

Din sökning på "*" gav 535355 sökträffar

Automated Curtailment of Wind Turbines during Critical Transmission Periods

The Swedish energy policy is guided by two government bills which were approved by the Swedish parliament in 2009 stating that at least 50 percent of the electricity share should be provided by renewable energy sources by 2020. This thesis focuses on the wind power production and it is a part of the Smart Grid Gotland (SGG) project. One of the goals stated by the SGG project is to have an optimal

Reduktion av NOx från biooljeeldade hetvattenpannor på Gunnesboverket

Den 1 januari 2016 skärptes kraven för luftutsläpp från förbränningsanläggningar genom För-ordningen (2013:252) om stora förbränningsanläggningar. I förordningen skärptes bland annat kraven för utsläpp av kväveoxider, NOX. Till följd av de skärpta kraven berördes Kraftringens produktionsanläggning Gunnesboverket. På anläggningen finns tre biooljeeldade hetvatten-pannor för fjärrvärmeproduktion därNew regulations regarding emissions of air pollutants came into force as of January 1st 2016 in Sweden. The regulations are found in “The Regulation on Large Combustion Plants” SFS 2013:252. The regulation contained stricter regulations of NOX emissions which affected the energy company Kraftringen and their three biooil-fueled boilers, at the heating plant Gunnesboverket, that are used for produc

Restrictions in the far-field of antennas enclosed in bodies of revolution

Antennas can be found everywhere in our everyday life. One of the applications for them are space satellites, which can be used for communication, positioning and weather supervision. A satellite carries several components on its body, such as solar panels and cameras, therefore there is a volume restriction for the antenna to fit. This requirement gives rise to restrictions in the far-field for t

The impact of permafrost degradation on methane fluxes : a field study in Abisko

All over the arctic and sub-arctic region global warming is affecting permafrost. When permafrost thaws, organic material becomes available for decomposition, hence an increase of greenhouse gas emissions to the atmosphere. In the northernmost of Sweden, on a mire close to Abisko, a snow manipulation project is ongoing. The experiment is trying to mimic predictions of future conditions and advance

Token, carrot, or just in the way? The challenge of visualizing acquired knowledge in the era of digital learning and gamification.

Metacognition is necessary for learning. Without know-ing what you know, what you don’t know and what you are about to learn, seeking new knowledge becomes both hard and inefficient. At the same time, keeping old facts (as well as old skills) in mind at a meta-level when striv-ing for new insights is not always an easy task. Conse-quently, external visible cues and representations are essential, r

Morph distribution and morph diversity in a colour polymorphic Lacertid lizard (P.muralis; Laurenti, 1768)

In colour polymorphic species the different morphs have discrete coloration and are typically correlated with particular phenotypic traits. In P.muralis the two evolutionary forces that maintain polymorphism has been suggested to be natural and sexual selection. Establishing the phylogenetic and geographic distribution of polymorphism is an important step to reveal if and how these selective proce

Kvinnor som snart kommer att kallas till sin första cellprovtagning - Kunskaper om HPV och attityder till cellprovtagning

Bakgrund: Livmoderhalscancer är en av de vanligaste cancersjukdomarna globalt, men relativt ovanlig i Sverige, där ett förebyggande screeningprogram finns. För att cancer ska utvecklas krävs en infektion av ett humant papillomvirus (HPV). Studier visar att kunskaperna om HPV är låga. Syfte: Att undersöka och jämföra kunskaper om HPV och dess samband med cellförändringar och livmoderhalscancer samt

Finland, en del av Norden? En studie om regeringsbildning i Finland

This essay discusses the issue of government formation and answers the question why does Finland form surplus governments? The research has been based on the notion that every government-formature should strive to form a minimal-winning government which iscontrasted by the fact that Finland has an unusual tradition of forming surplus governments. The issue in question is considered within the time

The Value Circle: Assessing Value Creation in Circular Business Models

This thesis aims to create a simple evaluation tool suited for assessment of value creation in Circular Business Models (CBMs). Transitioning from a linear business model to adapting the Circular Economy principles, brings in a range of new challenges, for both a company and its consumers. However, it is also important to note the different opportunities of value creation that arise due to such a

Att klaga eller inte klaga

Syftet med uppsatsen har varit att bättre förstå hur unga konsumenter hanterar konsumtions- och servicemisslyckanden genom att söka en fördjupad förståelse av hur val av deras hanteringsstrategier (coping strategies) kan tolkas. Frågeställning: Hur ser unga konsumenter på konsumtions- och servicemisslyckanden och hur beskriver dem de hanteringsstrategier de använder? Metod: Kvalitativt angreppssät

Driver Modeling, Velocity and Energy Consumption Prediction of Electric Vehicles

A driver model can be used to predict the vehicle velocity and the energy consumption. It can be modeled such that it benefits from historical data and can be further improved if a navigation system is available. A well implemented driver model is important since the car fleet seems to be more and more electrified. The role of the driver model would then be to increase the accuracy for when the dr

