

Din sökning på "*" gav 528089 sökträffar

Large Intelligent Surface Measurements for Joint Communication and Sensing

Multiple concepts for future generations of wireless communication standards utilize coherent processing of signals from many distributed antennas. Names for these concepts include distributed MIMO, cell-free massive MIMO, XL-MIMO, and large intelligent surfaces. They aim to improve communica- tion reliability, capacity, as well as energy efficiency and provide possibilities for new applications t

The impact of mechanical characteristics of GDL on the efficiency of a PEM fuel cell

When a fuel cell stack is assembled it is compressed to ensure gas tightness, and as a consequence, the Gas Diffusion Layer (GDL) will intrude into the channels of the Bipolar Plate (BPP). In this work, the GDL is studied in compression tests and through intrusion measurements. Based on the collected data from the measurements, an approximative method is developed to calculate the intruded profile

Quantification of the inhaled deposited dose during sand and dust storms

Exposure to dust particles during a sand and dust storm (SDS) can be harmful for health. The first step to understand the health effects of such exposure is to quantify the amount of deposited dust particles in the respiratory tracts. In this book chapter, a brief summary is presented about: (1) the outbreak mechanisms dust particles and being airborne, (2) physical and chemical characteristics of

The inflammatory mediator leukotriene D4 triggers a rapid reorganisation of the actin cytoskeleton in human intestinal epithelial cells

Epithelial cells play an important role in maintaining the intestinal mucosa barrier, a barrier that is impaired in several inflammatory conditions. The mechanisms behind this impairment are not known, but it can be presumed that structural alterations of the epithelial cells are involved. In support of this notion, we here show the inflammatory mediator leukotriene D4 (LTD4) triggered first a rap

Bättre tillsammans

Att social isolering och ofrivillig ensamhet har negativa effekter på den psykiska och fysiska hälsan är ingen nyhet. Ensamhet är en folksjukdom. Och undersökningar visar att den ofrivilliga ensamheten har starka kopplingar till boendet och det egna hemmet. Tiden under Covid-19-pandemin har präglats hårt av uppmaningen om ”social distansiering”. Ännu mer tid har spenderats i eller i närheten av h

The Swedish Version of the eHealth Literacy Questionnaire: Translation, Cultural Adaptation, and Validation Study

Background: With the increasing digitalization in health care, an effective instrument is necessary to assess health care consumers' digital competencies-their "eHealth literacy." The 7-scale eHealth Literacy Questionnaire (eHLQ), based on the theoretically robust eHealth Literacy Framework, has shown strong psychometric properties in Denmark and Australia.Objective: The aim of this study was to t

Effectiveness of digital adherence technologies in improving tuberculosis treatment outcomes in four countries : a pragmatic cluster randomised trial protocol

INTRODUCTION: Successful treatment of tuberculosis depends to a large extent on good adherence to treatment regimens, which relies on directly observed treatment (DOT). This in turn requires frequent visits to health facilities. High costs to patients, stigma and burden to the health system challenged the DOT approach. Digital adherence technologies (DATs) have emerged as possibly more feasible al

Shape string : A new feature for prediction of DNA-binding residues

Protein-DNA interactions are involved in many biological processes essential for gene expression and regulation. To understand the molecular mechanisms of protein-DNA recognition, it is crucial to analyze and identify DNA-binding residues of protein-DNA complexes. Here, we proposed a novel descriptor shape string and another two related features shape string PSSM and shape string pair composition

Adolescents’ Emotion Regulation Strategies Questionnaire–Extended: Further Development and Associations With Mental Health Problems in Adolescence

Emotion regulation (ER) is implicated in a range of psychopathologies and behavioral problems that are prevalent or have their initial onset in adolescence. In this study, we aim to evaluate the psychometric properties (factor structure, internal consistency, and construct validity) of the Adolescents’ Emotion Regulation Strategies Questionnaire–Extended (AERSQ-E), a modified and extended version

Prospects for tuberculosis elimination in Ethiopia : feasibility, challenges, and opportunities

To end the global tuberculosis (TB) epidemic and eliminate TB, countries around the world committed to significantly expanding the scope of their efforts, including rapid uptake of new tools, interventions, and strategies, and envisioned a world free of TB. Between 2010 and 2020, Ethiopia experienced a 5% average annual decline in TB incidence. However, at that current rate, ending the TB epidemic

Engraved Stories of Empire : An Examination of Selected Images from the Missionary Register, 1813 – 1855

Images are created not in a vacuum but in hidden yet potent, contending political forces. The missionary endeavour of the nineteenth century was not exempt from this reality. Images became integral to missionary publications and shaped the metropolitan imagination regarding the colonised people, their religion, gods, and rituals. Displaying the colonies and their people was of utmost importance as

Farliga förbindelser : Kopplingen mellan Islamiska förbundet i Sverige och Muslimska brödraskapet

I den här artikeln ska jag framlägga argument för en kontroversiell tes. Nämligen att Islamiska förbundet i Sverige (IFiS), som äger och förvaltar Stora moskén på Södermalm i Stockholm, egentligen är en organisation som ingår i Muslimska brödraskapets (MB) nätverk av nationella organisationer och internationella samverkansorgan. MB är en legendarisk islamistisk organisation med rötter i Egypten, g

Inledning till temanummer om Covid-19s effekter på arbetslivet

Sammantagningsvis tar det här temanumret upp viktiga aspekter rörande coronapandemins effekter på arbetslivet. Utifrån artiklarna vill vi särskilt lyfta följande fyra punkter som angelägna för framtiden:- facket och skyddsombuden i Sverige spelar viktiga roller för bedömning avarbetsmiljörisker vid kriser, såsom coronapandemin.- goda arbetsvillkor i vardagen är avgörande för vård- och omsorgssekto

Academic Spin-offs: The Role of Routinized Behaviours in New Venture Success

This book discusses the importance of developing routininized behaviours in new venture development, specifically highlighting the unique challenges that academic spin-offs face in this vital step towards successful business creation. During the early development stage, new ventures are informally established and have few routines that inform organizational performance. However, the process of new

Grey Matter Segmentation in Spinal Cord MRIs via 3D Convolutional Encoder Networks with Shortcut Connections

Segmentation of grey matter in magnetic resonance images of the spinal cord is an important step in assessing disease state in neurological disorders such as multiple sclerosis. However, manual delineation of spinal cord tissue is time-consuming and susceptible to variability introduced by the rater. We present a novel segmentation method for spinal cord tissue that uses fully convolutional encode