

Din sökning på "*" gav 532692 sökträffar

Variables Important for Bankruptcy Prediction - A Logit Binary Approach

The purpose of this bachelor thesis is to estimate our own bankruptcy prediction model using logit binary data. Our choice of variables is based on Altman’s Z-score model 1968. A comparison is then done between results in Altman and our findings. We perform our estimates on 114 listed Nordic companies, where 37 of them went bankrupt during 2002-2012. We find that our estimated model can categoriz

An investigation of a method to determine the metallicity distribution function in the thick Disk

En av de stora olösta problemen inom astronomi är hur galaxer bildas och utvecklas och i synnerhet hur våran egen Galax, Vintergatan, formades och utvecklades. Det är ett problem som astronomer har försökt lösa i åtskilliga årtionden, men först på senare tid har instrumenten blivit så pass nogranna att vi har möjligheten lösa detta problemet. Med moderna observationer har vi idag en bra bild av huThe formation and evolution of the Milky Way is a subject under constant debate. Our understanding of the hierarchical structure for- mation of the Galaxy is limited and as it stands now, there are several different competeing models that aim to explain the observations. The initial aim of this project was to study vertical metallicity gradi- ents in the thick disk whilst applying a previously unu

Collaborative purchasing of logistics services at the Wanxingda Group

Background: Logistics and distribution of sold goods have traditionally been individually handled by each company in the Wanxingda Group with minimal coordination on group level. The strong relationships between the companies within the group and their close geographical proximity to each other indicate that there might exist potential for closer collaboration in this area. Furthermore, many of th

Tryggetsvandringar i Landskrona: vandringar för ökad trygghet och minskad brottslighet?

My interest for the topic discussed in the thesis originates from my experiences and previous fears for Landskrona as a city, a place that I nowadays live in and have no intention of leaving. The aim of the research presented in the thesis was to investigate whether or not safety and security walks is an efficient instrument for increasing the feeling of safety among the population and for reducin

Women entrepreneurs and gender role issues in China: A Foucauldian discourse analysis

In recent years, women entrepreneurship has received much attention from both economic policy-makers and entrepreneurship researchers - women entrepreneurs are considered important for inno-vation and thus economic development. This is manifested in an increasing interest in, and a prolif-eration of writings on, the topic. A number of studies undertaken in recent years to investigate women entrepr

Asia-Pacific’s changing energy intensity trend: a decomposition analysis based on seven countries from the Asia-Pacific region

This paper presents stylized facts on energy intensity developments in the productive sectors of seven countries from the Asia-Pacific region over the period from 1980-2004. The paper first analyzed the trend in energy intensity based on the energy consumption data and gross value added data acquired from IEA and Groningen Development center. Secondly, the paper applies the Log Mean Divisia Index

The diagnostic value of cues in memory recall within retrieval-induced forgetting

The present study investigated if the diagnostic value of cues could reduce the need for inhibition operating within the retrieval-practice paradigm, which is part of the retrieval-induced forgetting (RIF). The results of 32 participants (female: 20, age: M = 24.97 years, range: 20 – 32 years) were reported. The method used was a standard RIF procedure with an added manipulation. The category-item

Modeling the effect of the use of fiber reinforced plastics on the evacuation of a ro-pax passenger deck

Modern ship design and construction is striving to make sea transportation more fuel efficient and more environmentally friendly. One of the possible solutions is to make the ships lighter by reducing the weight of the superstructure, constructing it completely or partially with lightweight materials such as Fiber Reinforced Plastics (FRP), like glass fiber composites or carbon fiber composites. H

Emotionell intelligens och anställningslämplighet: En pilotstudie gjord på arbetssökande hos Adecco

Emotionell intelligens är ett växande område men det har endast i begränsad utsträckning forskats om dess betydelse i samband med rekryteringsprocesser. Pilotstudiens syfte var att undersöka huruvida individer med högre EQ-poäng bedömdes mer positivt av rekryterare gällande uppskattad anställningslämplighet. Baserat på tidigare forskning förväntades det att högre EQ skulle korrelera med en mer posEmotional intelligence is a growing field but its relevance within recruitment processes has only been limitedly explored. The aim of this pilot study was to explore whether individuals with a higher EQ score were judged more positive by recruiters on evaluated hirability? Based on previous research we expected that a higher EQ would be related to a more positive evaluation of hirability. The stud

Combination of CFD and evacuation models for determination of FED and FEC levels

Previously developed methods to evaluate FED and FEC level via combination of CFD and evacuation simulation have been verified by new features of FDS6 and extended to fire cases involving common building materials. The FED levels calculated by the conversion factor [1] based on carbon monoxide are compared with the direct calculation by way of mass fraction of carbon monoxide, hydrogen cyanide and

Facebook, ensamhet och självkänsla - en studie om relationen mellan Facebook och användares upplevelse av sociala nätverk och eget värde

