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Formas med i koalition för öppen tillgång till vetenskapliga publikationer

Published 7 September 2018 Den 4 september lanserades ett initiativ för att påskynda övergången till omedelbar öppen tillgång till vetenskapliga publikationer som är resultat av offentligt finansierad forskning. Bakom initiativet står ett antal europeiska forskningsfinansiärer, däribland det svenska forskningsrådet Formas. Läs mer här.

https://www.lupop.lu.se/article/formas-med-i-koalition-oppen-tillgang-till-vetenskapliga-publikationer - 2025-03-08

Decision dates for VR applications

Published 7 September 2018 Datum för bidragsbeslut hos VR är nu publicerade Konstnärlig forskning: 26 september 2018, 14:00Medicin och hälsa: 25 oktober 2018, 14:00Tillgängliggörande av infrastruktur: 30 oktober 2018, 14:00Naturvetenskap och teknikvetenskap: 1 november 2018, 14:00Neutronspridning: 1 november 2018, 14:00Utbildningsvetenskap: 1 november 2018, 14:00Olof Palmes gästprofessur: 5 novemb

https://www.lupop.lu.se/article/decision-dates-vr-applications - 2025-03-08

Beslut från VR

Published 5 November 2018 Idag kl 14 presenteras beslut om bidrag gällande Olof Palmes gästprofessur, Kerstin Hesselgrens gästprofessur, forskningsmiljö migration och integration samt humaniora och samhällsvetenskap Läs mer på www.vr.se.

https://www.lupop.lu.se/article/beslut-fran-vr-3 - 2025-03-08

The future of Swedish register-based research

Published 8 November 2017 SAVE THE DATE: 10-year symposium of SIMSAM 16th May 2018, ‘The future of Swedish register-based research’ By the end of 2018 the Swedish Initiative for Research on Microdata in the Social And Medical Sciences (SIMSAM), funded by the Swedish Research Council, has been active for 10 years. This will be acknowledged by an open national one-day symposium in Stockholm 16 May r

https://www.lupop.lu.se/article/future-swedish-register-based-research - 2025-03-08

Researcher Yuliya Voytenko at the 2nd International Workshop on the Sharing Economy in Paris.

Published 2 February 2016 IIIEE researcher Yuliya Voytenko, chaired a session and also presented a paper at the 2nd International Workshop on the Sharing Economy on 29 January. The topic of her presentation was “Sharing Economy and Sustainability: Zooming in on Accommodation Sector”. The paper was written together with Oksana Mont and Lucie Zvolska. Since Yuliya is also on the scientific committee

https://www.iiiee.lu.se/article/researcher-yuliya-voytenko-2nd-international-workshop-sharing-economy-paris - 2025-03-08

Professor Michael Faure visits the IIIEE to give lectures on Law and Economics

Published 3 February 2016 Professor Michael Faure giving a lecture on Law and Economics Michael Faure, Professor in law at Maastricht University, is visiting the IIIEE to give lectures in 'Law and Economics' as part of the Master’s programme in Environmental Policy and Management (EMP programme). Professor Faure visits the IIIEE each year and this year he is giving lectures to Batch 21 of the EMP

https://www.iiiee.lu.se/article/professor-michael-faure-visits-iiiee-give-lectures-law-and-economics - 2025-03-08

Are you interested in becoming a PhD student focusing on research on transformative energy governance?

