

Din sökning på "*" gav 534707 sökträffar

A kinetic model for quantitative evaluation of the effect of hydrogen and osmolarity on hydrogen production by Caldicellulosiruptor saccharolyticus

Background: Caldicellulosiruptor saccharolyticus has attracted increased interest as an industrial hydrogen (H2)producer. The aim of the present study was to develop a kinetic growth model for this extreme thermophile. The model is based on Monod kinetics supplemented with the inhibitory effects of H2 and osmotic pressure, as well as the liquid-to-gas mass transfer of H2. Results: Mathematical exp

Tidskrift för genusvetenskap

En redogörelse för hur Kvinnovetenskaplig tidskrift bytte namn till Tidskrift för genusvetenskap när Cristine Sarrimo och Monika Edgren var redaktörer för tidskriften. I artikeln återges hur redaktionen resonerade kring namnbytet utifrån det genusvetenskapliga fältets förändring från ett tidigare fokus på kvinnor till ett breddat genusbegrepp.

Forming performance of liquid board packages; corner fold development

The development of corner folds in liquid board packages is sometimes observed in the forming section during package forming. In this work the problem is approached by the use of FE simulations. It is concluded that corner folds can be triggered in the simulations for a specific set of material properties and forming machine parameters.

Recognizing phrase and utterance as prosodic units in non-tonal dialects of Kammu

This paper presents a study of prosodic phras-ing in a non-tonal dialect of Kammu, a Mon-Khmer language spoken in Northern Laos. Prosodic phrasing is seen as correlated with syntactic and informational structures, and the description is made referring to these two lev-els. The material investigated comprises sen-tences of different lengths and syntactic struc-tures, uttered by seven male speakers.

Development of low affinity techniques for applications in clinical chemistry

Popular Abstract in Swedish I vår kropp pågår ständigt interaktioner mellan olika molekyler. Det är dessa interaktioner som styr hur vi mår och vad som händer i kroppen. Många av dessa interaktioner är svaga, vilket gör att det krävs många sådana interaktioner samtidigt för att uppnå effekt. Svaga interaktioner är snabba och reversibla, vilket betyder att kroppen snabbt kan anpassa sig efter nya fAn increase in the plasma level of creatine kinase MB (CKMB) has long been used to indicate acute myocardial infarction (AMI). For optimal treatment an early diagnosis is important. An increase in the ratio between the two isoforms of CKMB is seen much earlier than an increase in the total level of CKMB. One possible method for separating these isoforms could be weak affinity chromatography (WAC).

Visual Tracking of Box Jellyfish: A Real-Time Motion Tracking System

In this chapter a system for tracking the motion of box jellyfish Tripedalia cystophora in a special test setup is investigated. The goal is to measure the motor response of the animal given certain visual stimuli. The approach is based on tracking the special sensory structures - the rhopalia - of the box jellyfish from high-speed video sequences. The focus has been on a real-time system with sim

Irradiation of members of the general public from radioactive caesium following the Chernobyl reactor accident. Field studies in a highly contaminated area in the Bryansk region, Russia.

Popular Abstract in Swedish Bestrålning av allmänheten från radioaktivt cesium efter Tjernobylolyckan. Fältstudier i ett högkontaminerat område i Bryanskregionen i Ryssland. Olyckan i kärnkraftverket i Tjernobyl i Ukraina 1986 orsakade att stora delar av Europa kontaminerades med radioaktiva ämnen, varav 137Cs är det som fortfarande finns kvar pga sin långa halveringstid (30.2 år). BryanskområdetFrom 1990 to 1998, estimations of the effective dose from external as well as internal irradiation from 137Cs and 134Cs were carried out for inhabitants in rural villages in the Bryansk region, Russia, highly contaminated due to the Chernobyl accident in 1986. The villages were situated about 180 km from the Chernobyl power plant and the deposition of 137Cs was in the range 0.9-2.7 MBq m-2. Yearly

Moral Reality. A Defence of Moral Realism

The main aim of this thesis is to defend moral realism. In chapter 1, I argue that moral realism is best understood as the view that (1) moral sentences have truth-value (cognitivism), (2) there are moral properties that make some moral sentences true (success-theory), and (3) moral properties are not reducible to non-moral properties (non-reductionism). Realism is contrasted with non-cognitivism,

A Crystallographic Study of Platinum(II) Complexes

Single crystal structural data have been used to estimate the influence of the X, Y and Z ligands on the Pt‹L bond length in [PtLXYZ] complexes, i.e. the ground state cis- and trans-influence. Cl or S were selected as indicator ligands, L, for these studies. Ligands with soft donor atoms, such as sulfur, carbon and silicon have been used to study their trans-influence on halides. The effects of ex