

Din sökning på "*" gav 533806 sökträffar

KOMMUNIKATÖRENS YRKESSTATUS - En kvalitativ fallstudie av hur kommunikatören inom den offentliga sektorn upplever sin tillgång till den dominanta koalitionen

Title: The professional status of the communicator – A qualitative case study on how access to the dominant coalition is experienced by the communicator in the public sector. Purpose: The study aims to understand how professional status is experienced by the communicator in the public sector. Our intention with this study is to contribute to the field of strategic communication with increased kno

Facilitating value-based pricing transformation - What hinders sales force buy-in?

Background: Today, many companies use a cost-based and sometimes competition-based pricing approach. Since academia agrees that value based pricing is superior for creating profit, the problem is not in identifying an ideal pricing strategy, but to understand and facilitate the transformation process towards value-based pricing. Only a limited amount of research has so far been put on understandin

Brandteknisk riskvärdering av äldreboendet Häradsgården

This report is based on a fire safety evaluation of Häradsgårdens retirement home and presents the method during the work and the result. The report is a part of the Fire Safety Engineer program at Lund University and written by students. The main focus during the evaluation was to look at the personal safety during a fire in the building and just a small concern was taken to economic aspects. The

Anestesisjuksköterskans förhållningssätt kring begreppet awareness: ett professionellt misslyckande

Awareness är en sällsynt (1:1000) men allvarlig komplikation till anestesi. När det förekommer kan det innebära stora psykologiska efterföljder för den drabbade. Anestesisjuksköterskor i Sverige har en viktig roll vid det perioperativa omhändertagandet av patienten. Syftet var att belysa anestesisjuksköterskans förhållningssätt kring awareness. En kvalitativ induktiv metod användes. Totalt intervj

Does education improve labour market outcomes?

This paper estimates the causal relationship between years of schooling and unemployment. The results are derived from a high quality dataset containing observations on 13,896 twins. A control for twin pair specific heterogeneity is introduced by exploiting the twin dimension through the fixed effects estimator. Although the OLS estimator reports a strong negative correlation between education and

Kritiska fukt - och temperatur - r örelser i putsade skivfasader

In general the facade should be aesthetically appealing, but also its practical functions from a moisture control point of view are of importance. Two step sealed facades, where the outer part consists of a cementboard and plaster, are becoming increasingly common in the selection of type of facade. A specific tvåstegstätad facade that is becoming more established on the market is the facade, wher

The Nomadic Peace: A Constructivist Analysis of the Somaliland Peace Process

This qualitative case study utilizes constructivist theory to better understand the success of the Somaliland peace process, which took place in the early 1990’s. The thesis argues that underlying forces, such as social change, social norms, values, beliefs and traditions have been vital in strengthening and legitimizing the peace process. Somaliland has been chosen as the case due to its impressi

Vi litar på varandra... Eller?

Sammanfattning Vad: Kandidatuppsats, Logistics Service Management, Lunds Universitet, VT 2014 Författare: Anton Berggren och Malin Windrup Titel: Vi litar på varandra… Eller? Handledare: Gustaf Kastberg Syfte: Syftet med uppsatsen är att bidra med förståelse och generera kunskap om hur olika faktorer påverkar förtroendet i en VMI-relation. Vi gör detta genom att studera aktörernas förhållning

"Because It Hits you a Bit": Women, Social Change and Collective Trauma after the Collapse of the Soviet Union in Ukraine

This thesis examines social change and the collective trauma for women in Ukraine after the collapse of the Soviet Union by investigating general subjective wellbeing at the intersection of gender, generation and ethnicity. It argues that women had a special position during and after the Soviet regime due to the existing familialistic discourses both in the Soviet Union and independent Ukraine, an

Hen - ett könsneutralt alternativ?

I Sverige råder sedan en tid tillbaka en debatt kring huruvida ett könsneutralt ord bör användas för att undvika benämning av kön i diverse sammanhang. Syftet med denna undersökning var att utvärdera hur ordet hen bedöms i rekryteringssammanhang, i jämförelse med den sökande. Studien genomfördes med en kvantitativ undersökning i form av en experimentell design. 160 deltagare fick läsa en av två joThere is currently an ongoing debate in Sweden whether a gender neutral pronoun should be used to avoid specific gender associations. The purpose of this thesis has been to evaluate if the gender neutral pronoun hen in comparison with the applicant in a recruitment process can be considered as more gender neutral. The study was conducted using an explorative quantitative method. 160 participants r

Medias bild av ungdomar under Husbykravallerna

This examination paper will examine the reporting of the Husby riot during May of 2013 in four different Swedish national newspapers. I have taken a qualitative approach to analyse 40 newspaper articles that were written during the course of the riot. I chose to analyse articles that were written during the riot because I wanted to find out how the newspapers wrote about the riot and the people wh

Overreliance in Automatic Stabilizers? - Sweden’s Fiscal Policy during the Financial Crisis

What was the outcome of Sweden’s fiscal policy between 2009 and 2012 and why was it different from forecasts? Research by the OECD during the financial crisis, used by the Swedish Government to illustrate their fiscal policy, suggested that Sweden would have the biggest stimulus of all OECD countries. However, Sweden’s fiscal policy ended up rather modest. By examining the forecasted fiscal policy