Användning av sociala medier har ökat mer och mer under det senaste decenniet och ett av dessa är Facebook, en internetsida där användarna kan chatta med sina vänner, lägga upp foton samt titta på andras och göra statusuppdateringar. Denna studie undersöker om det finns en relation mellan hur människor använder sig av Facebook samt två specifika personlighetsdrag. Fokuset var ensamhet, som är indeThe use of social media has increased during the last decade, and one of them is Facebook, a website where the users can chat with friends, submit pictures, write status-updates and browse other people's entries. In this study, research was conducted to establish if there is a relationship between how people use Facebook and two specific aspects of personality. The focus of the study was lonel

Nd-doped Upconverting Nanoparticles for Deep Tissue Imaging

During the last decade, upconverting nanoparticles (UCNPs) doped with rare-earth (RE) ions have been extensively studied in the field of biophotonics. Due to their unique properties of anti- Stokes shifted luminescence and with excitation and emission wavelengths optimal for biomedical imaging, they have become an interesting class of fluorescent contrast agents. An issue with downconverting fluor

Att bibehålla sin värld - En utvärderingsstudie för Malmö Cleantech City

Att nätverka är väldigt användbart i dagens samhälle för företag. Malmö Cleantech City är ett nätverk för miljöteknik företag i Malmö som ville få sin verksamhet utvärderad för potentiella utvecklingsmöjligheter. Därför utformades denna studie med kvalitativmetod och genomfördes genom telefonintervjuer med åtta respondenter. För att uppnå syftet formades forskningsfrågan “hur upplever företagen i Networking is a useful tool in today’s society for business development. Malmö Cleantech City is a network for environmental engineering in Malmö, who wished to get their network evaluated for potential progress opportunities. The study was designed with a qualitative methodology and was conducted through telephone interviews with eight respondents. The following research question was formed "

Do mothers exposed to domestic violence and lower status have more malnourished children? Evidence for Bangladesh

Using data from the 2007 Bangladesh Demographic and Health Survey (BDHS), this research uses a logistic probability model to determine the associations between maternal characteristics, such as the exposure to physical domestic violence and low women’s status, and the risk of develop problems of malnutrition in children under 5 years. Using anthropometric indicators of malnutrition such as stuntin

Does Inequality cause Crime? Evidence from a Latin American Panel

In this thesis, I investigate if inequality has a significant impact on crime rates in Latin America and the Caribbean for the period from 1950 to 2010. Several studies in the past have found robust correlation between indicators of inequality and crime incidence, even when accounting for confounding factors and country-fixed effects. However, a major drawback of those studies is that they ignore

A Light Scattering and Calorimetry Study on the Interaction between PEO-PPO-PEO Triblock Copolymers and the Bile Salt Sodium Glycodeoxycholate

The interaction between two block copolymers (Pluronic® P65 and F127) and the bile salt sodium glycodeoxycholate (NaGDC) was investigated by means of static and dynamic light scattering (SLS and DLS) and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). First a temperature study on pure P65 (1.0 wt%) in water in the temperature interval 5-80 °C revealed a critical micellization temperature of about 40 °C f

Capacity to plan for climate change adaptation in the municipality of Svalöv

Klimatförändringar orsakade av antropogena faktorer har en ökande effekt på både naturliga och humana system. Klimatförändringar bidrar till en förändring av varaktigheten, frekvensen och intensiteten av extrema väderhändelser (som till exempel stormar, översvämningar och värmeböljor). Några exempel på konsekvenser från klimatförändringar på de humana systemen är förlust av liv, förlust av egendomThe changing climate caused by anthropogenic factors has an increasing effect on natural and human systems. There is therefore an increasing need for society to adapt to the effects of climate change (IPCC, 2012; Rescalvo et al., 2013) This is vital since the effects of climate change are already being noticed in many parts of the world (Rescalvo et al., 2013). However, municipalities in Sweden ge

Utgivning av digitala läromedel - en analys av författarens förändrade yrkesroll och arbetssituation

Denna studie undersöker hur författarrollen har förändrats i samband med att läromedel och läromaterial i allt större utsträckning har digitaliserats och datoriserats. Teoretiskt fundament utgörs av Svedjedal (2002) och Renman Claesson (2009, 2012) och metodiskt tillvägagångssätt är kvalitativa intervjuer. Resultatet av denna analys visar på att författarrollen i och med digitaliseringen omfattar

The power within empowerment - A study of the outreach work performed by Mentor Mothers in The Kingdom of Swaziland

Authors: Matilda Berggren and Sanne Modin Title: The power within empowerment - A study of the outreach work performed by Mentor Mothers in The Kingdom of Swaziland Supervisor: Anna Angelin Assessors: Anna Meuwisse and Max Koch Our aim with this thesis was to identify potential barriers and potential possibilities in the work of Mentor Mothers. Through interviews with women working in the project

Bottenfaunaundersökning i Hjälmsjön

This study is a survey of the bottom life of Hjälmsjön outside Örkelljunga in Skåne. The municipal and a row society are going to make an application for permission to dredge the bottom in order to increase the depth up to two meters depth. In the application they need a description of the area including which species live on the bottom and what the ecological status is for the lake. I have sample