Din sökning på "*" gav 532880 sökträffar
Use of moist oral snuff (snus) and pancreatic cancer : Pooled analysis of nine prospective observational studies
While smoking is a well-established risk factor for pancreatic cancer, the effect of smokeless tobacco is less well understood. We used pooled individual data from the Swedish Collaboration on Health Effects of Snus Use to assess the association between Swedish snus use and the risk of pancreatic cancer. A total of 424,152 male participants from nine cohort studies were followed up for risk of pan
Paralympic sports medicine
Today, there is an increased realization that engaging with Paralympic athletes offers the chance for healthcare professionals to work at the intersection of rehabilitation with sports and exercise medicine. The study of both injury and illness epidemiology in Paralympic sport is important, as findings may assist in the formulation of prevention strategies. A model for the systematic development o
Evidence-based interventions involving occupational therapists are needed in re-ablement for older community-living people : A systematic review
Introduction Re-ablement services are in a period of strong development, but the terms and definitions used remain unclear, and the scientific evidence is still weak. The aim of this systematic review was to obtain an overview of the scientific literature in this evolving research area, and investigate whether there is scientific evidence for positive effects of re-ablement services for older comm
Sekulär stagnation – vad är det, finns det och hur påverkar det penningpolitiken?
Världsekonomin har kämpat i motvind under en längre tid. Trots expansiv penningpolitik är den genomsnittliga tillväxttakten lägre än tidigare. Finanskrisen 2008 och dess inverkan på ekonomin är en del av förklaringen, men den kan inte förklara allt. Trenden i tillväxten har pekat nedåt sedan slutet av 1990-talet.
Resilience in the European Union: the effect of the 2008 crisis on the ability of regions in Europe to develop new industrial specializations
This article adopts an evolutionary framework to the study of industrial resilience. We present a study on European regions and assess the extent to which the capacity of their economies to develop new industrial specializations is affected by the global economic crisis of 2008. We compare levels of industry entry in European regions in the period 2004–2008 and 2008–2012, i.e. before and after a m
Simulation of the dynamics of primary immunodeficiencies in CD4+ T-cells
Primary immunodeficiencies (PIDs) form a large and heterogeneous group of mainly rare disorders that affect the immune system. T-cell deficiencies account for about one-Tenth of PIDs, most of them being monogenic. Apart from genetic and clinical information, lots of other data are available for PID proteins and genes, including functions and interactions. Thus, it is possible to perform systems bi
Transmission of stress-induced learning impairment and associated brain gene expression from parents to offspring in chickens
Background. Stress influences many aspects of animal behaviour and is a major factor driving populations to adapt to Changing living conditions, such as during domestication. Stress can affect offspring through non-genetic mechanisms, but recent research indicates that inherited epigenetic modifications of the genome could possibly also be involved. Methodology/Principal Findings. Red junglefowl (
Fetal hyperglycemia changes human preadipocyte function in adult life
Context: Offspring of women with gestational diabetes (O-GDM) or type 1 diabetes mellitus (O-T1DM) have been exposed to hyperglycemia in utero and have an increased risk of developing metabolic disease in adulthood. Design: In total, we recruited 206 adult offspring comprising the two fetal hyperglycemic groups, O-GDM and O-T1DM, and, as a control group, offspring from the background population (O
Liver function in alpha-1-antitrypsin deficient individuals at 37 to 40 years of age
Severe alpha-1-antitrypsin (AAT) deficiency (PiZZ) is a risk factor for liver disease, but the prevalence of liver cirrhosis and hepatocellular cancer in PiZZ adults is unknown. The risk of liver disease in adults with moderate AAT deficiency (PiSZ) is also unknown. A cohort of 127 PiZZ, 2 PiZnull, 54 PiSZ, and 1 PiSnull individuals were identified by the Swedish national neonatal AAT screening pr
RIFM fragrance ingredient safety assessment, 1-cyclohexylethyl butyrate, CAS Registry Number 63449-88-7
For a Fallible and Loveable Marx : Some Thoughts on the Latest Book by Foster and Burkett
Avifauna trends following changes in a Mediterranean upland pastoral system
Understanding the relationships between biodiversity and land-use is a key element for the development of effective conservation strategies. We studied a mid-altitude steppe-like area of Southern France, the Causse de Sauveterre, that has been grazed for many centuries. The decrease of human population during the 20th century, particularly since the end of 2nd World War, and the ongoing changes in
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Recension av Gerhard Ring & Line Olsen-Ring, Einführung in das skandinavische Recht
Staten som monster: : Gustav Cassels och Eli F Heckschers syn på statens roll och tillväxt
Element 115
Element 115 är arbetsnamnet för det grundämne som karaktäriseras av att atomer av ämnet har 115 protoner i sin atomkärna. Protoner är positivt laddade kärnpartiklar och är ansvariga för att atomkärnor omges av lika många negativt laddade elektroner för att bilda fullvärdiga neutrala atomer. Olika grundämnen -- såsom guld, syre och tellur -- kännetecknas av att atomerna har olika många protoner, ocThis thesis is devoted to detailed studies of element 115 decay chains using the highly efficient multi-coincidence alpha, electron, gamma and X-ray detector setup TASISpec at the gas-filled separator TASCA at GSI, Darmstadt, Germany. In a three-week long experiment thirty new decay chains assumed to stem from element 115 isotopes were observed together with the very first detections of gamma rays
Infrared cameras in science education
Infrared cameras can be used in science education. The technology suits open-ended thermodynamics laboratory exercises in higher education. School children engage in instant inquiry of thermal phenomena.
Desalination and Power Plant, Project for Gaza and Sinai
Risk of Abdominal Surgery in Pregnancy Among Women Who Have Undergone Bariatric Surgery
OBJECTIVE:: To compare the rates of abdominal surgery during pregnancy among women with previous bariatric surgery (women in the case group) and women with first-trimester body mass index (BMI) greater than 35 and no previous bariatric surgery (women in the control group). METHODS:: We conducted a national cohort study, merging data from the Swedish Medical Birth Registry and the Swedish National