

Din sökning på "*" gav 532448 sökträffar

Lipase-catalyzed esterification of ethylene glycol to mono- and diesters. The effect of process parameters on reaction rate and product distribution

Diol fatty acid esters find a variety of industrial applications. The use of lipases in microaqueous environment provides an attractive route for synthesis of fatty acyl esters of ethylene glycol. The effect of various process parameters that play key roles in delineating reaction kinetics and distribution of mono- and diesters in the product have been studied.

Identification of cDNA clones encoding vasolin-containing protein and other plant plasma membrane-associated proteins by a general immuno-screening strategy.

An approach was developed for the isolation and characterization of soybean plasma membrane-associated proteins by immunoscreening of a cDNA expression library. An antiserum was raised against purified plasma membrane vesicles. In a differential screening of approximately 500,000 plaque-forming units with the anti-(plasma membrane) serum and DNA probes derived from highly abundant clones isolated

Digestion of triacylgycerols containing longchain polyenoic fatty acids in vitro by colipase dependent lipase and human milk bile salt stimulated lipase

To assess the role of human milk bile salt-stimulated lipase (BSSL) in the digestion of polyunsaturated ester bonds of triacylglycerols, hydrolysis of docosahexaenoic acid (22:6(n-3)) ester bonds was compared to that of oleic acid (18:1(n-9)) or arachidonic acid (20:4(n-6)) esters. As model substrates, we used rat chylomicrons obtained after feeding human milk fat globules and radiolabeled fatty aTo assess the role of human milk bile salt-stimulated lipase (BSSL) in the digestion of polyunsaturated ester bonds of triacylglycerols, hydrolysis of docosahexaenoic acid (22:6(n − 3)) ester bonds was compared to that of oleic acid (18:1(n − 9)) or arachidonic acid (20:4(n − 6)) esters. As model substrates, we used rat chylomicrons obtained after feeding human milk fat globules and radiolabeled f

Role of radiotherapy fractionation in head and neck cancers (MARCH) : an updated meta-analysis

Background The Meta-Analysis of Radiotherapy in squamous cell Carcinomas of Head and neck (MARCH) showed that altered fractionation radiotherapy is associated with improved overall and progression-free survival compared with conventional radiotherapy, with hyperfractionated radiotherapy showing the greatest benefit. This update aims to confirm and explain the superiority of hyperfractionated radio

"Inget för de lärde?" : Diskussionerna om lokaliseringen av de tekniska elemenatarskolorna i Sverge i mitten av 1800-talet

Avsaknaden av en teknisk utbildning på mellannivå framstod i mitten av 1800-talet som såväl ett industrialiserings- som ett moderniseringshinder. Som svar på dessa problem etablerades tekniska elementarskolor under 1850-talet i Malmö, Borås, Örebro och Norrköping. Föreliggande artikel behandlar de viktigaste faktorerna bakom lokaliseringen av dessa skolor och svarar på frågorna varför de förlades

Single-top t-channel production with off-shell and non-resonant effects

This Letter details and discusses the next-to-leading order QCD corrections to t-channel electro-weak W+bj production, where finite top-width effects are consistently taken into account. The computation is done within the aMCatNLO framework and includes both resonant and non-resonant contributions as well as interferences between the two. Results are presented for the LHC and compared to those of

Higgs production in association with bottom quarks

Abstract: We study the production of a Higgs boson in association with bottom quarks in hadronic collisions, and present phenomenological predictions relevant to the 13 TeV LHC. Our results are accurate to the next-to-leading order in QCD, and matched to parton showers through the MC@NLO method; thus, they are fully differential and based on unweighted events, which we shower by using both Herwig+

Patients' experiences and perceived causes of persisting discomfort following day surgery

Background: The aim of this study was to describe patients' experiences and perceived causes of persisting discomfort following day surgery. Earlier research has mainly covered symptoms and signs during a recovery period of up to one month, and not dealt with patients' perceptions of what causes persisting, longer-term discomfort.Methods: This study is a part from a study carried out during the pe

Tobias Norlind : musikforskare, museichef, folkhögskoleman

Tobias Norlind (1879–1947) var en allsidig och mycket produktiv vetenskapsman. I denna antologi behandlas olika sidor i hans verksamhet. Vid Lunds universitet var han med om att göra det möjligt att bedriva akademiska studier i musik. Parallellt med detta var han rektor vid flera nya folkhögskolor och undervisade vid dem. Båda dessa sidor fortsatte han med efter att ha flyttat till Stockholm. Där

Jews in Dialogue : Jewish Responses to the Challenges of the Multicultural Contemporaneity

A collection of articles dealing with a question of Jewish involvement in the interfaith and intercultural dialogue in the postwar Europe, Israel and the United States. The leitmotif of the volume is the Jewish attitude towards otherness and its relation to the responsibility for the other. The contributions pertain to the status of the non-Jewish residents of Israel, the social involvement into p

Lymph nodes in the hepato-duodenal ligament : A comparison between ultrasound and low-field MR imaging

Purpose: We investigated whether a low-field MR unit (0.2 T) could demonstrate and determine the size of the lymph nodes in the hepato-duodenal ligament that were previously found on ultrasound. Material and Methods: Eighteen patients were examined with ultrasound, MR and liver biopsy on consecutive days. Results: Two-thirds of the enlarged nodes detected by ultrasound were also detected with the

Evaluation of the image quality of ink-jet printed paper copies of digital chest radiographs as compared with film : A receiver operating characteristic study

Paper copies of digital radiographs printed with the continuous ink-jet technique have proved to be of a high enough quality for demonstration purposes. We present a study on the image quality of ink-jet printed paper copies of digital chest radiographs, based on receiver operating characteristic (ROC) analysis. Eighty-three digital radiographs of a chest phatom with simulated tumors in the medias

Ultrasound, hepatic lymph nodes and chronic active hepatitis

Thirty-two consecutive patients with a histological diagnosis of chronic active hepatitis were examined with liver biopsy, laboratory tests and ultrasonography of the hepato-duodenal ligament to investigate the possible correlation between enlarged lymph nodes in the hepato-duodenal ligament and biochemical activity, histological activity and/or humoral immunoreactivity. We found a significant cor

Quantitative evaluation of tomographic 201-thallium myocardial scintigraphy

Myocardial 201Tl emission computed tomography was performed on 25 normal subjects and 27 patients with angiographically significant coronary artery disease. A semi-automatic computer program was designed to define the left ventricular myocardial volume in all short axis sections. Within this volume the relative mean myocardial pixel count was calculated. This parameter was found to separate the 2