

Din sökning på "*" gav 534641 sökträffar

Målstyrning i polisen

The Swedish police force is controlled out of management by objectives. Management by objectives is setting goals on national, regional and local levels of the police force in an attempt to developing the company. What knowledge possesses the Swedish police force in how to set goals for a goal oriented business? The paper examines the goal settings for the police force at national and regional lev

Den (o)neutrala statens dilemma - Om invandrardiskursen i statliga utredningar under 2000-talet

This thesis focuses on the Swedish politics of immigration and the discourse within governmental committees from 2000-2010. The aim of the thesis is to describe and analyze the existing discourse as it appears in three different texts, and to finally be able to conclude some of its main conceptions. The method used is a text analysis, with a discourse perspective based broadly on thoughts of Miche

Partiledareffekter i Sverige

This study will address the party leader's personal popularity effects on voters' voting behavior. To what extent are voters’ party choice influenced by the party leaders' popularity, if the electoral polls show any signs of party leader effects in the Swedish election results and whether some political parties are more sensitive to the effects of party leaders than others. The study w

Performance of exchange-traded funds during the financial crisis

We compare 17 exchange-traded funds (ETF) traded on the New York Stock Exchange benchmarking European indices and Asian indices. Over the five-year period of 2006-04-05 to 2011-04-05, with the additional focus being on the financial crisis stretching from 2007-08-01 to 2009-02-27, we evaluate the ETFs performance and ability in tracking their benchmark indices through extreme volatile periods. Our

Rörande den i Hiroshima förekommande partikeln ken

Hiroshimadialekten talas av befolkningen i prefekturen Hiroshima i västra Japan. Den här uppsatsen beskriver särdrag och egenskaper i dialekten såsom uttal, grammatik och vokabulär i kontrast till det japanska standardspråket, hyojungo. Fokus ligger på den dialektala partikeln ken som markerar `anledning' i en sats. Partikeln jämförs med standardspråkets partikel kara. En undersökning visar smThe Hiroshima dialect is spoken by the population of the Hiroshima Prefecture in western Japan. This paper describes the features and properties of the dialect in regard to pronounciation, grammar and vocabulary and compares it to standard Japanese, hyojungo. The focus is on the dialectal particle ken that is used to express `cause' in a clause. The particle is compared to the particle kara of

Is there a J-curve in the bilateral trade between Sweden and Germany? -A Product Level Study-

The J-curve illustrates an initially negative effect of an exchange rate depreciation on the trade balance with improvement following in later periods. This paper investigates whether there is a J-curve in the bilateral trade between Sweden and Germany on a 3-digit SITC product group level. The ARDL bounds testing approach is employed to circumvent issues such as the bad small sample properties of

The consequences of England’s decision not to opt into the proposed EU Regulation on succession and wills

England har i dagsläget beslutat att ej anta den förslagna EU- förordningen om behörighet, tillämplig lag, erkännande och verkställighet av domar och officiella handlingar i samband med arv och om inrättandet av ett europeiskt arvsintyg. England deltar dock i de pågående förhandlingarna mellan medlemsstaterna rörande förordningen och en ratificering är fortfarande möjlig. Enligt England omfattar hTo date England has decided not to opt into the proposed EU Regulation on jurisdiction, applicable law, recognition and enforcement of decisions and authentic instruments in matters of succession and the creation of a European Certificate. However, with an eventual opt in England fully engages with the ongoing negotiations on the proposed Regulation between the Member States. From the English view

Mobile Marketing – An empirical study of Smartphone devices as a marketing tool to build brand equity

The purpose of this thesis is to gain deeper understanding of Smartphones as a marketing communication channel and to identify the key success factors. The aim is to be able to develop our own framework for successful mobile marketing, which pitfalls to avoid and which factors to emphasize, by reviewing previous studies and further develop these by applying them to a case study, which will enable

Detection of mobile phone vibrations during walking

Today the use of mobile phones are widespread, and they are often kept in trouser pockets. As the thigh is comparatively less sensitive to vibrations, and vibrotactile sensitivity is diminished during movement, detection of vibratory mobile notications during walking is lower than in a still position. Vibrotactile detection rate is hypothesized to be dependent on gait phase. Method: 28 subjects we

