

Din sökning på "*" gav 532841 sökträffar

Effects of a training intervention for Swedish pig transport drivers on physical workload and time efficiency during loading

Slaughter transportation of pigs can be considered a high-risk occupation, but has received very little scientific attention. We investigated the effect of a training intervention on transport drivers’ physical workload, in terms of postures and movements, and time efficiency during loading of finishing pigs for slaughter transport. The training targeted pig handling and ergonomic working principl

Ibuprofen for acute postoperative pain in children

Objectives: This is a protocol for a Cochrane Review (intervention). The objectives are as follows:. To assess the efficacy and safety of ibuprofen (any dose) for acute postoperative pain management in children compared with placebo or other active comparators. To compare ibuprofen administered by different doses, routes (e.g. oral, intravenous, etc.), or strategies (e.g. as needed versus as sched

(Re) Creating the Existing : is UGC applicable to creative and innovative assessments?

There is extensive research on creativity and innovation, as well as the question of whether UGC and social media platforms foster creativity or dumb down culture. There is however a gap in research on how creative and innovative UGC is. The purpose of this study is therefore to investigate the creative motivations behind creating UGC and whether the UGC on TikTok is applicable to creative and inn

Tectonics & disassembly

The construction of a building does not always work the way it appears to work. Within a theoretical framework rooted in writings by Eduard Sekler, Karl Bötticher and Martin Heidegger, this thesis presents a discussion on the importance of the tectonic expression when designing a building with the intent that it should be easy to disassemble. Is it enough to make a building dismountable, or does t

Kartläggning av hur mystiska erfarenheter uppstår, upplevs, påverkar hälsan på sikt och deras verkningsmekanismer.

Medvetandetillstånd som kraftigt skiljer sig från vanlig vakenhet, och som kan skapa långsiktigt positiva psykologiska konsekvenser har getts många namn. Några exempel är religiösa erfarenheter, peakerfarenheter och mystiska erfarenheter. Begreppet RSME (Religious, Spiritual, Mystical Experience) har använts för att beskriva att flera begrepp används för att beskriva en erfarenhet med gemensam kärMental states which greatly depart from normal wakefulness and have the ability to increase well-being have been given many names in psychology. A few famous examples are religious experiences, peak experiences and mystical experiences. The acronym RSME (Religious, Spiritual, Mystical Experience) was used to show that many names have been given to a phenomenon with a common core. The study of RSME

Prevalence of Plasmodium lineages in Spanish house sparrows

Avian malaria parasites are prevalent all around the world and infect a wide diversity of bird species. In this report the prevalence of Plasmodium lineages in Spanish house sparrows was studied. According to previous research, higher variation of Plasmodium lineages could be expected in southern climates. This was tested by using samples collected from Spain and performing nested PCR with primers

Evaluation of health care professionals’ readiness for accepting Electronic Health Records in Western Iran: A Study of E-Health Care in a Developing Country

The rapid development of information and communication technology (ICT) has affected all aspects of business, including health care. One of the most important contributions of ICT to healthcare system effectiveness is the creation of electronic health records (EHRs). EHRs are considered as the critical source of providing information in a healthcare system. The purpose of this study is to evaluate

Constructing and commissioning of a Multi-Grid neutron detector prototype for the European Spallation Source

A prototype of a novel 10B-based neutron detector called the Multi-Grid detector has been constructed, tested and commissioned for the European Spallation Source (ESS). The detector is constructed after the specifications set by the CSPEC instrument at ESS and is therefore called the CSPEC Multi-Grid detector. The detector uses multiple layers of solid coating containing 10B4C on the edges of a vo

Sol-gel integrated protein microarray for high-resolution signal readout of psa (prostate specific antigen) in clinical samples

In this study, we demonstrate a new protein microarray technology for highly sensitive detection of PSA (prostate caser specific antigen) in scrum samples. Using the optically active sol-gel nanocomposites, which can hold capturing probes in native and surface morphology tailored porous silicon, purified PSA (Prostate Specific Antigen) in human female serum was assessed by FlTC-antiPSA in broad dy

Lithium recovery through WS2 nanofillers-promoted solar photothermal membrane crystallization of LiCl

The recovery of raw materials represents one of the greatest challenges for a circular economy. Especially, the increased demand for lithium in the last years for its critical role in Li-ion batteries implies the need for green technology for Li recovery able to address market requests. Here, we devise and implement a new technology exploiting excitons-based light-to-heat conversion promoted by WS

The 2022 International Society for Stem Cell Research (ISSCR) Annual Meeting : Celebrating 20 Years of Achievements

Last June, the stem cell community came together to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the International Society for Stem Cell Research (ISSCR), one of the leading organizations in the field. The hybrid event mixed a varied program filled with plenary talks, concurrent track sessions, poster presentations, exhibit booths, and plenty of opportunities to enhance stem cell research through bonding bet

Significance of different molecular forms of serum PSA : The free, noncomplexed form of PSA versus that complexed to α1-antichymotrypsin

Prostate specific antigen is an abundant prostate-derived serine protease in the seminal fluid. Low concentrations of the protein are normally released into blood, but above normal concentrations are frequently detected in prostate disease. The PSA-ACT complex is the predominant molecular form of serum PSA (up to ≃95%) although complex formation is slow between the purified proteins in vitro. A fr

Regulation of the enzymatic activity of prostate-specific antigen and its reactions with extracellular protease inhibitors in prostate cancer

Prostate-specific antigen (PSA) is a tissue-specific serine protease similar in structure to the trypsin-like glandular kallikreins but which is unique inasmuch as the enzyme activity is similar to that of chymotrypsin. The active enzyme is a single chain glycoprotein of 237 amino acids. The major form of PSA in serum is complexed to α1-antichymotrypsin (ACT). A small amount is free, non-complexed

Advanced manufacturing: three-dimensional printing and bioprinting of models of lung and airways

Recent advances in materials science coupled with advanced manufacturing techniques have opened up new possibilities for generating sophisticated models of lung and airways containing cells. These models can be used for studying normal tissue homeostasis as well as for modeling lung development, disease, and regeneration. Three-dimensional (3D) printing has emerged as a leading advanced manufactur

A dataset of lake-catchment characteristics for the Tibetan Plateau

The management and conservation of lakes should be conducted in the context of catchments because lakes collect water and materials from their upstream catchments. Thus, the datasets of catchment-level characteristics are essential for limnology studies. Lakes are widely spread on the Tibetan Plateau (TP), with a total lake area exceeding 50000km2, accounting for more than half of the total lake a

Seasonal variation in temperature sensitivity of bacterial growth in a temperate soil and lake

Faster bacterial biomass turnover is expected in water compared to soil, which would result in more rapid community adaption to changing environmental conditions, including temperature. Bacterial community adaptation for growth is therefore predicted to have larger seasonal amplitudes in lakes than in soil. To test this prediction, we compared the seasonal variation in temperature adaptation of ba