

Din sökning på "*" gav 532368 sökträffar

Immunohistochemical characterization of the innate and adaptive immune response during influenza a infections in human infants and mice

Background. Lower tract respiratory infections are one of the most prevalent health problems worldwide. Influenza A is a main contributor to these infections, and infants are one of the risk groups for infection and developing serious lower respiratory tract complications. Better treatment for infants is needed, but little is known about the immune response that occurs in the lungs during infectio

Analysis of human neural cells phenotype after culture on different nanostructured topographies

The journey of a nerve cell Our body contains a complex network of nerve cells that form connections. Imagine if one of these connections is broken, just like when a power line is cut off, electricity cannot flow to the destination. In the same way if a connection is broken in the central nervous system, electrical synapses cannot travel to their destination. When drawing power lines they requir

Modelling and Forecasting Electricity Load in Secondary Substations

In the energy sector a transition towards smart grid is now taking place as a step towards a sustainable energy distribution. In addition to many other solutions, this transition will depend upon extended measurements and data management to increase the knowledge about load flows (i.e electricity use) in the network. This thesis will concentrate on data management and statistical analysis of measur

Samverkan mellan infrastruktur och exploatering

Stadsplanering är idag ett aktuellt ämne då samhället utvecklas, bland annat genom en stark urbanisering. Tidigare utformades samhället genom att planera för bebyggelse och trafik separat. Idag bygger planeringsperspektivet istället på en integrerad stadsplanering mellan bebyggelse- och trafikplanering. Trots den integrerade stadsplaneringen utgår de olika delarna från olika lagar, Väglagen, Lagen

Analys av storskaliga bränder och dödsbränder i höga hus med trästomme, inträffade i USA mellan 2007 och 2015

A study is presented in the report regarding fires that have occurred in the USA between 2007 and 2015 in tall residential buildings with wood frame. The work is based on fire investigations compiled by NFPA and does only include large-scale fires and fatal fires. The general conclusions that have been made are that sprinklers have a positive impact on the extent of a fire and that an installation

System Justification, Environmental Perceptions and Sustainable Behaviour in Sweden

Consumers’ knowledge that unsustainable consumption has a negative effect on the environment does not hinder their engagement in unsustainable consumption patterns. Applying system justification theory, it was of interest to investigate its impact on Swedish citizens’ attitudes and behaviours related to sustainable consumption. This study intended to discover why Swedish consumers do not always en

Who Did You Say You Were? : A case study of character creation through language usage in Takarazuka plays

This case study of the effectiveness of the usage of Japanese role language uses character portrayals from performances by the theatre company Takarazuka Revue to investigate how native Japanese speakers perceive characters solely based upon lexical or grammatical cues in spoken language. With a foundation in Satoshi Kinsui’s description of role language and Christopher Vogler’s character archetyp

Chemical resistance of elastomer gaskets in chemically aggressive environments

The chemical resistance is an important property for elastomers, especially for gaskets used in industrial applications related to food processing and packaging. Three common elastomers, namely silicone, FKM (fluorocarbon) and EPDM (hydrocarbon with carbon-carbon double bonds), were aged in harsh chemicals used in specific applications in Tetra Pak filling machines. Gaskets of these materials were

Novel insights of intracellular complement in pancreatic β-cell physiology

The complement system is a link between adaptive and innate immunity, which is a first line protection against pathogens. It can be activated through three different pathways which all lead to formation of C3 and C5 convertases and final complement-mediated lysis of cells. The system contains regulatory mechanisms at different steps of activation to avoid lysing of own cells. Recent years, have sh

Physiochemical properties of egg white dispersions and effect of UV-light treatment on foam stability

Inget lämpligt kontrastmedel för tarmdiagnostik finns på marknaden idag. En lösning på det här kan vara ett nytt potentiellt livsmedelsbaserat kontrastmedel som kallas för Lumentin. Lumentin är ett negativt kontrastmedel som är baserat på äggvita.No suitable contrast agent for bowel diagnostics exists on the market today. A solution may be a new potential food-based contrast agent called Lumentin, which is based on foaming egg white. To gain new knowledge about the contrast agent, the objectives of this project were to study the physiochemical properties of different egg white powders (A-F) that can be used to prepare Lumentin and their fo

Hösten då clostebol var på allas läppar : en analys av Johaugs försvar

Detta är en uppsats i retorik som diskuterar vilken försvarsstrategi Johaug väljer och hur den fungerar, då hon bli anklagad för användning av det dopingklassade ämnet Clostebol. Uppsatsen är till största del baserad på statusläran för att hitta oenighet i det nämnda fallet och för att se vilket försvar Johaug för och om det vidhålls under utredningen av doping. Analysen av denna uppsats har visat

Om ämnesövergripande arbete och Gehörs- och musiklära. En studie av ett utvecklingsprojekt på ett estetiskt program i södra Sverige

Syftet med denna studie är att följa och utvärdera ett pågående utvecklingsprojekt på ett estetiskt program inriktning musik på en gymnasieskola i södra Sverige. Projektets mål är att innehållet från kursen Gehörs- och musiklära 1 på ett tydligare sätt ska integreras i de andra musikkurserna på programmet och har initierats då lärarna upplevt att eleverna inte använder sina teoretiska kunskaper i The purpose of this study is to follow and evaluate an ongoing project at an upper secondary school aesthetic music programme in southern Sweden. The aim of the project is to further integrate the content from the course “Gehörs- och musiklära 1” (Pitch and Music Theory grade 1) into other music courses and was initiated as the teachers saw the students not using their theoretical knowledge in the

Application security for embedded systems

With the rise of Internet of Things (IoT) accessories such as network attached cameras, light bulbs and thermostats are all constantly connected to the Internet and security concerns must be taken seriously. If a bug exists in an application it could be hacked by a malicious adversary that then could harm the underlying system, leak information or attack other devices or networks. Applications sho

A high-order harmonic pump-probe setup using annular-beam interferometers

Att elektroner kretsar runt atomkärnan i bestämda banor vet kanske de flesta nuförtiden - men hur hamnar de där? Hur rör de sig mellan banorna? När atomer förs samman i molekyler, vad händer med elektronerna då? Tidigare så har fysiker och kemister nödgats se elektroner med statistiska glasögon; de rör sig så snabbt över så korta avstånd att inga instrument hann med att fånga deras rörelser. DetDemands are specified for an interferometer setup capable of supporting attosecond resolution pump-probe experiments, as well as molecular alignment experiments. A design for two interferometers fulfilling these demands is presented. As the presented setup relies on annular beams for discrimination, high-order harmonic generation is attempted using annular beams. The success of these experiments

“You don’t bite the hand that feeds you" : En diskursanalytisk undersökning av modejournalistikens begränsningar och konsekvenser

This bachelor thesis, ”You don’t bite the hand that feeds you” – A discourse analytical study of fashion journalism's limitations and consequences, studies runway reviews in order to identify the different uses of discoursive language within the so-called ’glossy’ fashion journalism. Through a qualitative discourse analytical method and approach, runway reviews from Vogue Runway have been subj

Innebörden av ”integration”? - En teoriprövande studie utav begreppet bland Sveriges riksdagspartier.

Syftet med vårt arbete att utifrån existerande teorier om begreppet ”integration” kartlägga begreppets definitioner inom partierna i Sverige riksdag. Vi har valt att använda oss av kvalitativ textanalys för att kunna utifrån Beckmans diskursanalys, från Den rimliga integrationen, använda oss utav det i en empirisk undersökning hur riksdagspartierna definierar och använder begreppet integration. Be