

Din sökning på "*" gav 533806 sökträffar

Den professionella socialiseringens gräns - Psykoterapeuters upplevelse av sin socialiseringsprocess efter avslutad utbildning

Studiens syfte var att undersöka psykoterapeuters socialiseringsprocesser, såsom dessa processer upplevdes av psykoterapeuterna 1,5 år efter avslutad utbildning. Semistrukturerade intervjuer genomfördes med fem psykoterapeuter. Intervjumaterialet analyserades med Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (IPA), vilket gav fyra huvudteman: Önskan att förbättra sin nuvarande praktik, Att möta psykoteThe aim of the study was to investigate the socialization processes of psychotherapists, as those processes were experienced by the psychotherapists themselves 1,5 years after finishing their training. The material was gathered using semi-structured interviews and then analyzed using Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (IPA) which generated four main themes: The wish to improve one's curr

Miljöutredning och val av miljöcertifiering på Åbyskolan, Klippans kommun

This paper discusses the environmental impacts caused by the school activities at Åbyskolan, an upper secondary school located in the municipality of Klippan in southern Sweden. It also focuses on which measures that can be applied to reduce the environmental impacts and give economical savings. Finally environmental certifications, ISO 14001 and Grön Flagg, have been studied and compared consider

Luo Yin : poet & satiriker

Poesin har allt sedan urminnes tider haft en central roll i samhället i de delar av världen som idag utgör Folkrepubliken Kina. Den här uppsatsen tar upp och ger en översiktlig genomgång till den sorts poesi som skapades under Tang-dynastin och konsten i att översätta den periodens verk. Därefter beskriver uppsatsen Tang-poeten Luo Yins liv och därtill utvalda verk av honom i översättning till det

Att sticka: ett diskursivt och autoetnografiskt nystande av stickning som praktik

This study is a knitted attempt of academic border crossing. The methods used for this analysis are discourse theory and autoethnography. In using autoethnography the aim is to include other experiences than those who are usually theorized. The material used for the study is five knitting books published in 2013. Concepts are discussed as processes trying to stabilize meaning in the discourse. The

Scoping design situations in Business Intelligence: How design situations are influenced by self-service

Business Intelligence (BI) users have started to demand more flexible products, which has forced the BI field to move towards self-service. Flexible products do however imply new challenges for designers, in order to facilitate such design. Thus, BI designers must be capable of understanding organizations better and what decision makers need, and thereafter frame appropriate solutions for them. Th

An Island in The Mind? : A Case Study of English Erasmus Students’ Understandings of British and European Identity

While overall Erasmus participation rates are increasing, the number of UK students taking part is falling, and the particularity of the ‘British case’ is one that merits investigation. This thesis is concerned with notions of identity as understood by English Erasmus students specifically, and investigates how such students understand European identity and British identity, both in relation to ea

Papperslösa kommunsammanträden

Det papperslösa kontoret har länge varit omtalat, men aldrig blivit verklighet trots att tekniska lösningar funnits tillgängliga. Anledningen till detta går att spåra i de kvaliteter som papper erbjuder och som tycks svåra att ersätta med digitala lösningar. 2010 kom de första av en ny generation pekplattor. Dessa blev snabbt populära. Bland annat var många svenska kommuner tidigt ute med att anvä

Uncovering the Corporate Brand Identity: A case study on Rovio Entertainment

Thesis purpose: To identify and describe the corporate brand identity of a successful company from the mobile gaming industry, examining its corporate brand development at different growth stages. Methodology: This thesis assumes a constructionist ontological stance and interpretivist epistemological position. We chose an exploratory, qualitative single case study approach where semi-structured i

Approximating Capital Requirement Due to Name Credit Concentration Risk

Since banks provide various forms of credit, they consequently expose the business as well as society to risks. Therefore, global banking regulations exist to ensure that banks keep enough capital for the risks they are taking. One such risk is name credit concentration risk, arising when exposures in a portfolio have a skew distribution across different counterparties. Regarding the treatment of

Macroprudential Policy:The Case of Brazil

In the wake of 2008 financial crisis there has been growing interest in issues related to macroprudential policy and the coordinated attempt to ensure financial stability as a whole. The main objective of the paper is to provide a combination of both theoretical and empirical analysis of the effectiveness of macroprudential policy, implemented in Brazilian economy in 2010. Based on an existing met

Temporary formworks as torsional bracing system for steel-concrete composite bridges during concreting of the deck

A critical stage for the construction of steel-concrete composite bridges occurs during casting of the bridge deck, when the wet concrete has still not hardened. The entire construction load is then taken by the non-composite steel sections. Bracing may be needed to make the slender girders rigid enough to resist lateral torsional buckling during this phase. If temporary formwork could be attached

Den nationella innovationskapaciteten - En empirisk och teoretisk studie av variabler som påverkar den nationella innovationskapaciteten i OECD-länder

Denna studie är av empirisk och teoretisk karaktär och undersöker variabler som har en inverkan på den nationella innovationskapaciteten i OECD-länder. Då det inte finns ett välfungerande och internationellt erkänt mått på innovationskapacitet har studien använt antal nationella patentansökningar som proxy för den nationella innovationskapaciteten. För att identifiera de variabler som antas ha en

The Importance of Education for the Relationship between Economic Integration and Female Labor Market Outcomes: A Developing Country Analysis

Women in developing countries have been and are still suffering from various disadvantages on the labor market. We use a fixed effects model with a hierarchical structure to assess the empirical relationship between economic integration, measured by trade, exports and imports, and the female labor force participation rate (FLFPR). The relationship between economic integration and the female employ

Axial load determination using modal analysis

The report investigates the use of measured transversal vibrations to estimate the axial load on beams/columns. A literary review of the basic theory is performed, which clearly shows the theoretical relation between natural frequency and axial loading of linear structural elements (strings & beams). Current journal articles show that research has been done on mathematical models as well as so

Mistrust in CSR

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) requires an organisation to be responsible for “the impacts of its decisions and activities on society and the environment, through transparent and ethical behaviour that contributes to sustainable development” (ISO Central Secretariat, 2011, p. 26). Companies are voluntarily starting to implement CSR due to understanding the social need or wanting to improve

Community Difference in Educational Expectations of Chinese Adolescents

Community constitutes one important context that influences the decision and choices in adolescents’ educational development and life course. Little research has investigated how educational expectations differ between the rural and urban community in China. This study constructs a combined theoretical framework of family socioeconomic status and social capital to explain how family human, financi

Falska vänner och lexikala luckor : Överväganden vid översättningen av termer relaterade till utbildning

Detta examensarbete bygger på min översättning av ett utdrag ur den argentinske författaren och journalisten Andrés Oppenheimers bok ¡Basta de historias! La obsesión latinoamericana con el pasado, y las doce claves del futuro (2012), som jag översatt till Sluta drömma! Latinamerikas fixering vid sitt förflutna och de tolv avgörande framtidsfrågorna. Examensarbetet inleds med en analys av källtexte

Att gotta sig i det gamla : en undersökning av autenticitet vid två svenska museer

The concept of authenticity is hard to define and may vary in time, place, and between different cultures and societies. We have aimed to explore the emotional experience of authenticity, the fascination for the real things from the past. In this thesis we have approached the subject in a museum context, specifically in historical exhibitions. The emphasis is on how museum staff argues the use of