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Titel: För en mer hållbar kaffestund - En experimentell studie om hur nudging kan främja en mer hållbar konsumtion av kaffe Seminariedatum: 2021-06-02 Ämne/kurs: FEKH29, Företagsekonomi: Examensarbete i marknadsföring på kandidatnivå, 15 högskolepoäng. Författare: Marcus Rundström, Martin Lönnqvist och Sixten Nyhlén. Handledare: Johan Gromark. Nyckelord: Kaffe, prispremium, nudging, experimeTitle: For a more sustainable coffee break - An experimental study about how nudging can promote a more sustainable coffee consumption. Seminar date: 2021-06-02 Course: FEKH29, Business Administration: Bachelor’s degree project in marketing (15 ECTS), Undergraduate level. Authors: Marcus Rundström, Martin Lönnqvist, Sixten Nyhlén. Advisor: Johan Gromark. Key words: Coffee, price premium, nud

Kommunala koldioxidbudgetar: En studie av deras användning i lokalt klimatarbete med fokus på Borås och Lund

Hur används koldioxidbudgetar för att hushålla med kommunernas kvarstående utsläpp? Det finns endast en begränsad mängd koldioxid kvar att släppa ut om världen ska ha en trolig chans att hålla sig inom Parisavtalets målsättning om en global temperaturökning på 1,5 – 2 °C. Denna mängd finns beräknad av IPCC och benämns i deras rapporter som ”den kvarstående koldioxidbudgeten”. På senare år har detIn recent years it has become increasingly common for Swedish municipalities to calculate local carbon budgets (LCB) that reflects their fair share of the remaining common global carbon budget. The actions can be viewed as an attempt to make a fair contribution in compliance with the Paris Agreement. However, little is known about how Swedish municipalities uses their LCB:s in their daily work and

Mainstreaming Disaster Risk Reduction - Assessing barriers and opportunities to integrate risk information into communal development planning in Burundi

Natural hazards cannot be avoided, but their damage to what human beings value, such as life, health, and property, can be limited. Climate change will increase extreme weather events and overall disaster risk, which will particularly affect Least Developed Countries. Mainstreaming Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) into development planning, the systematic integration of information stemming from risk

The development of a portable ECG monitor - medical engineering meets emotional design

This project looks into the question of how a portable medical product that is used by the patient at home to communicate bioelectrical signals to their healthcare system, that achieves the medical requirement and the stakeholders’ needs for comprehension, function and usability can be designed. By using co-creation, user centered design- and emotional design tools, a design process which resulte

Optimizing Growth Conditions for Lactic Acid Bacteria

High production titers are paramount in lactic fermentation processes aimed towards poly lactic acid (PLA) manufacturing. Optimization of the fermentation stage is therefore essential for the viability of the process. L-lactic acid producing Pediococcus acidilactici strain TY112 was grown in shake flasks and 2L bioreactors with glucose and mannose as carbon sources under different aeration conditi

The role of immune function in migrating birds

The immune system is the main defense barrier against infections but exerts selection pressures on other life history traits. Recent studies have given importance to understanding the role of the immune system in birds, and it has been hypothesized that during migration, birds either increase their immune function, as they might encounter novel pathogens, or decrease it to account for the cost of

Analysis of priming and licensing signals detected by pattern recognition receptors in murine macrophages

Analysis of priming and licensing signals detected by pattern recognition receptors in murine macrophages Vårt immunsystem är uppdelat i två delar, det medfödda och det adaptiva. Det medfödda immunsystemet består av fysiska (hud och slem) och kemiska barriärer (lågt pH i magen och amylaser i saliv), samt cellulära komponenter. I den cellulära komponenten av det medfödda immunsystemet finns en väl

Shared responsibility of States for torture committed in armed conflicts

The thesis discusses the issue of shared responsibility in international law. In particular, how States may be held accountable for the commission of torture in the context of armed conflicts. Part I discusses the definition of torture under IHRL and IHL, the obligations of States deriving from international treaties. Part II discusses the question of shared responsibility and loopholes in the cu

Huset på ängen

Mitt examensarbete är en undersökning på hur ett nutida generationsboende kan utformas samt vilka sociala utbyten det kan bidra till. Syftet är att gestalta ett fritidshus i form av ett generationsboende ur ett socialt och hållbart perspektiv. Huset är beläget på en befintlig gård ute på Värmlandsnäs och ska ge utrymme för fyra familjer. För att skapa en större förståelse kring generationsboende

