingly soluble species to the precursor solution, to alter the mesostructure of cetyltrimethylammonium bromide/polyethylenimine films and to investigate the incorp

”Det skedde en förändring som faktiskt blev en del av mig”: Patientperspektiv på den terapeutiska förändringsprocessen vid PFPP hos patienter med personlighetssyndrom, kluster C

Studiens syfte var att undersöka hur förändringsprocessen upplevs vid panikfokuserad psykodynamisk korttidsterapi vid komorbid personlighetssyndrom, kluster C. Studiens urval bestod av 16 deltagare från forskningsprojektet POSE som uppfyllde kriterier för personlighetssyndrom, kluster C. Data analyserades utifrån tematisk analys och genererade tre huvudteman: Ovisshet, Den terapeutiska fristaden oThe aim of this study was to examine the subjective experience of the process of change, in the context of panic-focused psychodynamic short-term psychotherapy with comorbid personality disorder, cluster C. The sample consisted of 16 participants meeting criteria for personality disorder, cluster C. The participants constituted a subsample of the research project POSE. Data was analyzed using them

The pursuit of a sustainable energy culture at Taplow Court : A space of faith where British heritage and Japanese Buddhism coincide

As efforts to decarbonise energy systems have failed, attention turns to addressing disproportionate energy consumption through behavioural adjustments. Given the influence of religion on worldviews and behaviour, this thesis inductively and intimately examines the energy-related practises of the UK headquarters of the Buddhist organisation Soka Gakkai International. In its ethnographic approach,

Advokaters plikt i skatterättslig konflikt? - En studie om advokaters rapporteringsplikt av skatterättsliga arrangemang och regleringens förhållande till upprätthållandet av tystnadsplikten

Med två motstående skyldigheter som utgångspunkt syftar uppsatsen till att utreda hur införlivandet av rapporteringsskyldigheten av skatterättsliga arrangemang i DAC6 och dess begränsning avseende advokater förhåller sig till yrkesgruppens tystnadsplikt. Därutöver diskuteras hur nämnda påverkas av avgörande C-694/20 Orde van Vlaamse Balies m.fl. som utökat den EU-rättsliga LPP genom att fastställaBased on two conflicting obligations, the essay investigates how implementing the reporting obligation for tax arrangements (DAC6) and its limitation concerning lawyers relates to the duty of confidentiality. Additionally, the paper discusses how these aspects are influenced by the judgment of the Grand Chamber, C-694/20 Orde van Vlaamse Balies, which extended the EU legal professional privilege (

Layer-by-layer deposition of open-pore mesoporous TiO 2- Nafion® film electrodes

The formation of variable thickness TiO 2 nanoparticle- Nafion® composite films with open pores is demonstrated via a layer-by-layer deposition process. Films of about 6 nm diameter TiO 2 nanoparticles grow in the presence of Nafion® by "clustering" of nanoparticles into bigger aggregates, and the resulting hierarchical structure thickens with about 25 nm per deposition cycle. Film growth is chara

Nanoscum : Solid nanostructured films at the air-water interface

The formation of solid films at the air-solution interface is a common phenomenon, however, these films have largely not been explored from a materials point of view. In solutions containing inorganic species with surfactants these films, which can be several microns thick, have a highly organised nanoscale structure aligned with respect to the interface. More recently similar polyelectrolyte-surf

Energigemenskap – olika modeller för att äga förnybar energi gemensamt

När medborgare vill gå samman och äga och producera energi gemensamt finns det olika sätt att organisera det på. I den här community briefen presenterar vi fem olika modeller av energigemenskaper. Modellerna baseras på en analys av 12 existerande solenergigemenskaper i Sverige. Genom att presentera de olika modellerna för delat ägande av förnybar energi hoppas vi kunna inspirera fler att etablera

Disability Discomfort in Development : Unveiling Ableism and Disablism within Swedish Development Cooperation

Persons with disabilities have long been overlooked and forgotten in the context of international development cooperation with less than five percent of official development aid targeting disability-related issues. Too often development agencies and organizations claim to have limited expertise related to disability, lack funds to support disability issues and pivot the responsibility of upholding

Bridging The Gap Between Theory And Practice In Affordable Housing : A Case of Naya Pakistan Housing Program, Punjab

Housing market in Punjab faces number of challenges related to supply, population growth, access to utilities, affordability, and consumer mortgages. In 2017, Punjab, Pakistan, experienced a total urban housing deficit of about 2.3 million units. Due to the Punjab's low supply of affordable housing, home ownership is uneven, with the majority of owners being concentrated in the highest-income