

Din sökning på "*" gav 534018 sökträffar

Från sensorer till beslut: Integrationen av IoT-data i BI-system och dess relevans för beslutsfattande

Studien undersöker integrationen av IoT-data i befintliga BI-system och dess relevans för kort- och långsiktiga beslut samt begränsningar som är förknippade med användningen av denna typ av data. IoT har blivit alltmer integrerat i organisationers verksamhet men forskningen kring dess relevans till BI-system är fortfarande begränsad. Genom intervjuer med olika organisationer och analys av insamlad

Effektivisering och förbättring av egenkontroller i byggindustrin: Nulägesanalys av hanteringen av egenkontroller ur byggentreprenörens perspektiv

Egenkontroller används i princip inom alla industrier för att kontinuerligt säkerställa att processen uppnår rådande krav på säkerhet, kvalitet och utförande. Byggbranschen är inget undantag i detta. Egenkontrollen ämnar också tydliggöra vilken aktör som ansvarar för respektive del av entreprenaden vid eventuella garantiärenden och bör ses som en möjlighet för entreprenören i fråga att inspektera Self-inspections are used in almost every industry to continuously ensure that the production meet current requirements for safety, quality, and performance. The construction industry is no exception. Self-inspections also aim to clarify which entrepreneur is responsible for each part of the project in the event of warranty issues and should be seen as an opportunity for the contractor to inspect

Integrating Waste Heat from Hydrogen Production Into District Heating

The aim of this research is to explore the feasibility of the integration of waste heat from electrolyzers within a Combined Heat and Power (CHP) plant and district heating (DH) network and suggest a practical setup for integration. With the escalating emphasis on the development of green hydrogen through electrolysis powered by renewable energy, a substantial amount of waste heat is generated, ty

Attention Deficit Hyper(sexual?) Disorder - En kvantitativ studie om hur medicin och samsjuklighet påverkar hypersexuella tendenser hos kvinnor med ADHD

The purpose of this study was to investigate whether there are differences in hypersexual tendencies when comparing women with ADHD who are taking medication for their ADHD with women with ADHD who are not taking any medication. Knowledge of how a condition like ADHD can affect sexuality is of relevance to social work since this is a target group for a lot of organizations employing social workers

Föräldrastil och skärmtid - En kvantitativ undersökning om sambandet mellan den auktoritära föräldrastilen och barns skärmtid

Introduction and method: The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between the authoritarian parenting style and children's screen time. The study included parents of children between the ages of 0-6 years (n=397). We used a quantitative analysis, and the parents were recruited during one week in April 2023 using parent groups on Facebook. Results: Most children used TV, and

Reduced binding of apoE4 to complement factor H promotes amyloid-β oligomerization and neuroinflammation

The APOE4 variant of apolipoprotein E (apoE) is the most prevalent genetic risk allele associated with late-onset Alzheimer's disease (AD). ApoE interacts with complement regulator factor H (FH), but the role of this interaction in AD pathogenesis is unknown. Here we elucidate the mechanism by which isoform-specific binding of apoE to FH alters Aβ1-42-mediated neurotoxicity and clearance. Flow cyt

Emission factors and methods used in climate impact assessments of energy use in Swedish heated buildings - Assessing district heating and electricity as energy source

When the property- and building industry moves towards new solutions targeting reduced climate impact, this puts pressure on the building owners and companies to calculate the climate impact of buildings. It may seem easy, but there are various methods and guidelines to navigate around. This study addressed the issue of which emission factors for district heating and electricity are used in climat

The Relation between Switching Languages and Perceived Personality Change: A Comparative Study of Bilinguals and Monolinguals

With increasing bilingualism, it becomes vital to understand the relation of language to personality. Language is essential for expressing our thoughts, and personality impacts our thoughts and behavior. This study investigates the extent of a perceived personality change when switching between languages and its connection with participants’ cultural and language backgrounds and personality profil

Spatial Transcriptional Mapping Reveals Site-Specific Pathways Underlying Human Atherosclerotic Plaque Rupture

Background: Atherosclerotic plaque ruptures, triggered by blood flow–associated biomechanical forces, cause most myocardial infarctions and strokes. Objectives: This study aims to investigate the exact location and underlying mechanisms of atherosclerotic plaque ruptures, identifying therapeutic targets against cardiovascular events. Methods: Histology, electron microscopy, bulk and spatial RNA se

Liturgi, konversioner och genus i den efterreformatoriska katolska kyrkan i Norden

The relation between worship and gender is a hot topic in the Catholic Church. In recent decades, the debate has mostly been about breaking with patriarchal and male dominated liturgical forms and traditions. Yet, in Catholic traditionalist Catholic liturgy, due to the reform after the Second Vatican council, is considered to have lost much of its former masculine character. In my article, I addre

