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Halving food-related greenhouse gas emissions can be achieved by redistributing meat consumption : Progressive optimization results of the NutriNet-Santé cohort
BACKGROUND: Diet-related greenhouse gas emissions (GHGe) mainly comes from animal-sourced foods. As progressive changes are more acceptable for a sustainable food transition, we aimed to identify nutritionally adequate and culturally acceptable optimized diets ensuring a gradual reduction in GHGe, using observed diet from a large sample of French adults, while considering the mode of food producti
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Dermatology Life Quality Index as a Prognostic Tool for Predicting Need for Healthcare in Patients with Eczema : A Pilot Study
The primary aim of this study was to determine whether an increase in DLQI score can predict an eczema flare up and thus a need for treatment escalation/physician appointment. The secondary aim was to explore variations in DLQI over time.
Breast Imaging
Imaging is an integral part of breast cancer diagnosis, staging and follow-up. Breast imaging is also important for radiation therapy planning. The radiation oncologist needs to review patient’s imaging (e.g. mammography) to evaluate the extent of disease (for radiation planning, not for diagnostic purposes) and for treatment planning. Pre-treatment imaging is the key for planning radiation target
Progressionsplaner som stöd för lärande, undervisning och utveckling inom högre utbildning
Om måluppfyllelse ska kunna säkerställas för alla studenter behöver förutsättningar ges för lärandeprogression mot utbildningens mål. För att stärka dessa förutsättningar har progressionsplaner utvecklats för de naturvetenskapliga utbildningarna vid Lunds universitet. Progressionsplanen konkretiserar varje examensmål i etappmål med gradvis ökade krav och ger därigenom en överblick över den förvänt
Reply to Rezahosseini
Riva, cirkulera, bygga nytt eller renovera? Energianvändning i hela livscykeln.
Bostads- och servicesektorn i Sverige står idag för ungefär 40% av Sveriges totalaårliga energibehov (Energimyndigheten, 2021). Förutom detta används en stormängd energi för nyproduktion, underhåll och rivning av byggnader. Att minskaenergianvändningen i byggsektorns hela livscykel är en nyckel för att nå uppsattaenergi- och klimatmål. I detta projekt analyseras vad som är bäst ur ettenergiperspek
Densifying Dwelling: Accumulation, Accommodation and Affliction through formal housing in Megacity Mumbai
The ordinary cities are the dominant sites of urban living, theorization and debates. This presentation centrally situates the dimension of urban density to unfold a unique, however, ordinary aspect of urban contention. It situates the state’s formal housing paradigm for the urban poor as the case of theoretical intervention from an ongoing research project. It aims to broaden the understanding of
Climate change and the individual : a perspective of China
As a state where the ruling communist party operates in a central planning mode, the policies of the ruling party and central government exert a great influence on national affairs with a long historical tradition in China, which can be even more obviously illustrated in the issues of climate change. But on the other hand, there is still no specific national climate legislation in China, which is
Site-specific N-glycan profiles of α5β1 integrin from rat liver
Background Information: Like most other cell surface proteins, α5β1 integrin is glycosylated, which is required for its various activities in ways that mostly remain to be determined. Results: Here, we have established the first comprehensive site-specific glycan map of α5β1 integrin that was purified from a natural source, that is, rat liver. This analysis revealed striking site selective variati
Variability, population size and isolation: the structuring of diversity in Öland Gypsophila fastigiata
Controversies of Inclusion in the Colombian Peace Process: The balancing Act of Introducing New Norms and Gaining Popular Support.
Multicomponent binders for PcBN performance enhancement in cutting tool applications
This study proposes a novel design of binders for polycrystalline cubic boron nitride (PcBN) cutting tool materials. Well-known binder phases TiC and TiN were combined with transitional metal nitrides ZrN, VN, and HfN. Performance screenings of longitudinal turning Inconel 718 and AISI 316 L highlighted the superior performance of PcBN materials with mixed TiC-ZrN and TiC-VN binders. These two sys
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Mental Health Interests of Adolescents in Secondary Education
This study explores the relative interest in various mental-health topics among adolescents. The results of this study will be used to develop relevant information material for the age-group and for interested mental-health practitioners as well as teachers. The participating adolescents were between 13-19 (N = 2058) recruited through social media. In the sample 922 participants attended lower secThis study explores the relative interest in various mental-health topics among adolescents. The results of this study will be used to develop relevant information material for the age-group and for interested mental-health practitioners as well as teachers. The participating adolescents were between 13-19 (N = 2058) recruited through social media. In the sample 922 participants attended lower sec
Investigation on the pressurized discharge performance from a liquid oxygen tank under different injected gas temperatures
Accurate prediction on the pressurized discharge performance is significant to the safety operation of cryogenic propellant system. In the present study, a two-dimensional numerical model is established to simulate the fuel outflow with high-temperature gas injection. Both the environmental heat invasion and interfacial phase change are detailedly considered. The volume of fluid method is used to
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Early humoral defense under the radar : microvascular-epithelial cooperation at airways infection in asthma and health
Niching methods integrated with a differential evolution memetic algorithm for protein structure prediction
A memetic version between an evolutionary algorithm (differential evolution) and the local search provided by protein fragment replacements was defined for protein structure prediction. In this problem, it is intended to find the global minimum in a high-dimensional energy landscape to discover the native structure of the protein. This problem presents a multimodal energy landscape which can addit