

Din sökning på "*" gav 534702 sökträffar

Bayesian inference for stochastic differential equation mixed effects models of a tumour xenography study

We consider Bayesian inference for stochastic differential equation mixed effectsmodels (SDEMEMs) exemplifying tumour response to treatment and regrowth in mice. We produce an extensive study on how an SDEMEM can be fitted by using both exact inference based on pseudo-marginal Markov chain Monte Carlo sampling and approximate inference via Bayesian synthetic likelihood (BSL). We investigate a two-

Experimental and theoretical 2p core-level spectra of size-selected gas-phase aluminum and silicon cluster cations : Chemical shifts, geometric structure, and coordination-dependent screening

We present 2p core-level spectra of size-selected aluminum and silicon cluster cations from soft X-ray photoionization efficiency curves and density functional theory. The experimental and theoretical results are in very good quantitative agreement and allow for geometric structure determination. New ground state geometries for Al 12 + , Si 15 + , Si 16 + , and Si 19 + are proposed on thi

Coherence and reliability of a wearable inertial measurement unit for measuring postural sway

OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to test the coherence of a wearable device, an inertial measurement unit (IMU) against the gold standard; also, to test the intra-trial reliability. This study has a cross-sectional design, where measurement of postural sway in the medio-lateral and anterior-posterior directions was performed simultaneously on a force plate and with a IMU called the Snubblomete

Rez4Si7, first in a new MoSi2-based family of 14-electron phases

A study was conducted to investigate the geometrical and electronic connections of Re4Si7 to the rich structural chemistry of the Nowotny Chimmney Ladder phases (NCL). Re4Si7 was prepared by arc-melting a pressed pellet of Re and Si in a stoichiometric ratio, sealing the resulting globule in an excavating quartz tube, and annealing the sample in a muffle furnace. It was found that NCLs were interm

Metastable Cd4Sb3 : A complex structured intermetallic compound with semiconductor properties

The metastable binary intermetallic compound Cd4Sb3 was obtained as polycrystalline ingot by quenching stoichiometric Cd-Sb melts and as mm-sized crystals by employing Bi or Sn fluxes. The compound crystallizes in the monoclinic space group Pn with a = 11.4975(5) Å, b = 26.126(1) Å, c = 26.122(1) Å, β = 100.77(1)°, and V = 7708.2(5) A,̊3. The actual formula unit of Cd4Sb3 is Cd13Sb10 and the unit

Anomalous low-temperature behavior of the Co dimers in the oxo-halide CoSb2O3Br2

We report the synthesis, crystal structure determination, magnetic and low-temperature structural properties of a new cobalt antimony oxo-bromide. CoSb2O3Br2 crystallizes in the triclinic crystal system, space group P-1, with the following lattice parameters: a = 5.306(3) Å, b = 7.812(4) Å, c = 8.0626(10) Å, α = 88.54(3)°, β= 82.17(3)°, γ = 80.32(4)°, and Z = 2. The crystal structure was solved fr

Synthesis, structure, and bonding of Sc4MgxCu 15 - xGa∼7.5 (x = 0, 0.5). Two incommensurately modulated scandium substitution derivatives of cubic Mg 2Cu6Ga5

The substitution of scandium for magnesium in Mg2Cu 6Ga5 (Mg2Zn11-type) yields an irrational superstructure phase that includes the refined compositions, Sc 4Mg0.50(2)Cu14.50(2)Ga7.61(2) and Sc4Cu14.76(2)Ga7.51(2). These crystallize in Cmmm, a = ∼8.31 Å, b = ∼21.72 Å, c = ∼8.30 Å. The structures feature Sc2 dimers, Cu6 octahedra, a 3D CuGa (Cu12Ga2) framework, and arachno gallium-centered Cu 4Ga6

Low-temperature structural transitions in the phonon-glass thermoelectric material β-Zn 4 Sb 3 : Ordering of Zn interstitials and defects

The low-temperature phase transitions of thermoelectric Zr 4 Sb 3 have been characterized using singlecrystal X-ray diffraction, electrical resistance, and thermal conductivity measurements. Room-temperature stable, disordered β-Zn 4 Sb 3 undergoes a phase transition at 254 K to ordered α-n 4 Sb 3 , which has an ideal composition Zn 4 Sb 10 . Below 235 K, a second low-temperature phase (α′-Zn

New Sr-substituted niobium-based misfit layer sulfides

Two series of [(Ln1/3Sr2/3S)1.5]1.15NbS2and (Ln1-xSrxS)1+yNbS2misfit layer sulfides have been synthesized and studied by X-ray powder and single crystal diffraction, electron diffraction, and EDX-analysis. The [(Sm1/3Sr2/3S)1.5]1. 15NbS2compound belongs to the 1.5Q/1H homologue type where the Sr-cations are mainly located at the exterior of the Q-slab whereas Sm preferably occupy the positions at

The structures of X2[(Mo6Cl8)Cl 6]·nH2O, X=NH4, K, Rb, Cs

The title compounds were synthesized from MoCl2 and the appropriate commercial chlorides and their structures were solved by a combination of single crystal X-ray diffraction analysis and theoretical methods. The NH4, K and Rb compounds are essentially isostructural, and crystallize in space group Ia (No. 9) with the cell parameters (in Å) a=9.173(1), b=14.986(2), c=17.505(3), β=92.94(2)°(NH4); a=

The composite structure of Cu2.33-xV4O11

The copper vanadium oxide bronze Cu2.33-xV4O 11 exhibits a three part composite structure refined on the basis of XRD low-temperature studies. It crystallizes in the triclinic system with the non-centric superspace group X1 and cell parameters a=15.280(3)Å; b 1=3.616(1)Å; c=14.674(3)Å; α=90.0°; β=101.95(3)°; γ=90.0° with a modulation q-vector equal to (0,0.11,0). The three different parts of this

Order and twining in Sb2W0.75Mo0.25O6

Synthesis, X-rays, TEM and HREM studies of the composition x = 0.25 of the solid solution Sb2W1-xMoxO6 are reported. The phase crystallises in the monoclinic system, space group C2 and the cell parameters of its average structure are a = 11.1296(6) Å, b = 9.8868(9) Å, a = 18.501(2) Å, and β = 96.951(9)°. Mo and W atoms are ordered in the 1/3 ratio. Twining and extended defects have been studied by

Influence of everyday stress : mechanisms that elicit excitation transfer and dark behavior

Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to explore if a ringing cell phone could impact cognitive performance as well as being agitating to provoke aggressive reactions. The study investigated variables that could impact a participant’s willingness to aggress and retaliate, such as sensitivity to arousal and dark personalities (DRPs), Machiavellianism, narcissism, and subclinical psychopathy and sad

"Vi klimatforskare stödjer Greta och skolungdomarna"

DN DEBATT 15/3. Sedan industrialiseringens början har vi använt omkring fyra femtedelar av den mängd fossilt kol som får förbrännas för att vi ska klara Parisavtalet. Vi har bara en femtedel kvar och det är bråttom att kraftigt reducera utsläppen. Det har Greta Thunberg och de strejkande ungdomarna förstått. Därför stödjer vi deras krav, skriver 270 klimatforskare.

Prior language knowledge and intercomprehension at the first encounter of Italian as an additional language. A translation task

The aim of the present study is to examine and describe Swedish upper secondary students’ use of their background languages while translating a text from Italian, a language unknown to them, into either their L2 English or their L3 French or Spanish. The assumption here is that searching for similarities between these languages is a natural feature of language learning and that intercomprehension