Development and Evaluation of Additive Manufactured Cellular Heat Exchanger

Värmeväxlare är system som ofta används i många olika tillämpningsområden så som kylning, uppvärmning, ventilation eller andra områden där man strävar efter att maximera värmeutbytet mellan fluider. Vanliga tillverkningsmetoder för värmeväxlare inkluderar hydraulisk pressning av värmeöverförande plattor, eller att på andra sätt skapa värmeöverförande ytor av rör, korrugerad plåt eller liknade mateHeat exchangers are systems commonly used in many different applications such as cooling, heating, ventilation, and other areas where maximizing the heat transfer between fluids is desirable. Common manufacturing techniques of heat exchangers include hydraulic pressing of heat-transferring plates, or otherwise creating a heat-transferring area of pipes, corrugated sheet metal, or similar materials

Secretome analysis of Rhodothermus marinus grown on different carbon sources

The project aimed to analyse by liquid chromatography coupled to high resolution mass spectrometry (LC-MS/HRMS) the extracellular proteins synthesized by Rhodothermus marinus strains DSM 4252T and DSM 16675 growing in medium containing different carbon sources. That is critical to find valuable enzymes for industrial uses in biomass conversion into value-added chemicals. Cells were grown in medium

Modelling the effects of substituting pollinators in decline

I denna rapport innebär \textit{pollinering}, eller \textit{pollination}, att ett djur transporterar pollen från en växt till en annan växt. Djuren som utför pollineringen (ofta insekter) kallas \textit{pollinerare}, eller \textit{pollinatörer}, och växterna sägs bli \textit{pollinerade}. Det uppskattas att omkring 90\% av alla kända växtarter, och 35\% av all odling av grödor, behöver pollineringWhile pollination is essential for many plant species and ecosystem functions, pollinator populations worldwide are declining. This decline is largely due to abiotic changes in the environment: climate change and other anthropogenic impacts, such as pesticides and land use change. Against this background, I investigate the effects of introducing a non-native pollinator species ("substituting

An evaluation of the Janzen-Connell hypothesis for a dry tropical forest in Guinea-Bissau

The Janzen–Connell hypothesis states that seedling survival increases with distance from the parent tree, which promotes regular spacing of species within a forest and thus biodiversity. Very few studies have tested this hypothesis in tropical Africa. This paper evaluates the occurrence of Janzen-Connell effects for seedlings and adult trees of the species Cola cordifolia in a dry tropical forest

Hur gammal är jordens inre kärna?

Åldern för jordens inre kärna är en gåta som har förbryllat forskare i många decennier. Allt från en ålder lika hög som jordens magnetfält (mellan 3,5 och 4,2 Ga) i den ena änden, ner till 0,5 Ga i den andra änden. Eftersom den inre kärnan existerar på en fullkomligt oåtkomlig plats i jordens innersta centrum, medför detta självklara svårigheter när det kommer till direkta observationer (med seismThe age of the Earth's inner core is an enigma that has puzzled scientists for many decades. Everything from an age as high as the Earth's magnetic field (between 3.5 and 4.2 Ga) at one end, down to 0.5 Ga at the other end. Since the inner core exists in a completely inaccessible place in the innermost center of the Earth, this presents obvious difficulties when it comes to direct observat

Mitigating Post-Harvest Losses in Bhutan through Solar Food Drying: Optimization and Analysis

Bhutan is the world’s most mountainous country which comes with some logistical difficulties. Due to slow transportation times and lackluster food preservation are the post-harvest losses high which especially affects the rural parts of Bhutan negatively. Solar Food: Reducing post-harvest losses through improved solar drying, is a project set out to design a low-cost solar powered food dryer to im

En artificiellt intelligent inre marknad: En analys av den föreslagna AI-förordningen och dess betydelse för säkerställandet av en väl fungerande inre marknad för AI

Under de senaste åren har det skett betydande framsteg inom teknikområdet artificiell intelligens (AI). AI är ett komplext tekniskt område som involverar utveckling av mjuk- och programvara med förmåga att efterlikna de kognitiva egenskaper som normalt associeras med människor. Teknikutvecklingen på området förväntas föra med sig stora ekonomiska och sociala fördelar, men är också förenad med riskIn recent years, significant technological advancements have been made in the field of artificial intelligence (AI). AI is a complex technical domain that involves the development of software and hardware capable of mimicking the cognitive abilities normally associated with humans. Technological advancements in AI are expected to bring about substantial economic and social benefits. However, these

Breaking the Stereotypes: Exploring Control and Self-Expression of Modern-Day Freak Show Performers

Abstract Author: Dana Štěpánková Title: Breaking the Stereotypes: Exploring Control and Self-Expression of ModernDay Freak Show Performers Supervisor: Sébastien Tutenges Master’s Thesis SOCM04, Cultural Criminology, 30 credits Department of Sociology, Spring 2023 Freak shows have been historically depicted as dehumanizing spectacles exhibiting individuals with physical anomalies. Over time, these

Once upon a finance: Investigating the Impact of Storytelling on Consumer's purchase intention

This study investigates the relationship between narrative marketing and the intention to purchase mortgages. A sample of 88 individuals was recruited through a convenience sample. These 88 individuals were randomly selected into either the control or treatment groups. The treatment group was exposed to narrative marketing communication, and the control group was non-narrative marketing communicat