

Din sökning på "*" gav 534439 sökträffar

Comment on: “Corrections to the Mathematical Formulation of a Backwards Lagrangian Particle Dispersion Model” by Gibson and Sailor (2012: Boundary-Layer Meteorology 145, 399 - 406)

We discuss the results of Gibson and Sailor (Boundary-Layer Meteorol 145:399–406, 2012)who suggest several corrections to themathematical formulation of the Lagrangianparticle dispersion model of Rotach et al. (Q J R Meteorol Soc 122:367–389, 1996). Whilemost of the suggested corrections had already been implemented in the 1990s, one suggestedcorrection raises a valid point, but results in a viola

Longitudinal monoaminergic PET imaging of chronic proteasome inhibition in minipigs

Impairment of the ubiquitin proteasome system has been implicated in Parkinson’s disease. We used positron emission tomography to investigate longitudinal effects of chronic intracerebroventricular exposure to the proteasome inhibitor lactacystin on monoaminergic projections and neuroinflammation. Göttingen minipigs were implanted in the cisterna magna with a catheter connected to a subcutaneous i

Scale-dependent foraging tradeoff allows competitive coexistence

In spatially heterogeneous environments, coexistence between competing species can be facilitated by spatially mediated tradeoffs. In this paper we develop a mechanistic model to investigate under which circumstances interspecific differences in the tradeoff between foraging efficiency and travel costs can allow two central place foraging species to coexist in spite of considerable overlap in reso

The role of heterogeneous parameters for the detection of selection in insurance contracts

This study re-examines standard econometric approaches for detecting adverse and advantageous selection in insurance contracts based on variables that are not used for calculating the insurance premium. We formally demonstrate that existing strategies for detecting selection based on such ‘unused characteristics’ can lead to incorrect conclusions if the estimated coefficients of interest are drive

Report of the international conference on manufacturing and testing of pluripotent stem cells

Sessions included an overview of past cell therapy (CT) conferences sponsored by the International Alliance for Biological Standardization (IABS). The sessions highlighted challenges in the field of human pluripotent stem cells (hPSCs) and also addressed specific points on manufacturing, bioanalytics and comparability, tumorigenicity testing, storage, and shipping. Panel discussions complemented t

Streptococcal Lancefield polysaccharides are critical cell wall determinants for human Group IIA secreted phospholipase A2 to exert its bactericidal effects

Human Group IIA secreted phospholipase A2 (hGIIA) is an acute phase protein with bactericidal activity against Gram-positive bacteria. Infection models in hGIIA transgenic mice have suggested the importance of hGIIA as an innate defense mechanism against the human pathogens Group A Streptococcus (GAS) and Group B Streptococcus (GBS). Compared to other Gram-positive bacteria, GAS is remarkably resi

Collection of microlevel Safety and efficiency Indicators with Automated Video Analysis

This paper revises the theoretical grounds for relation of the micro-level behaviour indicators to the safety and efficiency (level-of service) of the local traffic system. Automated video analysis is suggested as a tool for collection of the individual data about road users driving trajectories and speeds and interaction with other road users. The authors describe the current state of the video a

Reduction in White Blood Cell, Neutrophil, and Red Blood Cell Counts Related to Sex, HLA, and Islet Autoantibodies in Swedish TEDDY Children at Increased Risk for Type 1 Diabetes

Islet autoantibodies (IAs) precede the clinical onset of type 1 diabetes (T1D); however, the knowledge is limited about whether the prodrome affects complete blood counts (CBCs) in 4- to 12-year-old children with increased genetic risk for T1D. This study tested whether CBCs were altered in 4- to 12-year-old children without (n = 376) or with one or several IAs against insulin, GAD65, or IA-2 (n =

Inter-annual variability in the leaf area index of a boreal aspen-hazelnut forest in relation to net ecosystem production

The seasonal phenology of the leaf area index (LAI) is a major determinant of net ecosystem production in deciduous forest ecosystems. This study describes seasonal and inter-annual differences in LAI in a boreal aspen-hazelnut forest in central Saskatchewan, Canada, between 1994 and 2003, and relates the differences in LAI to annual net ecosystem production (FNEP). A robust method is developed to

Riskstratifiering vid pulmonell arteriell hyper­tension - Ger bättre behandling och prognos – högspecialiserat omhändertagande vid universitetssjukhusen krävs

Pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH) is a progressive vascular disease, due to vasoconstriction and remodelling of pulmonary arteries. Survival has from diagnosis, if untreated, been found to be 1 to 2.8 years, depending on whether related to rheumatic disease or not. The ESC/ERS risk stratification tool provides a new approach to evaluate the clinical status of PAH patients. It supports a refine

Steps Control the Dissociation of CO2 on Cu(100)

CO2 reduction reactions, which provide one route to limit the emission of this greenhouse gas, are commonly performed over Cu-based catalysts. Here, we use ambient pressure X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy together with density functional theory to obtain an atomistic understanding of the dissociative adsorption of CO2 on Cu(100). We find that the process is dominated by the presence of steps, whi

On the initial binary population for star cluster simulations

Colour–magnitude diagrams (CMDs) are powerful tools that might be used to infer stellar properties in globular clusters (GCs), for example, the binary fraction and their mass ratio (q) distribution. In the past few years, observations have revealed that q distributions of GC main-sequence binaries are generally flat, and a distribution characterized by a strong increase towards q ≈ 1 is not typica

Study protocol for an observational register-based study on health and risk factors in patients with hip and knee osteoarthritis

INTRODUCTION: Hip and knee osteoarthritis is a leading cause of disability worldwide. Currently, the course of deterioration in pain and physical functioning in individuals with osteoarthritis is difficult to predict. Factors such as socioeconomic status and comorbidity contribute to progression of osteoarthritis, but clear associations have not been established. There is a need for early identifi

Swedenborg i Rom

Naturfilosofen och andeskådaren Emanuel Swedenborg (1688–1772), som mest blivit känd för sina resor i andevärldens immateriella rymder, var också en flitig resenär i den jordiska, europeiska geografin. Tjänstledig från sitt uppdrag som assessor vid Bergskollegium vistades han i Rom ett par månader 1738–39.