

Din sökning på "*" gav 534698 sökträffar

Rewilding Abandoned Farmland An Analysis of the Impact of Rewilding on Biodiversity in Projects of Rewilding Europe

Biodiversity continues its devastating decline while Europe is facing an estimated 20 million ha of farmland abandonment until 2030. By reviewing scientific and grey literature, websites, and reports I investigate the impacts of rewilding on biodiversity in connection to abandoned farmland. In addition, I analyse the amount of abandoned farmland in three project areas from the Rewilding Europe org

Den fysiska boken som ett interaktivt och multimodalt medium

At a time when books are being consumed more and more via digital aids and platforms, physical books have begun to take up less space in the market. Fortunately, technological development can offer the possibility to bring physical books into the future by adding interactive and multimodal elements to them. Is the traditional book in a stage of transformation to become something new? The combinati

A New Frontier for North Korean Human Rights Activism? A qualitative case study on North Korean defector-activist Park Yeonmi and her use of social media

The present thesis sought to inspect the yet-unexplored digital dimension of North Korean human rights activism, aiming to uncover the strategic digital communication wielded by a selected case study. The research was thus based on an explorative qualitative inquiry of the social media activity of Park Yeonmi, one of the most renowned North Korean defectoractivists in the West. A total of 90 eleme


The COVID-19 pandemic has helped raise awareness about climate change, creating an opportunity for changes in consumption patterns and travel behavior. This increased awareness has also reached the corporate world [1]. Companies are measuring their emissions and report this. The emissions of employee commuting is often calculated through surveys which are not accurate due to non- respo

Geological characterisation of geophysical lineaments as part of the expanded site descriptive model around the planned repository site for high-level nuclear waste, Forsmark, Sweden

Svenska Kärnbränslehanteringen (SKB) startade ett projekt under 2020 i närheten av Forsmark i Sverige med målet att utöka deformationszonsmodellen till att inkludera hela dräneringsområdet runt om det planerade slutförvaret för använt kärnbränsle. Detta arbete bygger på en lineamentmodell som var skapad för SKB. Denna modell använder sig av magnetiska data tillsammans med höjddata samt data insamlThe Swedish Nuclear Fuel and Waste Management Co. (SKB) started a project in 2020 near Forsmark, Sweden with the aim to expand the deformation zone model to encompass the entire catchment area around the planned repository for spent nuclear fuel. This thesis builds upon a lineament model that was constructed for SKB which utilizes airborne magnetic data supported by airborne Very Low Frequency (VL

Värme- och kylalösningar för framtida Jägersro Hästcenter - En jämförande fallstudie av olika tekniska lösningar med fokus på ekonomisk och miljömässig hållbarhet

Skånska Travsällskapet (STS) har styckat av fastigheten som nuvarande Jägersro trav- och galoppområde är belägen på och kan genom försäljningen finansiera uppbyggnaden av ett nytt Jägersro Hästcenter (JH). STS:s målsättning är att JH ska bli en framtidsorienterad anläggning som tar miljö- och klimatutmaningarna på allvar och bidrar med samhällsnytta för en hållbar utveckling av Malmö stad. Som priSkånska Travsällskapet (STS, ``The Scanian Trotting Association``) has subdivided its property on which the current Jägersro trotting and galloping arena is located. They have thereby enabled the financial means to invest in a new horse racing arena. The project aims to reduce its negative impacts on the environment and climate by selecting and integrating technologies that contributes positively

The what, how and why of finite projective planes

Ändliga projektiva plan finns i skärningspunkten av flera till synes orelaterade grenar av matematiken. Denna tes utforskar hur ändliga projektiva plan uppstår, både ur den väldigt konkreta och visuella projektiva geometrin, som först utvecklades av renässansens konstnärer för att avbilda objekt i den verkliga världen på en tvådimensionell yta med hjälp av perspektiv. Samt utforskar den hur planenThis thesis defines the finite projective plane and the affine projective plane. A method of construction is defined for the field planes by extension of the affine plane constructed from the vector space over a finite field. The thesis explores for which orders planes can and cannot be constructed, in particular, for the prime powers there exist planes. For n=6 a computer search is conducted usin

Establishment and Characterization of Bladder Cancer Organoids

Miniature bladder tumors in a 3D cell culture Bladder cancer is a common cancer type and represents a complex disease that causes high mortality if not treated properly. To find new treatments and optimize current therapies, expanding research model systems is important. The aim of this Master’s Project was to establish and optimize a newly popularized organoid method on bladder cancer cells. Ou

