

Din sökning på "*" gav 533890 sökträffar

Patients' statements and experiences concerning receiving mechanical ventilation : A Prospective Video-Recorded Study

Prospective studies using video-recordings of patients during mechanical ventilator treatment (MVT) while conscious have not previously been published. The aim was to describe patients' statements, communication and facial expressions during a video-recorded interview while undergoing MVT. Content analysis and hermeneutics inspired by the philosophy of Gadamer were used. The patients experienced a

Foraging on the wing for fish while migrating over changing landscapes : traveling behaviors vary with available aquatic habitat for Caspian terns

Background: Birds that forage while covering distance during migration should adjust traveling behaviors as the availability of foraging habitat changes. Particularly, the behavior of those species that depend on bodies of water to find food yet manage to migrate over changing landscapes may be limited by the substantial variation in feeding opportunities along the route. Methods: Using GPS tracki

Relativistic, model-independent determination of electromagnetic finite-size effects beyond the pointlike approximation : Relativistic, model-independent determination of electromagnetic finite-size effects beyond the pointlike approximation

We present a relativistic and model-independent method to derive structure-dependent electromagnetic finite-size effects. This is a systematic procedure, particularly well-suited for automation, which works at arbitrarily high orders in the large-volume expansion. Structure-dependent coefficients appear as zero-momentum derivatives of physical form factors which can be obtained through experimenta

Performance and wear mechanisms of different PcBN tools when machining superalloy AD730

Nickel-based superalloys are known to be difficult to machine. These alloys are generally machined with cemented carbide tools under low productivity process conditions. Superhard polycrystalline cubic boron nitride (PcBN) tooling offers the possibility of increased production rates, however, a thorough understanding of the material performance and degradation is required before a transition from

The prothrombin gene G20210A mutation and the platelet glycoprotein IIIa polymorphism PlA2 in patients with central retinal vein occlusion

The prothrombin gene G20210A mutation and the platelet glycoprotein IIIa polymorphism PlA2 have been shown to be associated with thromboembolic disease. We wondered if mutations were overrepresented in patients with central retinal vein occlusion. We studied 129 consecutive patients with a history of central retinal vein occlusion. We analysed for the prothrombin gene G20210A mutation and the plat

Adaptation and Ecosystem Services in Urban Parks, examples from Berlin

Urban tourism depends on the place specific qualities of destinations. In many cities, climate change poses a threat to these qualities, through increasing risk of excessive heat, draught and flooding. Cities need to adapt to reduce these risks. One way of doing this is to improve their green infrastructure. Urban forests, parks, rivers and wetlands may help reduce the effects of climate change in

Technology Transfer Policy Framework at Cuban Universities

The Cuban university has strengthened its scientific connections with the various social, political, and productive stakeholders. Technology transfer policies have been shaped by historical-economic-social contexts, public policies, and endogenous transformations. Indeed, technology transfer policy frameworks are part of a broader legislative framework for science, technology, and innovation in ma

Risk factors for recurrence and complications in acute uncomplicated diverticulitis : A retrospective cohort study

Introduction: Antibiotics for acute uncomplicated diverticulitis (AUD) have been questioned in several studies. Thus, it is of value to identify risk factors for recurrence and complications to identify the best strategy for treatment. The aim was to investigate risk factors for recurrence and complications within at least 1 year after hospitalization for AUD. Methods: This is a retrospective stud

Heritability of Psychotic Experiences in Adolescents and Interaction With Environmental Risk

Importance: Genetic risk factors are known to play a role in the etiology of psychotic experiences in the general population. Little is known about whether these risk factors interact with environmental risks for psychotic experiences. Objective: To assess etiological heterogeneity and exposure to environmental risks associated with psychotic experiences in adolescence using the twin design. Desig

For God's Sake : The Work and Long-Term Impact of Christian Missionaries in Cameroon 1844-2018

Most countries in Sub-Saharan Africa have made great strides towards more accessible and higher quality schooling and medical systems in recent years. Despite this, education and health care in Africa lag behind other developing regions and large inequalities in educational levels and health care access remain across countries, subnational regions, and gender. Cameroon, in west-central Africa, wit

Heraqla, between the dream of Harun Al Rashid and the nightmare of the looters

The archaeological site of Heraqla in Raqqa represents a particular example of the Abbasid architecture; the Caliph Harun Al Rashid started reconstructing it as a commemorative monument but after his death it was never completed. The Directorate General of Antiquities and Museums DGAM excavated in the site, constructed furnace to produce bricks similar to the ancient material for restorations and,

Low Back Pain in People with Lower Limb Amputation : A Cross-sectional Study

STUDY DESIGN: A cross-sectional study based on an online questionnaire.OBJECTIVE: To investigate the prevalence and intensity of low back pain (LBP) in people with lower limb amputation (LLA) and to analyse the association factors that can influence the genesis of LBP.SUMMARY OF BACKGROUND DATA: It is still unclear whether LBP is more prevalent in the amputated population than in its non-amputated

Growth after the streaming instability : The radial distance dependence of the planetary growth

Streaming instability is hypothesized to be triggered at particular protoplanetary disk locations where the volume density of the solid particles is enriched comparable to that of the gas. A ring of planetesimals thus forms when this condition is fulfilled locally. These planetesimals collide with each other and accrete inward drifting pebbles from the outer disk to further increase masses. We inv

Assessment of phylogenetic approaches to study the timing of recombination cessation on sex chromosomes

The evolution of sex chromosomes is hypothesized to be punctuated by consecutive recombination cessation events, forming “evolutionary strata” that ceased to recombine at different time points. The demarcation of evolutionary strata is often assessed by estimates of the timing of recombination cessation (tRC) along the sex chromosomes, commonly inferred from the level of synonymous divergence or w