Din sökning på "*" gav 535475 sökträffar
Meniscus morphology : Does tear type matter? A narrative review with focus on relevance for osteoarthritis research
Objective: To give a narrative overview of meniscal tears with a radiologic emphasis on the morphologic type, technical considerations, and on the relevance of the type of meniscal tear in the context of osteoarthritis (OA) research. Design: Total 20 years of the PubMed database were searched for epidemiological, radiological, arthroscopic and biomechanical reports, and review articles focusing on
EU law, constitutional identity, and human dignity: A toxic mix? : Mr R Bundesverfassungsgericht 2 BvR 2735/14, Mr R v. Order of the Oberlandesgericht Düsseldorf, Order of the Bundesverfassungsgericht (Second Senate) of 15 December 2015, DE:BVerfG:2015:rs20151215.2bvr273514’
"Föreställningsvärld" är ett bokkapitel i en lärobok för grundkursen i historia. Texten behandlar begreppet föreställningsvärld, mentalitetshistoria, Annales-skolan, Weber, Die Entzauberung der Welt, den språkliga vändningen, berättelsebegreppet, och den nya kulturhistorien. Texten innehåller även konkreta exempel på föreställningsvärldar i olika historiska epoker.
Performance of TCP congestion control algorithms with interference in IEEE 802.11ac WLANs
In order to meet the incremental requirements from clients, fifth generation Wireless Local Area Network(WLAN) protocol IEEE 802.11ac provides a lot more throughput than his predecessors. However, in all distributed channel access 802.11 protocols, probability of packet loss increases with respect to number of available stations; consecutive packet losses in link layer activates congestion control
ON the FINE STRUCTURE SPLITTING of the 3p43d 4D5/2 and 3p43d 4D7/2 LEVELS of Fe X
We study UV spectra obtained with the SO82-B slit spectrograph on board SKYLAB to estimate the fine structure (FS) splitting of the Cl-like and levels of Fe x. The splitting is of interest because the Zeeman effect mixes these levels, producing a "magnetically induced transition" (MIT) from to for modest magnetic field strengths characteristic of the active solar corona. We estimate the splitting
Dust Evolution and the Formation of Planetesimals
The solid content of circumstellar disks is inherited from the interstellar medium: dust particles of at most a micrometer in size. Protoplanetary disks are the environment where these dust grains need to grow at least 13 orders of magnitude in size. Our understanding of this growth process is far from complete, with different physics seemingly posing obstacles to this growth at various stages. Ye
Seasonal variation of pulmonary embolism and age dependence
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Structural analysis of the positive AMPA receptor modulators CX516 and Me-CX516 in complex with the GluA2 ligand-binding domain
A study on interactions of herpes simplex virus and tobacco with special reference to tumor development
ISIL attack in Iran: Why now and what will happen next?
Water exchange of trans-dichlorodiaquaplatinum(II) and tetraaquaplatinum(II) studied by an oxidative-addition quenching technique. Isotopic shifts and platinum-195 NMR chemical shifts for mixed chloro-aqua complexes of platinum(II) and platinum(IV)
Water exchange on Pt(H20)42+ and trans-PtCI2(H20)2 has been studied by means of a new oxygen18 tracing technique. The exchange between a platinum(II) complex and 018-enriched water has been rapidly quenched by addition of excess chlorine, which gives a substitution-inert platinum(IV) complex. The time-dependent oxygen16/oxygen18 distributions of the platinum(II) complexes are obtained from the 195
Förutsättningar för innovationspolitik i Sverige : Underlag till regeringens politik för forskning, innovation och högre utbildning 2017-2027
1H NMR Kinetic Study of Dimethyl Sulfoxide Exchange on Tetrakis(dimethyl- sulfoxide)platinum(II) at Variable Temperature and Pressure : High-pressure NMR kinetics. 36.
The present report is a 'H NMR investigation of the dimethyl sulfoxide exchange on Pt(Me2S0)42+ as a function of temperature and pressure in CD3N02. Dimethyl sulfoxide is an ambidentate ligand, and the complex contains two 0-bonded and two S-bonded ligands that are exchanging with the free ligand at different rates. It is favorable to follow these exchanges in a non-coordinating diluent like nitro
Mechanism for Oxidative Addition of Molecular Chlorine to Tetracyanoplatinate(II). Formation of trans-Dichlorotetracyanoplatinate(IV) via a Platinum(III) Intermediate
Ej i Web of Sci
Threats of projected changes in fire regime for newly affected areas in Europe and Northern Africa
Under climate change conditions, climatic wildfire danger could also increase in ecosystems not dominated by fires until now. This increasing trend could lead to more area burned in the future. We have developed an algorithm to map new fire-prone areas in Europe and Northern Africa that identifies grid points where a rare fire event is becoming the mean at the end of the 21st century. When applyin
Compressor design for silicon debug
The objective of this paper is to design a compressor for silicon debug that is suitable in an industrial Nexus environment. The compressor must operate in real-time and must be lossless. Important for the compressor is high compression ratio, low hardware cost and high throughput. We implemented the compression on an FPGA and we compared our implementation in terms of throughput and hardware cost
Litterära fabrikationer : JT LeRoy och Araki Yasusada - både lögn och fiktion
Litterära fabrikationer – det litterära fenomen som vanligen kallas ”bluff” eller ”bedrägeri” – har de senaste decennierna gett upphov till en moralisk och tolkningsteoretisk debatt av starkt polariserad karaktär. I centrum för problematiken står de omtvistade betydelserna av författarens identitet och intention, grundläggande litteraturteoretiska frågor som ställs på sin spets av texter som redan