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Kampen om kvinnohuset. Om splittring som strategi eller eftergift

The Struggle for a Women’s House. Ideological Dividing as Strategy or Remission?The Swedish shelter movement has on several occasions been disrupted due to bitter debates in the media. There appears to be a rift built in the movement. In this article I focus on the background to this by studying the formation of Stockholm’s first shelter for women in the late 1970s. In the struggle to get financiaThe Swedish shelter movement has on several occasions been disrupted due to bitter debates in the media. There appears to be a rift built in the movement. In this article I focus on the background to this by studying the formation of Stockholm's first shelter for women in the late 1970s. In the struggle to get financial support from the politicians it became clear that two different positions in t

Ventilation/Perfusion SPECT for diagnostics of pulmonary embolism in clinical practice.

AIM: The aim of this retrospective study is to illustrate clinical utility and impact of pulmonary embolism (PE) diagnostics of up to date Ventilation/Perfusion SPECT (V/P (SPECT)) applying holistic interpretation criteria. MATERIAL AND METHODS: During a 2-year period 2328 consecutive patients referred to V/P(SPECT) for clinically suspected PE were examined. Final diagnosis was established by phys

Fishing flocks of Great Crested Grebes Podiceps cristatus consist of breeding birds

Kallander H. 2011. Fishing flocks of Great Crested Grebes Podiceps cristatus consist of breeding birds. Ardea 99: 232-234. This note corrects a statement made in an earlier note on flock-fishing Great Crested Grebes Podiceps cristatus at the South Swedish Lake Krankesjon, namely that the flocks presumably consisted mainly of non-breeders. This has been proved wrong. The majority come from a loose

An Evaluation of Potential Benefits of Mobile BI

The new generation of mobile devices, such smartphones and tablets, make users no longer constrained to traditional devices, such as PCs and laptops, in order to access needed information. This has given rise to an innovation in Business Intelligence (BI) coined mobile BI, which is currently embraced by different organizations. Information systems (IS) innovations are in general accompanied by “bu

For activists, for potential voters, for consumers: three modes of producing the civic web

During the last decade, numerous studies of the internet's civic dimensions have taught us a considerable amount about the form of new technologies. They have, for instance, analysed how the internet's interactive character, its multimodality and its open character create civic opportunities, not least for young people. The field has, however, rather neglected a number of important issues. For ins

Measurement of differential J/psi production cross sections and forward-backward ratios in p plus Pb collisions with the ATLAS detector

Measurements of differential cross sections for J/psi production in p + Pb collisions at root S-NN= 5.02 TeV at the CERN Large Hadron Collider with the ATLAS detector are presented. The data set used corresponds to an integrated luminosity of 28.1 nb(-1). The J/psi mesons are reconstructed in the dimuon decay channel over the transverse momentum range 8 < PT < 30 GeV and over the center-of-mass ra

Eight Nucleotide Substitutions Inhibit Splicing to HPV-16 3'-Splice Site SA3358 and Reduce the Efficiency by which HPV-16 Increases the Life Span of Primary Human Keratinocytes.

The most commonly used 3'-splice site on the human papillomavirus type 16 (HPV-16) genome named SA3358 is used to produce HPV-16 early mRNAs encoding E4, E5, E6 and E7, and late mRNAs encoding L1 and L2. We have previously shown that SA3358 is suboptimal and is totally dependent on a downstream splicing enhancer containingmultiple potential ASF/SF2 binding sites. Here weshow that only one of the p

Applications of SU-8 in the development of a Single Ion Hit Facility

The Lund Nuclear Microprobe (LNM) has been adapted to be used as a Single Ion Hit Facility (SIHF) for proton cell irradiation experiments at low dose. In order to test the capabilities of the system, Ni dot arrays and artificial cells have been fabricated with the photopolymer SU-8 and common lithographic techniques. The primary purpose of the Ni dot arrays was to determine the targeting accuracy

Dynamics of nitrogen oxides emission from a full-scale sludge liquor treatment plant with nitritation

Biological treatment in wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) is a source of nitrogen oxides (N2O, NO and NO2) emitted to the atmosphere. Aerobic ammonia-oxidising bacteria (AOB) have been suggested to be the main source of these emissions. In a full-scale sludge liquor treatment plant at Sjolunda WWTP, it was shown that significant emissions of N2O, NO and NO2 do occur. The plant is operated with n

Search for supersymmetry in events containing a same-flavour opposite-sign dilepton pair, jets, and large missing transverse momentum in root s=8TeV pp collisions with the ATLAS detector

Two searches for supersymmetric particles in final states containing a same-flavour opposite-sign lepton pair, jets and large missing transverse momentum are presented. The proton-proton collision data used in these searches were collected at a centre-of-mass energy root s = 8TeV by the ATLAS detector at the Large Hadron Collider and corresponds to an integrated luminosity of 20.3 fb(-1). Two lept

Local variations in C-14 - How is bomb-pulse dating of human tissues and cells affected?

Atmospheric nuclear weapons testing in the late 1950s and early 1960s almost doubled the amount of C-14 in the atmosphere. The resulting C-14 "bomb-pulse" has been shown to provide useful age information in e.g. forensic and environmental sciences, biology and the geosciences. The technique is also currently being used for retrospective cell dating in man, in order to provide insight into the rate

Microphthalmia transcription factor regulates pancreatic β-cell function

Precise regulation of β-cell function is crucial for maintaining blood glucose homeostasis. Pax6 is an essential regulator of β-cell-specific factors like insulin and Glut2. Studies in the developing eye suggest that Pax6 interacts with Mitf to regulate pigment cell differentiation. Here, we show that Mitf, like Pax6, is expressed in all pancreatic endocrine cells during mouse postnatal developmen

Action Reconsidered. Cognitive Aspects of the Relation between Script and Scenic Action

Contemporary cognitive science challenges the idea about the human brain as a kind of computor. Instead the importance of the body for our way to understand and interact with the world has come into focus. Theories about the ”situated” and ”embodied” character of human cognition have entailed that notions like action, consciousness, and intersubjectivity have gained renewed scientific interest. On

A framework for mouse and keyboard emulation in a tongue control system

Effective human input devices for computer control are very important to quadriplegics and others with severe disabilities. This paper describes a framework for computer control without need for special PC software or drivers. The framework is based on a tongue control system recently developed at Center for Sensory-Motor Interaction (SMI), Aalborg University. The framework provides emulation of a


Objective: To better understand the seemingly contradictory plasma beta-amyloid (A beta) results in Alzheimer's disease (AD) patients by using a newly developed plasma A beta assay, the INNO-BIA plasma A beta forms, in a multicenter study. Methods: A combined retrospective analysis of plasma A beta isoforms on mild cognitive impairment (MCI) from three large cross-sectional studies involving 643 s

Multi-lepton production at high transverse momenta in ep collisions at HERA

Processes leading to a final state with at least two high transverse momentum leptons (electrons or muons) are studied using the full e(+/-) p data sample collected by the H1 experiment at HERA. The data correspond to an integrated luminosity of 463 pb(-1). Di-lepton and tri-lepton event classes are investigated. Cross sections of the production of e(+)e(-) and mu(+)mu(-) pairs are derived in a re

Flower volatiles, crop varieties and bee responses.

Pollination contributes to an estimated one third of global food production, through both the improvement of the yield and the quality of crops. Volatile compounds emitted by crop flowers mediate plant-pollinator interactions, but differences between crop varieties are still little explored. We investigated whether the visitation of crop flowers is determined by variety-specific flower volatiles u