Risk Arbitrage: A study of predictive variables in Nordic corporate takeovers

The most critical element of doing risk arbitrage is the assessment of the out- come of a corporate takeover. Prediction models have been created in the past and successfully proven some variables in mergers and acquisitions to have a significant impact on the takeover outcome. However, these prediction models have mostly been created with U.S. data and some years back in time. This thesis will in

Self learning pattern detection and deviation indication

I DAGENS KONTORSBYGGNADER TAR MAN SIG OFTAST IN MED PERSONLIGA PASSERKORT OCH PIN-KOD. MED HJÄLP AV MASKININLÄRNING KAN MAN FINNA BAKOMLIGGANDE MÖNSTER OCH UPPTÄCKA OREGELBUNDNA PASSERINGAR SAMT OLOVLIGA INTRÅNG.This thesis work produces and evaluates a self learning algorithm that detects user access patterns in a Physical Access Control System (PACS). Self learning algorithms and pattern detection are both well researched areas with numerous methodologies. However, no one method can be used for all problems and this project focuses on hierarchical clustering for a particular problem where no solutions h

Ränteavdragsregler för företagssektorn - Finansdepartementets förslag på nya ränteavdragsregler mot bakgrund av gällande rätt

Med anledning av EU:s direktiv mot skatteundandraganden ligger det på den svenska lagstiftaren att före slutet av år 2018 införa vissa ränteavdragsbegränsningsregler som motverkar aggressiv skatteplanering. Med anledning av detta, samt på grund av att lagstiftaren anser att det föreligger en snedvridning mellan finansiering med eget och lånat kapital, där lånefinansiering på grund av ränteavdragsmDue to the EU Anti-Tax Avoidance Directive, it is the Swedish legislator’s responsibility to introduce certain interest limitation rules to counter aggressive tax planning before the end of 2018. Due to this, and because the legislator considers that there is a distortion between own and borrowed capital, where loan funding is subsidized due to interest-rate deductions, the Swedish Ministry of Fin

Borgenärsskyddet i ABL - En tolkning och problematisering av reglerna om värdeöverföringar och förbjudna lån

Borgenärsskyddet i den svenska aktiebolagsrätten grundar sig på skyddet för bolagets bundna egna kapital. Eftersom aktieägare inte kan hållas personligt ansvariga för ett bolags förpliktelser fungerar det bundna egna kapitalet som en förmögenhetsbuffert ur vilken borgenärerna kan erhålla betalning för sina fordringar. Med tanke på att aktieägarna har ett intresse av att disponera över bolagets för

Sociala hänsyn i upphandlingsrätten - en historisk översyn

Sociala hänsyn vid offentlig upphandling är ett komplicerat rättsområde. Konceptet har huvudsakligen utvecklats i EU-domstolens praxis men har också kommit att integreras direkt i direktivs- och lagtext. Via implementeringen av 2014 års upphandlingsdirektiv i form av den nya Lagen om offentlig upphandling har den svenska nationella rätten kommit att förändras. Syftet med det här dokumentet är att Social considerations in public procurement are a complicated legal issue. The development of the concept has been driven by the European Court of Justice. Through the implementation of the 2014 European directives on public procurement, Swedish national law has changed with regards to the ability of procuring entities to make demands relating to social criteria. This paper seeks to explore which

The EU regulation on organic production and labelling - development and future of the organic framework

This thesis paper studies the organic legislative framework in the European Union. It describes how the EU organic regulation has developed and discusses the future trends, issues and opportunities of the organic movement. It researches how organic is regulated in the EU today, what its’ objectives and aims are, what issues and improvement exist and how the organic movement will develop in the fut

Approaches to political gender equality in Bosnia-Herzegovina

How can the low representation of women in politics in Bosnia-Herzegovina be understood and what can a different approach add to already existing approaches to make Bosnia-Herzegovina more gender equal in terms of political representation of the genders? There has been established a Gender Equality Law that demands a 40% gender quota of political representation, but the gender representation has o

Climate in mind - climate-adapted neighborhood design : a case study from Nyhamnen in Malmö, Sweden

Cities affected by the impacts of climate change have to find new ways to adapt to the variability in weather patterns, such as heavy rainfalls and storms. The coastal city Malmö, a former industrial city, aims to be carbon neutral by 2020 and provided by 100 percent renewable energies in 2030. However, Malmö is facing many environmental and socio-economic challenges. One of these challenges is to

Kör försiktigt - det är högkonjunktur

Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka om ett ”trendbrott” för antalet omkomna i trafiken i USA har skett. Utöver detta undersöks vilka specifika variabler som påverkar antalet omkomna signifikant. Uppslaget till detta arbete kom via en allmän uppmaning från vita huset i USA om att granska och analysera anledning till 2015 års ökning av omkomna i trafiken. De data som analyserna bygger på är frThe purpose of this paper is to investigate whether a change of trend for traffic fatalities has occurred in the USA. Specific variables that are suspected to have an impact on fatalities are also analyzed. The idea for this paper came from a general ”call to action” from the White House to analyze the recent ”change of trends” for traffic fatalities in 2015. The data for which the analysis is bas