Published 17 September 2024 You now have a chance to apply for three Phd-positions all related to the evaluation of transformative policy tools for climate-neutral energy systems. As a doctoral student you will work in the project “Evaluating transformative energy governance in an urban context”. The aim of this project is to increase the capacity of cities to govern transformative change towards

https://www.iiiee.lu.se/article/are-you-interested-becoming-phd-student-focusing-research-transformative-energy-governance - 2025-03-08

IIIEE researchers in Bucharest to discuss the social and cultural aspects of home heating

Published 18 September 2024 The JustHeat project A Social and Cultural History of Home Heating) is in Bucharest to discuss research findings with other researchers within the CHANCE programme, but also with the citizens in Bucharest. JustHeat is a European research project, including four countries: Sweden, the UK, Romania and Finland. The project conducts oral histories with citizens in all four

https://www.iiiee.lu.se/article/iiiee-researchers-bucharest-discuss-social-and-cultural-aspects-home-heating - 2025-03-08

Visiting PhD from Copenhagen Business School at IIIEE

Published 26 September 2024 During September 2024, Thordis Bjartmarz has been a visiting PhD at IIIEE, visiting Oksana Mont. Thordis Katla Bjartmarz is a second year PhD student at the Department of Management, Society and Communication (MSC) at Copenhagen Business School. Supervisors are Esben Rahbek Pedersen from MSC, and Nancy Bocken from Maastricht University. Thordis' research is around susta

https://www.iiiee.lu.se/article/visiting-phd-copenhagen-business-school-iiiee - 2025-03-08

IIIEE representation at the Nordic Nature Based Solutions Conference 2024

Published 2 October 2024 On 26-27th September, researchers Yuliya Voytenko Palgan, Kes McCormick and Björn Wickenberg presented at the Nordic Nature Based Solutions conference organized by Malmö Stad and the Nordic Council of Ministers. The conference aimed to be an arena to share information on nature-based solutions at a more general level, providing inspiration, knowledge, and hands-on tools fo

https://www.iiiee.lu.se/article/iiiee-representation-nordic-nature-based-solutions-conference-2024 - 2025-03-08

IIIEE graduate Lucie Zvolska won SWECO's Hugo prize for her Master thesis

Published 3 February 2016 Winners of SWECO's Hugo Prize 2016 IIIEE graduate Lucie Zvolska (Batch 20 of the EMP programme) won SWECO's Hugo prize in the category "Student of the year" for her Master thesis on sharing economy. Congratulations, Lucie!Lucie Zvolska's IIIEE Master thesis from 2015: Sustainability Potentials of the Sharing Economy: The case of accommodation sharing platforms

https://www.iiiee.lu.se/article/iiiee-graduate-lucie-zvolska-won-swecos-hugo-prize-her-master-thesis - 2025-03-08

Mespom applications for the year 2025-2027 are open now!

Published 3 October 2024 The Master's programme in Environmental Sciences, Policy and Management (MESPOM) is delivered in cooperation with 3 European and 2 North American universities, enabling the students to study different aspects of sustainability in different cultural and academic contexts. MESPOM applications for the 2025-2027 study period are open. Since 2005, MESPOM has prepared its studen

https://www.iiiee.lu.se/article/mespom-applications-year-2025-2027-are-open-now - 2025-03-08

Several IIIEE Researchers Among Top 2% in Stanford/Elsevier’s Global Scientist Ranking

Published 8 October 2024 The IIIEE is proud to announce that several of its researchers have been recognized in the prestigious Stanford/Elsevier Top 2% Scientist Ranking. This recognition highlights the global impact and high-quality research output of our faculty members. The honored researchers include Nancy Bocken, Aleh Cherp, Oksana Mont, Luis Mundaca, Kes McCormick, Lena Neij, and Jenny Palm

https://www.iiiee.lu.se/article/several-iiiee-researchers-among-top-2-stanfordelseviers-global-scientist-ranking - 2025-03-08

Mid-term seminar on PhD research on how digital technologies can drive sustainability in business

Published 11 October 2024 On 10th October, PhD student Lisa Heldt discussed her on-going research on how companies can drive sustainability in their business models and supply chains by adopting and integrating digital technologies, such as smart sensors, blockchain, or satellite technology. Lisa’s research investigates how companies use digital technologies in the multi-tier management of sustain

https://www.iiiee.lu.se/article/mid-term-seminar-phd-research-how-digital-technologies-can-drive-sustainability-business - 2025-03-08