

Din sökning på "*" gav 533194 sökträffar

Kristina Borg

Tidningsutgivare, rösträttskvinna, fredsaktivist

Pre-diagnostic anthropometry, sex, and risk of colorectal cancer according to tumor-infiltrating immune cell composition

Background: Obesity is a well-established risk factor for colorectal cancer (CRC), but whether this risk differs according to CRC subtype defined by the tumor immune microenvironment has been sparsely described. Herein, we examined the relationship between pre-diagnostic anthropometry and CRC risk according to tumor-infiltrating immune cell composition, with particular reference to potential sex d

Decentring Criminal Law : Understandings of Justice by Victim-Survivors of Sexual Violence and their Implications for Different Justice Strategies

Denna sammanläggningsavhandling bygger på den kritiska teorins ambition att som en motbild till rådande läge skapa en bild av hur ett frigörande och i politiskt avseende realistiskt alternativ skulle kunna se ut, ett alternativ som innebär att personer som har utsatts för sexuellt våld får ett erkännande och kan delta i samhällslivet på lika villkor som andra. Mer specifikt är syftet att förstå huThe compilation dissertation is shaped by the ambition of Critical Theory, which is to imagine an alternative and emancipatory political reality to the status quo, where people who have been subjected to sexual violence are recognised and enjoy parity of participation in social life. More specifically, it aims to understand how victim-survivors of sexual violence in Iceland perceive, experience, a

Predicting the deposition spot radius and the nanoparticle concentration distribution in an electrostatic precipitator

Deposition of aerosol nanoparticles using an electrostatic precipitator is widely used in the aerosol community. Despite this, basic knowledge regarding what governs the deposition has been missing. This concerns the prediction of the size of the particle collection zone, but also, perhaps more importantly, prediction of the nanoparticle concentration distribution on the substrate, both of which a

No title

In this opinion in the Dutch financial newspaper I discuss the economic rationale behind the phenomena that charities donate to companies. This is a new way in which charities try to achieve the greatest possible impact and, for example, ensure that vaccines are also developed for commercially uninteresting markets. The Dutch tax authorities are sometimes reluctant to view this as public benefit e

Algoritmernas kunskapssociologi : Introduktion till avsnittets texter

Människor kategoriserar och ordnar världen omkring sig genom att konstruera gränser, producera värderingar, rangordningar och kvantifierade data. Att undersöka hur sådana ordningar konstrueras, reproduceras och ifrågasätts har länge varit en central fråga för kunskapssociologin. Att förstå sådana processer idag innebär att vi i allt större utsträckning måste förstå hur algoritmer kommit att bli en

Uppkom heraldiken på grund av att den slutna hjälmen började användas? : En översikt över aktuell forskning

Why did heraldry originate? This question has often been answered with references to changes in the military equipment in the 12th century, especially the introduction of the closed helmet. But recent research gives reason to question this theory. The introduction of the closed helmet and the origin of heraldry did not coincide chronologically. There are other changes in the military equipment, anWhy did heraldry originate? This question has often been answered with references to changes in the military equipment in the 12th century, especially the introduction of the closed helmet. But recent research gives reason to question this theory. The introduction of the closed helmet and the origin of heraldry did not coincide chronologically. There are other changes in the military equipment, an

Socio-ecological factors determine crop performance in agricultural systems

Agricultural production systems are affected by complex interactions between social and ecological factors, which are often hard to integrate in a common analytical framework. We evaluated differences in crop production among farms by integrating components of several related research disciplines in a single socio-ecological analysis. Specifically, we evaluated spring barley (Hordeum vulgare, L.)

Oligodendroglial (dys)function in alpha-synucleinopathies

Komplexiteten hos a-synukleinopatier, som inkluderar multipel systematrofi (MSA) och Parkinsons sjukdom (PS), är inte helt klarlagd. Det är känt att patologisk ansamling av a-synuclein (a-syn) till fiberlika proteinaggregat är ett cellulärt kännetecken för dessa sjukdomar. a-Syn-positiva aggregat förekommer i nervceller i PS och Lewy body demens (LBD) och i oligodendrocyter i MSA. Mycket forskningThe complexity of a-synucleinopathies, which include multiple system atrophy (MSA) and Parkinson’s disease (PD), is not entirely understood. It is known that pathological accumulation of a-synuclein (a-syn) into proteinaceous aggregates is a cellular hallmark of these diseases. a-Syn positive aggregates appear in neurons in PD and dementia with Lewy bodies (DLB), and in oligodendrocytes in MSA. Mu

Optimal Design of a High Voltage High Frequency Transformer and Power Drive System for Long Pulse Modulators

The stacked multi-level (SML) klystron modulator topology has been suggested as an alternative to conventional pulse transformer based topologies in an attempt to improve output pulse performance and reduce system size for long pulse applications. In this topology, a power converter chain including a high frequency transformer generates the output pulse in a pulse modulation/demodulation scheme, e

Environmental input to the pancreatic β-cells - the role of mechanosensitive and other ion channels

Compound input from genetic predisposition, environmental factors and lifestyle lead to beta-cell dysfunction which initiates the development of type 2 diabetes. Understanding the linkage between the environmental input and gene regulatory pathways controlling beta-cell function is key for developing novel therapies against T2D. The pancreatic beta-cell is controlled by ion channels. Voltage-gated