Inkluderingens möjligheter och utmaningar: Fem musiklärares tankar om och arbete med inkluderande musikundervisning

Syftet med studien är att undersöka musiklärarnas sätt att beskriva och arbeta med inkludering i kombination med att möta enskilda elevers förutsättningar och samtidigt hålla ihop gruppen. Vidare ämnar studien undersöka vilka inkluderande arbetssätt musiklärarna använder och hur dessa arbetssätt påverkar undervisningens utformning och innehåll samt musiksalens fysiska miljö. Studiens datainsamlingThe purpose of this study is to examine the music teachers’ definitions of inclusive education. A further aim is to examine how these teachers are working to create an inclusive environment for their students and meeting their individual needs while simultaneously holding together the group. Furthermore, this study intends to examine which inclusive teaching methods the music teachers use and how

The Role of Cultural Heritage in Destination Development in Pandemic Times A case study of the city of Helsingborg, Sweden

The World Health Organization classified Covid-19 as a pandemic in March 2020 which led many countries to recommend social distancing, restrict the freedom of movement and to close everything except necessary services. Covid-19 related research focuses primarily on closures and interruption of cultural services and/or their digitalization. Sweden’s Covid-19 strategy has been different from other c

Framtidsutsikter för en digitaliserad sjukvård : en kvalitativ studie om attityder och krav för implementering av digital diktering och taligenkänning från de regionala digitaliseringsansvarigas perspektiv

Digital tools and support are used today to facilitate and streamline operations in healthcare. In this thesis a qualitative study is conducted which addresses regional digitalization managers attitudes towards digital dictation and speech recognition in healthcare. The study aims to explore attitudes that affect implementation of digital dictation and speech recognition in healthcare. The empiric

Urban Flooding in Ljungby Municipality and the Effectiveness of Blue-green Mitigation Measures Using the Software SCALGO Live

En av konsekvenserna av klimatförändringen är en ökning av extrema regn. Kraftigt regn har blivit vanligare de senaste åren, troligen kommer nederbörden fortsätta att öka under kommande åren, säger forskarna. Den 10 augusti 2020, föll ett kraftigt regn i Ljungby stad som orsakade många översvämningar i privata och publika områden. Huvudsyftet med denna avhandling är att stötta de som jobbar med koOne of the realized consequences of climate change is a shift in precipitation patterns and an increase in extreme rainfall events. In addition, the growing urbanization trend associated with population and wealth growth has led to an increase in impervious surfaces while reducing groundwater recharge. In Sweden, it is expected that by the end of this century, annual precipitation will continue to

Digitalization in the rail industry: Localizing damaged cargo wagons using spatial operations and big data

Climate change and the sustainability challenges of the 21st century require the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions in all sectors. Accordingly, political objectives urge for a shift from road to rail in logistics. This drives innovation, increased efficiency, and customer friendliness in the rail industry. These advancements are strongly needed as investments have been neglected in the past an

The COVID-19 Opportunity: Could Competition Law Measures Implemented During COVID-19 Be Adapted to Fight the Climate Crisis?

The current COVID-19 pandemic has confused markets and economies, leading competition authorities around the world to consider how to apply competition law in these exceptional circumstances. Competition authorities have introduced tools that have not previously been used in competition law and have succeeded in providing companies with prompt advice in cases of extreme urgency. The COVID-19 crisi


In response to Loures Municipal Council’s recent proposal for redeveloping the Vila Valente Quarter of Moscavide, an area in urgent need of intervention, by demolishing, starting from scratch and relocating its vulnerable residents, this thesis challenges our responsibilities as architects when it comes to community development, especially with respect to the marginalised in society. We understand

An introduction to the phases of Special-purpose Acquisition Companies and their returns

Using the data of 110 completed special-purpose acquisition companies (SPACs) U.S.-listed between the 1st of January 2019 and the 15th of September 2021, this paper will examine the returns of SPACs based on the three phases of their SPACs life cycle in addition to the returns of their two main events; the merger announcement and the merger completion. Phase one is defined as the time period betwe

Power analysis on FPGA implementation of Classic McEliece

In this work, the hardware implementation of Classic McEliece has been assessed for side-channel leakage through a power analysis. The official, unprotected, decryption procedure of Classic McEliece was implemented on a Xilinx Atix7 \acl{fpga} and incorporated into the \acl{cw} framework. Traces captured during decryption was assessed for information leakage and it was concluded that the implement