

Din sökning på "*" gav 532841 sökträffar

Jämförande ramberäkning enligt första och andra ordningens elasticitetsteori.

Analysis and design of a frame can be done in two principally different ways. The first method, calculation according to first order elastic theory, is based on buckling lengthsand interaction relations. The advantage with this method is its simplicity. The difficulty lies in the determination of buckling lengths. The second method, calculation according to second order elastic theory, results in

Implementering av miljömålsprogram i skånska kommuner

In 1999 the Swedish government developed environmental objectives, as a driver to direct Sweden towards sustainable development. Swedish municipalities have a history of working strategically on environmental issues, through their local Agenda 21 management that was adopted by many municipalities in the mid-’90s. During the 21st century municipalities have, to a considerable extent, shifted from t

This is who You are

Printed media is a source of information widely available in society. In Denmark, hoarse political attitudes toward immigration created a climate of hostility which at the same time is reflected in the printed media, not only as a communication of what politicians say and do, but as a tone , perspective and angle when reporting. This culminated in 2005 with the publication of 12 cartoons criticizi


Det skriftliga avtalet mellan två parter har länge verkat som garanti för upprätthållandet av den grundläggande avtalsrättsliga principen om att avtal ska hållas, både nationellt och internationellt. Men ska ett avtal alltid, under alla omständigheter, upprätthållas? Förändringar under avtalets bestånd kan göra avtalsvillkor betungande för en avtalspart. Skall en part likväl tvingas till avtalsu

Vibration Analyses of a Wooden Floor-Wall Structure- Experimental and Finite Element Studies

Changes in the Swedish construction code introduced in 1994 enabled the construction of wooden multistorey buildings. This resulted in an increased need for knowledge about wooden structures in the building industry. The main issue in wooden framed buildings is disturbing vibrations and noise which propagate throughout the construction. It is valuable to be able to predict the behavior of future

Vill ni ha mig eller inte? - En studie om motivation hos korttidsanställda i butik

Vad: Kandidatuppsats VT12, Service Management – Retail, Lunds universitet: Campus Helsingborg Författare: Caroline Danielsson, Joakim Hyllén & Oskar Olafsson Titel: Vill ni ha mig eller inte? – En studie om motivation hos korttidsanställda i butik Handledare: Carl Hellberg & Birgitta Olsson Syfte: Syftet är att beskriva och analysera vilka problem som kan uppstå och vilka nyckelfaktorer so

Glued laminated timber space truss systems

Space structures are a leaf taken from Nature. Natural forms possess exceptional rigidity and use minimum materials to maximum structural advantage. To quote Makowski, "Natural forms act in the direction of minimum effort". Man has not been slow in copying these examples drawn from Nature. The main structural aim which drives the use of this construction system is to use the least materi

En avvärjande spark i huvudet - Rättssociologisk analys av hur våld uppfattas i rätt och samhälle

How is violence percieved? How society and the legal system perceive violence is the key issue in this essay. In court there are different people that all have their own view of how they percieved the violence presentad in the case. The meaning of the used violence and the impact on the target is experienced differently depending on wich role each person take in the violence. Since the experience

Shifting Gears: Lived Experience in Cycling Transportation and Urban Mobility

This thesis takes an ethnographic approach in examining how individuals experience mobility, particularly bicycling, in their everyday lives in Lund, Sweden. Focusing on 8 individuals, this research delves into the personal experiences of individuals who have moved to Lund with varying degrees of familiarity with cycling as an everyday practice. This thesis explores three main research questions:

Bright Trim on Bodyside

This report summarises the results of a thesis work performed at Lund University, Faculty of Engineering (LTH) in association with Volvo Car Corporation (VCC) in the autumn of 2010 through the winter of 2011. The task is to develop a system to mount a bright trim on a vehicles bodyside. A bright trim is a polished metal trim that is fitted around the windows of a vehicle for aesthetical reasons. T

BDOC in drinking water : Designing a recirculating batch reactor at Ringsjöverket

High levels of biodegradable dissolved organic carbon can affect odor, taste, color and chemical oxygen demand of distributed drinking water as a consequence of bacterial growth (Frias et al, 1995; Escobar, I.C. and Randall, A.A., 2001). The water industry would be able to improve the quality of distributed drinking water if spatial and temporal variations of BDOC could be mapped in the distributi

Introduktion av spännbandbro

A stress ribbon bridge is a kind of suspension bridge, which finds its roots in a very old bridge type, namely the rope bridge. Compared to a rope bridge, the stress ribbon bridge has a reinforced concrete slab. This has bending rigidity and significant weight, which eliminates the flexibility that is typical of rope bridges and provides stability and rigidity such that the bridge also can be used

An Empirical Study on Term Structure Models

The purpose of this paper is to test for the goodness-of-fit of the term structure models for the short-term interest rate in Sweden. The study period ranges from February 1, 2002 to March 31, 2012. The maximum likelihood method is used to estimate the models and the likelihood ratio test is applied to perform a comparison among the models. The implication of empirical results can be summarized as

Affärsmodeller för ökad transparens i den svenska telekombranchen

The main problem encountered in telecommunications industry is the incomprehensible pricing models and lock-­‐in methods that operators of the market have established towards their customers. It is barely impossible for a consumer of mobile phone services to know how much the next bill from the supplier will cost.

Molecular Structure and Dynamics of a Nonionic Surfactant (C12E5) in Lamellar Phase : 13C Solid State NMR and MD Simulations

The following work presents a theoretical model for evaluating the eective correlation time, e, in regards to surfactants in lamellar phase, by focusing on nuclear spin relaxation processes. The dynamics of the C-H bonds is studied through a specic form of the autocorrelation function, g( ), which undergoes a plateau region at intermediate time-scales equals to the square of the order parameter, S

BIM för förvaltaren – En studie om förvaltarnas syn på BIM

In recent years the use of BIM (Building Information Modeling) in the construction industry has increased dramatically. In the current situation, many of the major players use BIM both in the design and production phase. What remains is to explore is how BIM can be used in property management. Purpose: The purpose of this study is to find out which information the contractor must put in the BIM mo

Läkemedelspatent ur ett konkurrensrättsligt perspektiv

Denna uppsats utreder konkurrensrättens relation till läkemedelspatent och den eviga dragkampen mellan original- och generikatillverkare. Läkemedelssektorn är ett område där starka intressen och ekonomiska krafter styr. Patentet är centralt och nödvändigt för att privata parter ska få incitament till forskning och utveckling. Samtidigt är det nödvändigt att originalläkemedel efter en viss tids eThis thesis investigates the competition rules’ relationship to pharmaceutical patents and describes the tug-of-war between originators and generics. The pharmaceutical sector is governed by strong interests and economic forces. The patent is key and necessary for the creation of incentives for private actors to pursue in research and development. At the same time it is essential that patent pro

On dealing with knowledge in participatory processes of decision making

This text tries to explore the issue of knowledge in relation to ‘participatory processes of decision making’. Writing from an interdisciplinary perspective, the text revises both theories on democracy and on knowledge trying to bridge them in order to highlight the importance of the knowledge dimension for understanding the ‘participatory processes of decision making’(PPDM). The text suggests 3 a