

Din sökning på "*" gav 534694 sökträffar

An introduction to the phases of Special-purpose Acquisition Companies and their returns

Using the data of 110 completed special-purpose acquisition companies (SPACs) U.S.-listed between the 1st of January 2019 and the 15th of September 2021, this paper will examine the returns of SPACs based on the three phases of their SPACs life cycle in addition to the returns of their two main events; the merger announcement and the merger completion. Phase one is defined as the time period betwe

Power analysis on FPGA implementation of Classic McEliece

In this work, the hardware implementation of Classic McEliece has been assessed for side-channel leakage through a power analysis. The official, unprotected, decryption procedure of Classic McEliece was implemented on a Xilinx Atix7 \acl{fpga} and incorporated into the \acl{cw} framework. Traces captured during decryption was assessed for information leakage and it was concluded that the implement

Derivations in Univariate Polynomial Subalgebras of Finite Codimension

In this text we continue the work of describing subalgebras of K[x] of finite codimension that was started in “Describing subalgebras of K[x] using derivatives” [2]. In the referenced paper, the authors present how such subalgebras can be described by conditions on the values in certain points and proceed to develop a large theoretical framework to under-stand the nature of such conditions. The au

R&D intensive acquisitions and the best asset owner principle

We study the impact of research and development (R&D) intensity on acquisitions in R&D intensive industries. First, we look at the impact of target R&D intensity on acquirer return to see if it is affected by acquisition premiums. Second, we study the impact of target R&D intensity relative to acquirer R&D intensity and look at whether this impact is affected when the companies

Exploring the interplay between Entrepreneurial Education, Individual Entrepreneurial Passion and the emergence of Team Entrepreneurial Passion

Entrepreneurial Passion has been directly and indirectly related with positive outcomes such as improved self-efficacy, persistence, and venture performance. However, an underexplored concept within entrepreneurship research is Team Entrepreneurial Passion, and to our knowledge there is no research on the interplay between Entrepreneurial Education, individual Entrepreneurial Passion and the emerg

The impact of surrounding agricultural land use on syrphid fly communities in semi-natural grasslands

Agricultural intensification is seen as a major threat to global biodiversity. Semi-natural grasslands play an important role in maintaining biodiversity in agricultural landscapes. Biodiversity and community structure in semi-natural grasslands depends not only on local management but also on the surrounding land-use. Further knowledge on landscape-scale effects would help improving the managemen

Skäliga åtgärder utifrån räddningstjänstens förelägganden

Enligt lagen (2003:778) om skydd mot olyckor, LSO, har den som äger en byggnad eller bedriver verksamhet i byggnaden det yttersta ansvaret för sitt brandskydd. I skälig omfattning ska det finnas utrustning för livräddning vid brand, och i övrigt ska åtgärder vidtas för att förebygga samt begränsa skador till följd av brand. Det är kommunernas ansvar att utföra tillsyn på brandskyddet så att dettaAccording to Swedish Law (2003:778) on protection against accidents, LSO, the one who owns a building or conducts operations in a building has the ultimate responsibility of their fire protection. To a reasonable extent, there must be equipment for lifesaving in the event of a fire, as well as other measures which must be taken to prevent fire and limit damage as a result of fire. In this study, t

Creative Christiania - A Call For A New Vernacular

Christiania is a historically and culturally interesting district in the middle of Copenhagen, Denmark. This work is an investigation into the possible ways and methods through which Christiania could be developed in the future. It includes a careful analysis of the factors that have shaped this district, Richard Floridas theory of the creative city, and how to preserve the integrity of this area

Svea hovrätts bristande hantering av det konventionsrättsliga besittningsskyddet i artikel 8 EKMR - En problematisering i förhållande till artikel 6(1) EKMR

I RH 2014:45 prövade Svea hovrätt för första gången frågan om hur bostadshyresgästers åberopande av rätten till respekt för hemmet enligt artikel 8 EKMR ska hanteras som grund mot uppsägning av ett hyresavtal. Hovrätten konstaterade att en hyresgäst som hyr sin bostad har en mer begränsad rätt till hemmet och föll sedan tillbaka på hyreslagens skälighetsbedömning. Den praxis som etablerades genom In RH 2014:45, the Svea Court of Appeal examined for the first time how residential tenants' invocation of the right to respect for their home according to Article 8 ECHR should be assessed as an argument against the termination of a tenancy agreement. The Svea Court of Appeal stated that a tenant who rents his or her home has a limited right to the home and thereafter based the judgement sole

Compliance of a Robot Arm using Torque-Based Cartesian Impedance Control

Robots have become important for the development of today’s society. They are known to obtain good accuracy and repeatability of tasks that either complement or replace human labour. Furthermore, as machine-learning is emerging in many technologies, it is important to consider the uncertainties that are introduced when this method is used in robotics. This work aims at developing and evaluating a