User Trust in E-Government - Management Perspective

A lot of money is being spent by the governments all over the world in developing and deploying Government to Citizen (G2C) e-government applications. These applications serve the purpose of providing better civic services to the citizens. The success of such applications is frequently heard and witnessed in the developed countries but there is a prevailing concern about the success and adoption o

Om prejudikat och prejudikattolkning

Den moderna synen på prejudikathantering utgår inte ifrån att formulera någon allomfattande prejudikatlära eller prejudikattolkningslära. Istället respekteras prejudikatens olikheter och behandlingen av dem tillåts variera och anpassas efter förutsättningarna i det enskilda fallet. Den svenska rättsvetenskapen har kommit en bit på vägen med att anpassa prejudikattolkningsläran utifrån den modernaThe modern view of precedent management in Sweden doesn’t rely on any comprehensive precedent doctrine or precedent interpretation doc-trine. Instead the differences between precedents are respected, and the precedent management is allowed to vary depending on the circumstances related to the precedent at hand. The Swedish legal science has made some progress in adapting the prece-dent interpret

”Det är en del av jobbet" - förekomst, utförande och konsekvenser av emotional labor bland sjuksköterskor inom rehabiliteringsvården.

Inkonsekventa resultat kring konsekvenserna av emotional labor lägger grunden för ett utökat behov av vidare undersökningar av begreppet och dess konsekvenser för såväl de anställda personligen som för deras prestationer i de organisationer de verkar i. Då sjuksköterskeyrket utgör en specifik kontext med emotioner som ett vanligt förekommande inslag i det dagliga arbetet är emotional labor i förhå


The writing of a business plan has become increasingly more highlighted in the academic world during the last few years as courses are being taught on the subject and a number of competitions have been started. Lund Institute of Technology co-organises an annual business plan competition called Venture Cup in order to encourage students and other participants to get into entrepreneurship. People a

Japanese word prediction

This report deals with the implementation of a Japanese word prediction engine written by the author. As this type of software does not seem to exist for Japanese at the time of writing, it could prove useful in Japanese augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) as a software tool used to improve typing speed and reduce the amount of keystrokes needed to produce text. Word prediction, in co

Employer Brand - att attrahera, motivera och behålla generation Y för att stärka framtidens konkurrenskraft

Syftet med uppsatsen är att Att undersöka och förstå hur företag arbetar med employer branding och hur employer brand-arbetet kan användas för att attrahera, motivera och behålla medarbetare ur generation Y. Studiens resultat visar att företag arbetar med employer branding externt i attraherandet av potentiella medarbetare genom att kommunicera unika arbetsgivarerbjudanden. Internt förankras emplo

Somali-Piracy: Unsuccessful Governance and Definition Deficiency bring about Practical Solutions

This essay brings awareness to some of the root causes of the problem of Somali Piracy and some of the deterrent solutions that have been produced thereof. In order to understand the issue and the progression of the legal framework and other piracy deterrent measures one needs to understand the magnitude of the threat piracy possesses to international shipping and the global economy. By presenting

Älskar, älskar inte. En kvalitativ studie om sökandet efter kärlek på nätet

Den här uppsatsen handlar om nätdejting och de sätt på vilka människor framställer sig själva på dejtingsidor. Syftet är att besvara frågor som rör nätdejtingen utifrån ett konsumtionsperspektiv och dess roll för människors identitetsskapande. Vi vill även belysa de sätt som kvinnor och män presenterar sig själva och kommunicerar med varandra på dejtingsidor. En dejtingsida kan ses som ett ekonomi

Jag konsumerar, alltså finns jag - en granskning av hur genus och värdeföreställningar kommer till uttryck i reklamfilm.

Konsumtion blir ett allt viktigare inslag i vår vardag. Konsumtion har gått från att vara något behovsbaserat, till ett index på popularitet, status och attraktivitet som människa. Det reklambranschen spelar på i sina annonser är våra drömmar, mål och uppfattningar om vad som är attraktivt. Fokus i denna uppsats ligger på att undersöka hur dessa värdeföreställningar ser olika ut för de olika könen