Din sökning på "*" gav 536888 sökträffar
Folkliga uppfattningar om elektricitet. En studie av människans möte med en ny teknik
Mechanical compressions and autopsy findings
Spänd väntan på starten av världens största accelerator - Framtidsmaskinen
Danska, skånska, svenska: före och efter 1658
Scania became part of Sweden after the peace treaty in Roskilde 1658. The article discusses the linguistic effects of the change in political status. The official written language in the province took over the differentiating features from the Swedish written language quite soon (after 50 years or so) and probably also the spoken urban language was to some extent influenced by Swedish. The dialect
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Abstract not available
Molecular and clinical characteristics of invasive group A streptococcal infection in Sweden
Background. The incidence and severity of invasive group A streptococcal infection demonstrate great variability over time, which at least, in part, seems to be related to group A streptococcal type distribution among the human population. Methods. An enhanced surveillance study of invasive group A streptococcal infection (746 isolates) was performed in Sweden from April 2002 through December 2004
Sköldkörteln- tyreoidea
Direct Surface Runoff
Market Integration and Transportation: Brewery Industry in Lao PDR
This paper explores market integration in Lao PDR, focusing on the beer market. At the time of analysis, the Lao beer market exhibited some highly unusual features that facilitate our exploration. Beer Lao, the domestic beer brand, was completely dominant in the market – importation of beer was not allowed, and informal (illegal) imports were of very limited importance. Beer Lao was produced in on
Evidensbaserad praktik på svenska socialhögskolor
Factors regulating lymphocyte development and peripheral activation
Peripheral tolerance is regulated by different types of regulatory T cells, including CD1-restricted T cells and CD4+CD25+ regulatory T (Treg) cells. This thesis has focused on the interactions between T cells and antigen presenting cells (APCs) and the immunregulatory function of TGF-b as two important factors regulating differentiation and activation of T cells in the periphery. In the first par
Stortorget, Gustav Adolfs torg och österut
Tomma lägenheter. Lösning på problemet i Olofström
Om giftermål, pengar och spariver i Victoria Benedictssons 'Giftermål på besparing'
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Endogenous proteins as markers of glomerular function and dysfunction
Popular Abstract in Swedish Koncentrationer av proteiner i plasma och urin används i ökande utsträckning i diagnostik av njursjukdomar och i studier av den glomerulära barriärens funktion. De viktigaste frågor som behandlats i denna avhandling var: förvaring av urinprover inför efterföljande proteinanalyser, tillämpningar av proteinkoncentrationer i urin och plasma vid hälsa och vid glomerulära (nPlasma and urine concentrations of endogenous proteins are frequently used in the diagnosis of kidney diseases and in studies of glomerular filter function. The main issues addressed in these studies were: storage of urine samples for subsequent protein analysis, use of protein concentrations in urine and in plasma in health and as markers of glomerular diseases, and the application of renal plasm
T cells, Cytokines, and Genetic Factors in Autoimmunity Studies of experimental models of arthritis and sialadenitis
Popular Abstract in Swedish Ärftliga orsaker till ledgångsreumatism och Sjögrens syndrom Ett välfungerande immunförsvar är nödvändigt för att kroppen ska kunna mostå angrepp från virus, bakterier och andra mikroorganismer. Vid en autoimmun sjukdom tror man att immunförsvaret av misstag börjar angripa kroppens egna vävnader, vilket leder till att de förstörs. Hur dessa sjukdomar uppkommer känner mTo understand the pathogenesis of autoimmune diseases we have to consider the problem from different angles. Animal models provide a tool to further understand these complex diseases, as the influence of genetic and environmental factors could be limited. Moreover, modern transgenic techniques have made it possible to study the role of certain genes and gene products in the development of diseases