Din sökning på "*" gav 528099 sökträffar
Applying Machine Learning to Gaze Data in Software Development: a Mapping Study
Eye tracking has been used as part of software engineering and computer science research for a long time, and during this time new techniques for machine learning (ML) have emerged. Some of those techniques are applicable to the analysis of eye-tracking data, and to some extent have been applied. However, there is no structured summary available on which ML techniques are used for analysis in diff
Folklore as a Visual Medium of Socialism and National Identity : The Case of Lithuanian SSR
Abstract in GermanDieser Beitrag schildert die Ausformung nationaler Folklore-Gruppen im Rahmen sowjetischer Nationalitätenpolitik einerseits und der Erschaffung einer lokalen Massenkultur andererseits. Am Beispiel Litauens zeigt die Verfasserin zwei unterschiedliche ästhetische Entwürfe der Volksmusik. Neben dem in der Stalin-Ära herausgebildeten Modell sanktionierter Folklore-Shows bildete sich This article examines the establishment of national folklore groups within the framework of Soviet nationalities policy and the creation of a local mass culture. The author discusses Lithuania in order to illustrate the Soviet Union's hybrid methods of constructing folklore that created two different aesthetic approaches to folk music. Alongside the model of officially sanctioned folklore shows fr
Formation of low density hydrous iron oxide via conformal transformation of MIL-53(Fe)
Hydrous iron oxide materials with a predefined shape, photo-electrochemical activity, low density (estimated to be 0.32 g cm−3), and high fractal porosity (BET ca. 117 m2 g−1) are formed via internal hydrolytic transformation of the crystalline metal-organic framework MIL-53(Fe) in dilute aqueous hydroxide.
Insights into the role of polymer-surfactant complexes in drug solubilisation/stabilisation during drug release from solid dispersions.
To evaluate the role of polymer-surfactant interactions in drug solubilisation/stabilisation during the dissolution of spray-dried solid dispersions and their potential impact on in vivo drug solubilisation and absorption. Dissolution/precipitation tests were performed on spray-dried HPMC-Etravirine solid dispersions to demonstrate the impact of different surfactants on the in vitro performance of
SafeDeep: A Scalable Robustness Verification Framework for Deep Neural Networks
The state-of-the-art machine learning techniques come with limited, if at all any, formal correctness guarantees. This has been demonstrated by adversarial examples in the deep learning domain. To address this challenge, here, we propose a scalable robustness verification framework for Deep Neural Networks (DNNs). The framework relies on Linear Programming (LP) engines and builds on decades of adv
Probing the impact of advanced melting and advanced adsorption phenomena on the accuracy of pore size distributions from cryoporometry and adsorption using NMR relaxometry and diffusometry
The accuracy of pore size distributions (PSD) obtained from gas adsorption and cryoporometry is compromised by the presence of advanced adsorption and advanced melting effects, respectively. In order to improve PSD accuracy, it is necessary to know the extent of such effects. In this work cryoporometry and adsorption have been combined to study the onset of advanced melting effects in a sample par
Why the –omic future of Apicomplexa should include gregarines
Att vara ung och arbetslös - En kvalitativ studie kring unga arbetslösas upplevelse av arbetslöshet i relation till deras psykiska hälsa
The purpose of this study is to gain an understanding of the young unemployed and their experience of being unemployed. This study is written in order to answer how young unemployed people experience their time as unemployed and whether it affects them mentally. This study is also written in order to gain an understanding of how these young individuals share their life as unemployed in relation to
Oh Man, I Just Can't Figure You Out : Building the Persona of Tommy Wiseau through The Disaster Artist
Exceptionally preserved teleost fish eyes from the Eocene Fur Formation of Denmark – implications for palaeobiology, palaeoecology and taphonomy
The stem cell-supporting small molecule UM171 triggers Cul3-KBTBD4-mediated degradation of ELM2 domain-harboring proteins
To chemically modulate the ubiquitin-proteasome system for degradation of specific target proteins is currently emerging as an alternative therapeutic modality. Earlier we discovered such properties of the stem cell-supporting small molecule UM171 and identified that members of the CoREST complex (RCOR1 and LSD1) are targeted for degradation. UM171 supports the in vitro propagation of hematopoieti
Using deep learning to predict ideology from facial photographs: expressions, beauty, and extra-facial information
Deep learning techniques can use public data such as facial photographs to predict sensitive personal information, but little is known about what information contributes to the predictive success of these techniques. This lack of knowledge limits both the public’s ability to protect against revealing unintended information as well as the scientific utility of deep learning results. We combine conv
The West needs a communication strategy about the war in Ukraine
One year into Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine, the West is in need for a diversified strategy when discussing the conflict with its partners. Due to historical experiences, non-European and non-Western countries look at the Russian aggression differently. Supporting Ukraine thus means learning how communicate the consequences of the ongoing invasion in a language that would take into accou
Language Practices in English Classrooms : From Primary School to Higher Education
Prolonged opioid use after distal radius fracture
BACKGROUND: Prolonged opioid use (more than 90 days) after injury puts the patient at risk for adverse effects. We investigated the patterns of opioid prescription after distal radius fracture and the effect of pre- and post-fracture factors on the risk for prolonged use.METHODS: This register-based cohort study uses routinely collected health care data, including purchases of prescription opioids
I will remember before I forget what it means to realise that you are white
No title
A theatre performance with and about 4 war veterans with PTSD. In an autobiographical tur de force they take us back to their life changing moments and try to recreate the lives they had before they got crashed by war. Produced by Fix&Foxy together with Betty Nansen Teatret.TURNÉFORESTILLING.
Strukturen på individuella pianolektioner - En intervjustudie med fokus på pianoundervisningen inom den klassiska musikgenren
I denna studie utforskar jag mitt intresseområde vilket är pianoundervisning inom den klassiska musikgenren på ett mer ingående sätt. Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka hur fem pianolärare, verksamma i fyra olika länder, strukturerar sina pianolektioner. Studiens fokus låg på grundskolor inom musik med klassisk inriktning. Det är en fördjupad studie i vad det egentligen innebär att undervis