

Din sökning på "*" gav 529632 sökträffar

Retrosirnulation of a space traveling-wave tube 250 W, Ka-band, 4-stages collector

The internship is dedicated to the modeling of RF and electrical performances of a 250 W Ka traveling- wave tube, using computation codes developed internally. The objective was to compare simulations and measurements in order to design a 5-stages collector. The modeling of the interaction wave -beam (RF model) is discussed in the first part. Simulations are done with the internal code MVTRAD. In p

Den svenska slummen - en undersökning av dess förekomst och orsaker

To suggest that slums exist in Sweden is still rather controversial. However, several cases of highly unacceptable housing conditions have been revealed lately. The aim of this study is to examine whether there is slum in Sweden today, and further and more importantly, to identify the mechanisms that enables slum to arise. The fundamental theoretical perspective for the essay lies in “the right to

Snow and sea ice temperature profiles from satellite data and ice mass balance buoys

Som minst är alltid 5% av jordens yta täckt av havsis. Det gör att isen har en avgörande roll i klimatet, särskilt vid polerna, då den påverkar utbytet av värme, massa och rörelse mellan havet och atmosfären. Ett snötäcke ovanpå isen förstärker ytterligare effekterna av isolering och reflektion. Havsisen och snön är av stor betydelse för det globala klimatsystemet. Dock är det svårt att inhämta dThe sea ice covers approximately 5% of the Earth’s surface at any given time and it plays an important role in the polar climate system affecting the heat, mass and momentum exchange between the atmosphere and the ocean. The snow cover on top of the sea ice affects its insulating and reflective properties and thus key figures in the climate system feedback loop. Sea ice and snow is of significant

Kontroll av skötseln samt skötselplanerna för naturreservaten Linnebjer och Fågelsångsdalen

Naturreservat – områden som behöver vård och omsorg Ett naturreservat är ett skyddat naturområde som många gånger bjuder på varierande och vacker natur. Kanske har du någon gång besökt ett reservat och strövat i lövskogen, tittat på fåglar eller kanske fikat på ängsmarken. Vad du troligtvis inte tänkte på då är hur mycket vård och omsorg som faktiskt kan ligga bakom ett välskött naturreservat. FöThe aim of this study is to examine how the two nature reserves Fågelsångsdalen and Linnebjer are being maintained. Fågelsångsdalen has 16 different management areas whereas Linnebjer has 12. My observations for each of these areas took place out in the field with the help of each management plan and a map of the area. The current status of the different management areas is compared to the managem

The Effect of Exposure to Microplastic Particles on Baltic Sea Blue Mussel (Mytilus edulis) Filtration Rate

This study sought to investigate the effect of microplastics on Mytilus edulis’s ability to filtrate water. The mussels were sampled at Hanö bay located in the Baltic Sea, and were transported to a controlled environment. The mussels were exposed to three different solutions, one containing a concentration of 1 000 Microbeads (diameter 10 μm) per liter, one containing the same amount of plastic be

Analysis and Simulation of Cerebellar Circuitry

The cerebellum, a fist-sized structure of the brain, plays a crucial part in the execution and coordination of motor control tasks and cognitive activities. It is also remarkably able to adapt itself to new tasks and circumstances whenever errors in motor output are made. Over the years, valuable insight on cerebellar functionality has been gained through the application of concepts traditionally

Bestämning av radiatordynamiken i ett hyreshus

Temperature dynamics for a building heated by hot-water radiators are studied in this work. The emphasis has been put on deducting an equation for calculating radiator temperatures and temperature dynamics out of given datas on the construction of the heating system. Different models for approximation of radiators are compared and the heating effect as a nonlinear function of the temperature is e

Skyddet för den personliga integriteten i informationssamhället - Om tredjelandsöverföringar av personuppgifter och datalagring

Informationssamhällets framväxt bidrar med nya utmaningar för rättsliga regleringar utformade efter traditionella gränser när dessa ska upprätthållas i en gränslös digital miljö. Digitaliseringen av samhället ger upphov till rättsfrågor som inte nödvändigtvis är nya men som placerar dessa i en ny miljö, vilket bidrar till en viss osäkerhet kring rättsläget i många fall. Mot bakgrund av detta behanThe development of the information society brings new challenges to legal constructions created in a landscape of traditional boundaries when these are to be upheld and enforced in a borderless digital environment, mainly due to a technical development that is constantly pushing the boundaries. An increased digitalisation of the society gives rise to not necessarily new legal questions but put the

Hardware Implementation of Number Inversion Function

Nowadays, number inversion is of great significance and a complex arithmetical operator, especially the implementation in hardware. It provides a higher speed performance and lower power consumption. Initially, the conversion of the inputs to floating-point numbers contains sign, exponent, and mantissa parts. The scope of the project is to perform an approximation of the number inversion function.

The Role of the European Commission in Framing the European Union Energy Union

The aim of this thesis is to analyse how the Commission has managed to successfully set its EU energy policy as high priority policy on the EU policy agenda. The empirical material used in this study were analysed through the lens of Multiple Stream Approach theory, the Framing Theory, and the securitization concept. Several events leading up to the EU Energy Union from 2000 and onward are discuss

Visualization of task execution in ABB 800xA

The 1131-tasks that execute within the 800xA controller have been visualized by implementing three components extending the functionality of the 800xA control and automation platform. The components named TaskVisualizerCommServer (TSCS) and TaskVisualizerCommClient (TSCC) have been added to the controller and control builder respectively and are responsible for data collection and networking. The

Is it possible to find a method that shows a correspondence between a known mutation and the phenotype in barley wax less mutants?

Ju varmare väder desto mer kläder - Hur man föder jordens befolkning Vår planet ökar stadigt i befolkning samtidigt som klimatet blir varmare och skördarna sämre. När de fattiga bönderna inte kan överleva på sina grödor flyr de in i överbefolkade städer utan möjlighet till nya jobb. Fattigdom och svält är ett av de största hotet mot mänskligheten. Terrorgrupper rekryterar framgångsrikt bland den The wax on the stem and leafs of the barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) plant has a protective function and is produced by the cells on the plant's outer surfaces. There are several available barley mutants where the wax production has been stopped. Four mutants are the single-site mutants cer-c.36, cer-q.42, ceru. 21 and the deletion mutant cer-cqu.724. We phenotyped 636 barley plants and collected

Comparing genotype and phenotype in wax-less Barley mutant

Wax production is essential for the survivability of Barley (Hordeum vulgare) plants. They use it to fend off bacteria, viruses and helps rinse the cuticular surface from dirt. Much research has been done regarding the genetic regulation and the cer-cqu genes are proven to account for the biosynthesis of wax. A point mutation has been induced within the cer-u region which gives rise to waxless pla

Modeling of soot emission for heavy-duty diesel engines in transient operation

The soot emissions from diesel engines are much higher in transient operation than during steady state operation. In this thesis, a method for estimating the soot mass flow emission in transient drive cycles is presented. The proposed method uses stationary emission maps in combination with step responses. Bandpass filters are used to filter the engine torque/power to provide transient detection a