

Din sökning på "*" gav 534712 sökträffar

Influence of everyday stress : mechanisms that elicit excitation transfer and dark behavior

Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to explore if a ringing cell phone could impact cognitive performance as well as being agitating to provoke aggressive reactions. The study investigated variables that could impact a participant’s willingness to aggress and retaliate, such as sensitivity to arousal and dark personalities (DRPs), Machiavellianism, narcissism, and subclinical psychopathy and sad

"Vi klimatforskare stödjer Greta och skolungdomarna"

DN DEBATT 15/3. Sedan industrialiseringens början har vi använt omkring fyra femtedelar av den mängd fossilt kol som får förbrännas för att vi ska klara Parisavtalet. Vi har bara en femtedel kvar och det är bråttom att kraftigt reducera utsläppen. Det har Greta Thunberg och de strejkande ungdomarna förstått. Därför stödjer vi deras krav, skriver 270 klimatforskare.

Prior language knowledge and intercomprehension at the first encounter of Italian as an additional language. A translation task

The aim of the present study is to examine and describe Swedish upper secondary students’ use of their background languages while translating a text from Italian, a language unknown to them, into either their L2 English or their L3 French or Spanish. The assumption here is that searching for similarities between these languages is a natural feature of language learning and that intercomprehension

Towards a Neutral North : The Urban Low Carbon Transitions of Akureyri, Iceland

Climate change has made urban decarbonisation a global imperative. Cities are both a source of emissions and a leverage-point for the necessary transformation processes. Iceland is blessed with an ample supply of renewable energy sources. Hydropower and geothermal are widespread in the country and they dominate the country’s electricity and district heating systems. Despite this huge potential, pe

Patterns and dietary determinants of essential and toxic elements in blood measured in mid-pregnancy : The Norwegian Environmental Biobank

Background: Inadequate stores or intakes of essential minerals in pregnancy, or too high exposure to both toxic and essential elements, can have adverse effects on mother and child. The main aims of this study were to 1) describe the concentrations and patterns of essential and toxic elements measured in maternal whole blood during pregnancy; 2) identify dietary, lifestyle and sociodemographic det

Reassessing the compound CeCd6 : the structure of Ce6Cd37

The crystal structure of the phase Ce6Cd37 was determined by single-crystal X-ray diffraction. It is closely related to, and indeed probably identical to, the previously reported compound CeCd6. The compound crystallizes in the centrosymmetric space group Pn3̄ with the unit cell axis 15.808(2) angstrom. The structure may be described by successive shells centered around the origin and the position

Real-world costs of continuous insulin pump therapy and multiple daily injections for type 1 diabetes : A population-based and propensity-matched cohort from the Swedish National Diabetes Register

OBJECTIVE To investigate real-world costs of continuous insulin pump therapy compared with multiple daily injection (MDI) therapy for type 1 diabetes. RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS Individuals with type 1 diabetes and pump therapy in the Swedish National Diabetes Register (NDR) since 2002 were eligible. Control subjects on MDI were matched 2:1 using time-varying propensity scores. Longitudinal data

Rebutting four arguments in favour of using proportionality tests to resolve conflicts between ius cogens norms

The text casts doubt on the utility of proportionality tests to resolve conflicts between peremptory norms of public international law with reference to an argument advanced by João Ernesto Christófolo. Responding to Christófolo, the text maintains that subjecting conflicts between peremptory norms to a proportionality analysis entails judicial law-making, does not safeguard the interests protecte

European Qualitative research project on Patient-preferred outcomes in Early Rheumatoid Arthritis (EQPERA) : Rationale, design and methods of a multinational, multicentre, multilingual, longitudinal qualitative study

Introduction Including the patient perspective is important to achieve optimal outcomes in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis (RA). Ample qualitative studies exist on patient outcomes in RA. A Belgian study recently unravelled what matters most to patients throughout the overwhelming and rapidly evolving early stage of RA. The present study, European Qualitative research project on Patient-pref

A combined gene expression tool for parallel histological prediction and gene fusion detection in non-small cell lung cancer

Accurate histological classification and identification of fusion genes represent two cornerstones of clinical diagnostics in non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC). Here, we present a NanoString gene expression platform and a novel platform-independent, single sample predictor (SSP) of NSCLC histology for combined, simultaneous, histological classification and fusion gene detection in minimal formali

Zn 5Sb 4In 2-δ - A ternary derivative of thermoelectric zinc antimonides

Zn 5Sb 4ln 2-δ (δ = 0.15(3)) was synthesized in the form of millimeter-sized crystals from reaction mixtures containing excess zinc. The ternary intermetallie compound is temperature polymorphic, and at room temperature it crystallizes with a new structure type in the orthorhombic space group Pbcn, where a = 7.1619(2), b= 17.1562(4), c=8.6887(4) Å, V = 1067.6(1) Å 3, and Z = 4. The structure featu

Two for the price of one - Resolvable polymorphism in a 'single crystal' of α- and β-Sb3O4I

The title compound forms as biphasic single crystals containing the α- and β-polymorphs. The structure of both polymorphs was solved and refined from single crystal X-ray data in a simultaneous refinement. The structures consist of rods of composition Sb3O4 separated by isolated iodine ions. The two phases differ only in the next nearest neighbour arrangement. The orthorhombic α-phase crystallizes

A general structure model for Bi-Se phases using a superspace formalism

Solid-state synthesis in the Bi-Se system produced both commensurate and incommensurate phases of compositions ranging from Bi2Se3 to Bi4Se3, all crystallising in rhombohedral or trigonal layer structures. The a parameters are very similar for all phases but the c parameters vary irregularly between 10 and 100 Å. A general model for all these phases was developed, using single crystal X-ray diffra

Estimating glomerular filtration rate at the transition from pediatric to adult care

The current Kidney Disease Improving Global Outcomes (KDIGO) guidelines recommend the use of the bedside creatinine-based Chronic Kidney Disease in Children (CKiD) equation to estimate glomerular filtration rate (GFR) in children and the Chronic Kidney Disease Epidemiology Collaboration (CKD-EPI) equation in adults. However, this approach causes implausible changes in estimated GFR (eGFR) at the