Robust Perception for Formula Student Driverless Racing

Building an autonomous system for race cars requires robust and highly accurate perception running in real time. This thesis proposes a novel ground removal strategy for 3D LiDAR perception, modelling the ground as several planes, and a novel clustering method for LiDARs that sweep the scene in a predefined pattern resulting in a 20-fold performance increase over clustering methods commonly used f

Homarus Corporatus: Investigating the state-firm-resource nexus in the Canadian offshore lobster fishery

Lobster production in Nova Scotia has been expanding for three decades, and a single firm, the vertically integrated, Canadian-based seafood company Clearwater Seafoods Inc., has gained exclusive control over the offshore lobster fishery. Drawing on a Marxian theoretical framework combined with insights from critical resource geography, this thesis aims at placing the production of offshore lobste

Covid-19-pandemin: en infektion på rättigheter och demokrati?: Variationer i nivåer av pandemic violations & backsliding mellan regimtyper

Den globala covid-19-pandemin har lett till att restriktioner införts i en majoritet av världens stater, som i flera fall hamnat i konflikt med rättigheter och demokrati. Dessa rättighetsinskränkningar och risken för demokratisk försämring har mätts av V-Dem i två index, The Pandemic Violations of Democratic Standards Index (PanDem) och The Pandemic Backsliding Index (PanBack). Vår studie har jämf

Vapen, olja eller makt? En prövning av realistiska och marxistiska teorier på Irakkriget

Irakkriget 2003 motiverades med påståenden om att Saddamregimen hade massförstörelsevapen, och att dessa kunde komma att användas mot USA. Vår empiri visar att det fanns skäl att tvivla på detta redan innan kriget började och att det finns skäl att undersöka frågan närmare. Med utgångspunkt i två olika teoretiska perspektiv – realismen och marxismen – undersöker vi i vilken utsträckning fyra olika

Den ofrivillige agenten - Om gränsdragningen mellan agent- och återförsäljaravtal samt agentlagens betydelse utanför dess direkta tillämpningsområde

Syftet med denna uppsats har varit att tydliggöra den juridiska gränsdragningen mellan agent- respektive återförsäljaravtal. Detta har gjorts genom att redogöra för respektive avtalstyps särdrag. För att kunna dra gränsen mellan de båda avtalstyperna krävs att en helhetsbedömning görs av parternas avtal och av hur de faktiskt har agerat i sin avtalsrelation. Några omständigheter som särskilt ska bThe purpose of this thesis has been to clarify the legal demarcation between agency and distribution agreements. To do this, the characteristics of each type of agreement has been described. In order to be able to draw the line between the two types of agreements, an overall assessment of the parties’ agreement is required. How the parties’ have conducted their trades according to their contractua

Översättningen och den anglosaxiska dominansen : en intervjuundersökning om förutsättningarna för spanskspråkig skönlitterär översättning i Sverige

I den här uppsatsen undersöks förutsättningarna för spanska översättningar i Sverige genom kvalitativa intervjuer med sex svenska förlag. Syftet är att försöka bidra med en förståelse för hur den svenska översättningsmarknaden fungerar och mekanismerna bakom urvalet av den översatta spanskspråkiga skönlitteraturen, som kan sägas vara representerad i relativt låg grad i Sverige. Frågor som ställs t

Personlig återhämtning i en klinisk kontext. Om personalens förutsättningar att stötta patienters personliga återhämtning, på en öppen psykiatrisk avdelning.

The aim of this study was to examine the experiences and thoughts of the healthcare staff at a psychiatric ward regarding their ability to support the patients on their way towards personal recovery related to social work in a healthcare setting. The intention was to look closer at what challenges the staff faces, as well as what they find promoting the work to support personal recovery. Furthermo

Rewilding Abandoned Farmland An Analysis of the Impact of Rewilding on Biodiversity in Projects of Rewilding Europe

Biodiversity continues its devastating decline while Europe is facing an estimated 20 million ha of farmland abandonment until 2030. By reviewing scientific and grey literature, websites, and reports I investigate the impacts of rewilding on biodiversity in connection to abandoned farmland. In addition, I analyse the amount of abandoned farmland in three project areas from the Rewilding Europe org

Den fysiska boken som ett interaktivt och multimodalt medium

At a time when books are being consumed more and more via digital aids and platforms, physical books have begun to take up less space in the market. Fortunately, technological development can offer the possibility to bring physical books into the future by adding interactive and multimodal elements to them. Is the traditional book in a stage of transformation to become something new? The combinati