

Din sökning på "*" gav 532868 sökträffar

Compact, folded multi-pass cells for energy scaling of post-compression

Combining high peak and high average power has long been a key challenge of ultrafast laser technology, crucial for applications such as laser-plasma acceleration and strong-field physics. A promising solution lies in post-compressed ytterbium lasers, but scaling these to high pulse energies presents a major bottleneck. Post-compression techniques, particularly Herriott-type multi-pass cells (MPCs

Beyond Ethanol and Biodiesel : The Potential of Glycerol Derivatives and C1–C4 Alcohols for Motor Fuel Applications

Certain oxygenated compounds, called oxygenates, when blended with gasoline, have the ability to inhibit the occurrence of engine knock, thus helping improve spark-ignition engine efficiency. Similarly, oxygenates can also be added to diesel fuel to decrease the exhaust emissions—soot in particular—from diesel engines. Although ethanol and biodiesel have had widespread use as oxygenates for gasoli

Lubunya Assemblages : Queer Networked Resistances in Turkey

Den här avhandlingen undersöker hur digital teknik påverkar queeraktivismoch rum för motstånd i dagens Turkiet. Genom att studera nätverksbaserademotståndspraktiker som sträcker sig över tid och som finns både online ochoffline, syftar avhandlingen till att utforska hur digital teknologi har präglatqueera motståndskulturer. Målsättningen är att bidra till akademiska debatterom ontologiska och episFrom a multi-sited ethnographic perspective, I analyse the impacts of digital technologies on queer activism in contemporary Turkey with a focus on networked resistance practices such as Pride activism and queer knowledge production at the digital level. By so doing, I aim to explore how queer spaces of resistance and practices of sexual citizenship are (re)articulated within a context of heteropa

Developing a Sustainable City: A Case Study of Nusantara Capital City (IKN) in Indonesia

This research investigates the integration of urban sustainability broad concept into the strategic planning of Nusantara Capital City (IKN) in Indonesia. As a newly planned city, IKN presents a unique opportunity to implement sustainable development from the beginning. By examining official documents and conducting interviews with key stakeholders, the study aims to understand the extent to which

The Kinetics and Thermodynamics of the Amyloid Beta Peptide

Amyloids are a category of protein structures where many individual polypeptide chains fold to form long β-sheet fibrils. These are strongly associated to many of today's incurableand fatal diseases, such as Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease. However, the exact cause of toxicity and disease initiation remains elusive. Amyloids are also interesting from a materials science perspective. Therefore,

The “Pre-Rotating Dilator Technique” for Optimal Endograft Orientation in Complex Endovascular Aortic Repair

Purpose: To describe a novel technique for optimal orientation and accurate deployment of aortic endografts during complex endovascular aortic repair (cEVAR). Technique: After establishing the femoral access in the standard fashion, a long large-bore dilator is inserted before the cEVAR delivery system. The dilator is advanced beyond the renovisceral segment noticing the degree of axial rotation.

Using a measurement type-independent metric to compare patterns of determinants between patient-reported versus performance-based physical function in hemodialysis patients

Purpose: We applied a previously established common T-score metric for patient-reported and performance-based physical function (PF), offering the unique opportunity to directly compare measurement type-specific patterns of associations with potential laboratory-based, psychosocial, sociodemographic, and health-related determinants in hemodialysis patients. Methods: We analyzed baseline data from

Determining the residual volume in peritoneal dialysis using low molecular weight markers

Background: Variation in residual volume between peritoneal dialysis dwells creates uncertainty in ultrafiltration determination, dialysis efficiency, and poses a risk of overfill if the residual volume is large. Measuring the dilution of a marker molecule during fluid fill offers a convenient approach, however, estimation accuracy depends on the choice of dilution marker. We here evaluate the fea


We consider two-dimensional steady periodic gravity waves on water of finite depth with a prescribed but arbitrary vorticity distribution. The water surface is allowed to be overhanging, and no assumptions regarding the absence of stagnation points and critical layers are made. Using conformal mappings and a new reformulation of Bernoulli’s equation, we uncover an equivalent formulation as “identi

Digital Tools in the Thesis Process : A Case Study from Sweden

The emergence of autonomous learning has revolutionized educational systems, offering new pathways to enhance higher education. Across most Swedish universities, Bachelor's and Master's theses (final projects) represent an important part of students' academic journey. Embracing technology as a tool, rather than an end in itself, has become imperative in contemporary higher education and thesis pro

Smart City Governance – AI Ethics in a Spatial Context : Selected Essays from 2023/2024

This brief anthology presents the basics of the interdisciplinary course called Smart City Governance – AI Ethics in a Spatial Context, given at LTH, Lund University. Furthermore, it includes three selected essays from the main assignment written by students from the class of 2023/2024. These provide with examples of the topics possible to analyse when combining engineering students from programme

What is person-centred care in Swedish ambulance service? : A qualitative exploratory study

Introduction: Healthcare in Sweden is moving towards a more person-centred approach in which patients are respected as capable individuals with unique needs. Partnership, the co-creation of health plans, and documentationare core components of this approach. The ambulance service is medical- and task-oriented, possibly placing it in conflict with the goals of person-centred care (PCC). Aim: To expIntroduction: Healthcare in Sweden is moving towards a more person-centred approach in which patients are respected as capable individuals with unique needs. Partnership, the co-creation of health plans, and documentation are core components of this approach. The ambulance service is medical- and task-oriented, possibly placing it in conflict with the goals of person-centred care (PCC).Aim: To exp

Moral Sense and the Foundations of Responsibility

This article discusses another important class of new compatibilist theories of agency and responsibility, frequently referred to as reactive attitude theories. Such theories have their roots in another seminal essay of modern free-will debates, P. F. Strawson's “Freedom and Resentment” (1962). This article disentangles three strands of Strawson's argument—rationalist, naturalist, and pragmatic. I

Dialoger om naturlig religion

Hume hävdar att grunden till religionens uppkomst ligger i för oss naturliga känslor, fruktan för döden och kommande olyckor, hopp om belöning m. fl. Dessa förleder oss att anta något gudomligt i världen. Eftersom gudstron framspringer ur känslan kan den inte stödjas med argument.Hume var den förste filosofen i modern tid som formulerade en långtgående naturalistisk filosofi. Hans filosofi var på

“Den värsta koloniseringen, det är den mentala” — En kvalitativ studie om samisk aktivism ur ett dekolonialt perspektiv

The green transition in the EU has sharpened the conflict between national interests and the rights of the indigenous people of northern Europe, thereby highlighting the historical and colonial oppression of indigenous peoples. In the Nordic countries, Sápmi risks being exploited in the pursuit of climate strategic purposes, which entails risks for Sami culture and identity. Throughout the years,