Gambling Disorder in Association with Dopamine Agonists and Modulators

Kan vissa läkemedel leda till spelberoende? I kroppen baserar ofta många processer på en och samma substans. Exempelvis finns det olika kommunikationssystem i hjärnan som använder sig av signalämnet dopamin. Därför kan det uppstå biverkningar när man försöker påverka ett av dessa system med läkemedel, till exempel i behandling av Parkinsons sjukdom, restless legs syndrom eller schizofreni. Den hä

En narrativ analys och komparativ studie om nyhetsnarrativen i de senaste USA- och EU-valen

This essay analyzes the differences and similarities in the most recent EU and U.S. elections. A narrative analysis is employed, and the theory is based on a social constructionist approach to knowledge. An analytical framework is developed comparing categories/contents of right-wing populism and democracy in relation to the narrative elements building on Labov och Waletskys (1967). The study show

Characterizing Oleaginous Yeasts Modified for Production of Polyesters

Det här arbetet handlar om en genmodifierad och plastproducerande mikroorganism och hur den kan odlas. Plast är en oumbärlig del av vårt dagliga liv. Maten vi köper är paketerad i plast och vårt dricksvatten leds i plaströr i marken. Tyvärr är stor del av den plast som produceras idag gjord av kemikalier som härstammar från fossil olja. Användning av fossil olja är något som man vill undvika för aTo reduce pollution and green house gas emissions associated with plastic production and waste, biobased production of the biodegradable plastic, polyhydroxybutyrate (PHB), is suggested to be a good substitute to petrochemically derived plastics used in foodstuff packaging. However, bacterial production of PHB has proven costly and production with plants occurs at the expense of arable land. Oleag

Transcriptional Bursting Kinetics of Incomplete Dosage Compensation in ZW Sex Determining System

Transcriptional Burst Kinetics of Dosage Compensation in Chicken Sex chromosome combinations are different between sexes in many animal species. In therian mammals, females hold XX and males hold XY, which is called male heterogametic system. In birds, the sex chromosome system is female heterogametic (ZZ in males and ZW in females). The gene dosage imbalance between sexes (Xm:XXf or Zf:ZZm) and

Towards a Broader Ecological Citizenship Repertoire: Exploring Climate Change Engagement, Transformative Agency, and Post-Carbon Transition Imaginaries among Citizens in Sweden

Current post-carbon transition trajectories are primarily based on a belief in technical solutions wherein considerations of the citizens’ role in collective mobilisation and transformation are largely overlooked. To this end, the thesis seeks to understand how citizens can become active agents of change within transition efforts and how their political agency can be empowered accordingly. This, b

Circular economy in the Swedish building sector: Investigating options for old windows

The construction industry is expected to generate 2.2 billion tons of waste by the year 2025 and was responsible for 39 % of GHG emissions generated by the building processes and energy consumption, in 2017. In 2018, the Swedish construction industry accounted for 21 % of the total GHG emissions (including imported emissions) and 35 % of the total amount of waste in the country. In these past deca

Svenska original ökar och översättningar minskar – den svenska barnboksmarknaden 2010–2019

I den här uppsatsen studeras den svenska barn- och ungdomsbokmarknadens utveckling under åren 2010 till och med 2019. Detta görs genom att sammanställa statistik från Svenska barnboksinstitutets Bokprovning för att se hur andelen svenska original och översättningar på marknaden förändrats under decenniet. Studien tillämpar en relativistisk värdeteori för att belysa hur litterära värdeförhandlingar

Mellan tid och Rom

MELLAN TID OCH ROM är ett projekt som undersöker hur arkitektur kan gestaltas med hjälp av minnen som redskap. Projektet har sin utgångspunkt i en Dagbok skriven av två konstnärssystrar mellan 1881-1883. Dagboken skildrar systrarnas tid i Rom och ger läsaren en målande bild av deras liv men också av staden. Projektet är processbaserat och beskrivs därför som en undersökning snarare än ett definiBETWEEN TIME AND ROME is a project that investigates how architecture can be shaped with the help of memories as a tool. The project is based on a Diary written by two artist sisters between 1881-1883. The diary narrates the sisters’ time in Rome and gives the reader a good understanding of their lives and the city at that time. The project is process-based and is therefore described as an inves

Illiquidity and Its Threats - A Study of the U.S. Corporate Bond Market

In recent times of market turmoil, liquidity risk has become a big talking point. As certain Swedish fixed income funds, which were advertised as safe investment options, closed for a few trading days in March of 2020 due to the extremely high stress on the market, questions about how illiquidity a↵ects risk and return were asked. There has been plenty of previous research on the subject and it al

Autumn fueling behavior in passerines in relation to migratory distance and daylength

Many songbird species that breed at northern latitudes migrate long distances each autumn, while others brave the cold winter. Long-distance migrants have physiological adaptations that allow them to rapidly gain weight at stopover sites during migration for optimal speed. There is some evidence from closely related species that birds with a longer migration distance deposit fuel faster. However,