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Feedback control in the olivo-cerebellar loop
Modeling of Single Crystal Magnetostriction Based on Numerical Energy Relaxation Techniques
This paper presents an energy relaxation-based approach for the modeling of single crystalline magnetic shape memor)) alloy response under general two-dimensional magnetomechanical loading. It relies on concepts of energy relaxation in the context of non-convex free energy landscapes whose wells define preferred states of straining and magnetization. The constrained theory of magnetoelasticity dev
Heiner Linke - Professor i nanofysik
Plant-wide (BSM2) evaluation of the effect of reject water treatment with a SHARON-Anammox process
Vertebral Deformity and Vertebral Fracture in the Elderly
Popular Abstract in Swedish Osteoporos (benskörhet) är en sjukdom med en störning i ämnesomsättningen i skelettet vilket leder till minskad mängd benvävnad och förändringar i benets mikrostruktur. Detta resulterar i en sämre hållfasthet och en ökad risk för frakturer (benbrott), vilka kan uppkomma spontant eller som en följd av ett lindrigt trauma (olycksfall). Andelen individer med osteoporos ökaOsteoporosis is a systemic, skeletal disease with the consequence of an increased risk of sustaining a fracture, one of the most common fractures being a vertebral fracture. The lifetime risk of sustaining a clinically diagnosed vertebral fracture from age 50 years onward is 8% in men and 15% in women. These fractures are followed by increased morbidity and mortality as well as an increased risk o
Narratology in Classroom: Using Narrative Metalepsis in Teaching Literature at Upper Secondary Level
I denna artikel undersöker jag spänningen mellan forskning i narratologi och undervisning i narratologi. Mitt främsta syfte är att analysera hur forskningen i detta äflt kan användas i undervisning. Studien görs på elever i gymnasiet i Sverige. Jag studerar elevernas reaktioner på ett så kallat "rambrytande" berättargrepp: den narrativa metalepsen. Samtidigt ifrågasätter jag vissa teoretiker enligIn this paper I explore the tension between research in narratology and teaching narratology. My main concern is to study how the research in this field can be used in teaching. The study is made on pupils at upper secondary level in Sweden. I study the pupils’ reactions to one kind of frame-breaking narrative device: the narrative metalepsis. In doing so, I question some theorists according to wh
Kvinnligt klosterliv i Sverige och Norden: En motkultur i det moderna samhället
Ordenssystrarna spelade en viktig roll i den katolska kyrkans återetablering i de nordiska länderna från mitten av 1800-talet och framåt. Denna återetablering mötte ett starkt motstånd i dåtidens nordiska samhälle, och fortfarande i början av 1960-talet framställdes katolicismen i allmänhet och klosterkommuniteterna i synnerhet som ett reellt hot mot nordisk identitet och nordiska värderingar. Ock
Effect on environmental change on the biodiversity and function of below-ground microbial communities
Abstract is not available
Pendrill blir nationell resurs
SAVING ENERGY COSTS – A guide for home owners in Amman and the Western Heights
Adab and Arabic Literature
Not available.
PYTHIA 6.3 Physics and Manual
Fault Management in Wireless Mesh Networks
Discources, actors and instruments in international forest governance
Politics are not only about interests and institutions but discourses as well. Discourses are (dominant) ideas, concepts and categorisations in a society that give meaning to reality and that shape the identities, interests and preferences of individuals and groups. The assumption of this chapter is that forest discourses are constitutive to global forest politics. Three forest-related types of di
High bandwidth iterative decoding in a fading environment
No title
Ethanol production by recombinant and natural xylose-utilising yeasts
The xylose-fermenting capacity of recombinant Saccharomyces cerevisiae carrying XYL1 and XYL2 from Pichia stipitis, which encode xylose reductase (XR) and xylitol dehydrogenase (XDH), respectively, is poor due to high xylitol formation. Whereas, P. stipitis exhibits high ethanol yield on xylose, the tolerance towards inhibitors in the lignocellulosic hydrolysate is low. A recombinant strain posses