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Argument types and fallacies in legal argumentation
Stress and Deformation Characteristics of Concrete at High Temperatures. 2. Experimental Investigation and Material Behaviour Model
Pheromones and kairomones for detection and control of indoor pyralid moths
Three pyralid moths, the Mediterranean flour moth (Ephestia kuehniella), the almond moth (Ephestia cautella) and the Indian meal moth (Plodia interpunctella), infest food products all over the world and cause severe problems in factories, shops and households. For health and environmental reasons chemical control becomes more and more restricted. We here present some promising results offering eff
Particle Emissions from Biomass Combustion in Grate Fired Boilers Operating on Forest Residues and Sawdust
Negotiations in the Riksdag
Abstract is not available
Samhälle och miljö under sex tusen år
International human rights monitoring mechanisms : essays in honour of Jakob Th. Möller
Incineration of municipal solid waste (MSW) has resulted in large quantities of residues which can be recycled in roads and landfill covers provided the environmental concerns related to leaching of salts and metals can be mitigated. The pollutant transport from these residues depends on quantity and variability of moisture at re-use sites. For realistic assessment of leaching rates and pollutant
Advanced heat exchangers for clean and sustainable technology
This article presents two types of advanced heat exchangers: high-temperature heat exchangers (HTHEs) and compact heat exchangers (CHEs). Design materials selection and coolants for high temperatures are described. As a promising HTHE and a CHE, printed circuit heat exchanger has been outlined. Micro/mini-channel heat exchanger and foam heat exchanger, as two types of CHEs, are also described. Var
Kommentar till Lag (1969:200) om uttagande av utländsk tull, annan skatt, avgift eller pålaga
Superhjältar med islamisk klangbotten
The developing role of quality in the heritage attraction industry
Due diligence: garantier och undersökning vid olika avtalstyper
Den rituella människan : Flervetenskapliga perspektiv
Riter och ritual är mångsidiga fenomen vilket gör att studiet av formaliserade handlingar återfinns inom flera ämnesdiscipliner. I Den rituella människan – flervetenskapliga perspektiv visar forskare inom arkeologi, etnologi, psykologi, teatervetenskap, religionshistoria och teologi hur de har funderat över den rituella praktiken. Varför använder människan sig av riter, hur kan rit och ritual stud
The two dimensional Mazo limit
Faster than Nyquist (FTN) signaling is extended. We send FTN pulse trains that overlap in both time and frequency; this is called two dimensional Mazo signaling. The minimum time and frequency separation that achieves square minimum distance 2 for root raised cosine pulses is found. Two dimensional signaling is more bandwidth efficient than one dimensional. A simple decoder is tested and it verifi
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Jämmerdal och fröjdesal : kvinnor i stormaktstidens Sverige
Nanoimprint lithography: opportunities and applications
In the first part of this presentation I will highlight the understanding about nanoimprint lithography (NIL) we have developed within the two EU projects that I have been privileged to coordinate, NANOTECH and CHANIL. In the second part I will concentrate on various applications that has been successfully implemented using NIL and the concerns related to NIL for applications. This will include fa