

Din sökning på "*" gav 533806 sökträffar

Tourism, cyclones, hurricanes and flooding

This book explores the relationship between tourism and high-magnitude storm events, including cyclones, hurricanes and typhoons and flooding, across all stages of a disaster. It considers the measures available to manage tourism after major storms and floods, examines the means to mitigate the potential impacts of these disasters on tourism, and provides insights into the ethical and socioeconomi

Intracellular C3 protects β-cells from IL-1β-driven cytotoxicity via interaction with Fyn-related kinase

One of the hallmarks of type 1 but also type 2 diabetes is pancreatic islet inflammation, associated with altered pancreatic islet function and structure, if unresolved. IL-1β is a proinflammatory cytokine which detrimentally affects β-cell function. In the course of diabetes, complement components, including the central complement protein C3, are deregulated. Previously, we reported high C3 expre

Implications of policy changes for coastal landscape patterns and sustainability in Eastern China

Context: The capacity of a landscape to maintain multifunctionality through ongoing pressures relates to its sustainability and is affected by land use policy and environmental changes. In coastal zones, limited empirical evidence exists regarding the impact of macro-level policy changes on local landscapes and their resulting temporal and spatial responses. Objectives: This paper investigates the

Undervisning i hållbar utveckling med musik som verktyg - En studie om estetiska processer

Syftet med denna studie är att ge klarhet i hur musiklärare kan arbeta med undervisning för hållbar utveckling utifrån frågorna; Hur arbetar musiklärare med undervisning för hållbar miljö och Hur arbetar musiklärare med undervisning för hållbar demokrati? Studien presenterar tidigare forskning om undervisning för hållbar utveckling för att få ett historiskt perspektiv på frågan. Studien tar också

Föräldraövervakning i den digitala eran

I dagens teknologiskt avancerade samhälle har föräldrar börjat integrera digitala övervakningsverktyg som en del av föräldraskapet. Teknologins framsteg har gett möjlighet till nya typer av föräldrakontroller, där digital övervakning kan användas som verktyg för insamling av detaljerad information om barns digitala och fysiska fotspår. De nya möjligheterna att övervaka väcker en rad komplexa frågo

Part of a New World : en jämförande genusanalys mellan Den Lilla Sjöjungfrun (1989) och den nya versionen (2023)

I denna analys studeras hur Disneys nyinspelning av Den Lilla Sjöjungfrun (2023) skiljer sig från originalet Den Lilla Sjöjungfrun (1989) i sin framställning av genus. Remaken är anpassad för ett modernt samhälle och har därför lagt fokus på att uppdatera de delar av filmen som kan anses som problematiska eller utdaterade. För att analysera materialet används en kvalitativ text- och bildanalys där

“Om du väljer att leva efter kvinnors värden, får du betala vad det kostar.” : narrativ om självförverkligande inom svenska MGTOW

Syftet med denna uppsats är att utforska hur de som tillskriver sig till MGTOW:s filosofi på Flashback Forum formar de narrativ som motiverar dem att åtminstone i sinnet överge kvinnor. Det är ett försök att förstå de psykologiska aspekterna samt filosofins natur som sprungen ur internet ligger i centrum. I kort ämnar denna uppsats att undersöka de extremistiska narrativ som uppstår i separatistis

Ground penetrating radar observations of the contact between the western delta and the crater floor of Jezero crater, Mars

The delta deposits in Jezero crater contain sedimentary records of potentially habitable conditions on Mars. NASA's Perseverance rover is exploring the Jezero western delta with a suite of instruments that include the RIMFAX ground penetrating radar, which provides continuous subsurface images that probe up to 20 meters below the rover. As Perseverance traversed across the contact between the Jeze

Cells, pathways, and models in dyskinesia research

L-DOPA-induced dyskinesia (LID) is the most common form of hyperkinetic movement disorder resulting from altered information processing in the cortico-basal ganglia network. We here review recent advances clarifying the altered interplay between striatal output pathways in this movement disorder. We also review studies revealing structural and synaptic changes to the striatal microcircuitry and al

3D printed non-uniform anthropomorphic phantoms for quantitative SPECT

Background: A 3D printing grid-based method was developed to construct anthropomorphic phantoms with non-uniform activity distributions, to be used for evaluation of quantitative SPECT images. The aims were to characterize the grid-based method and to evaluate its capability to provide realistically shaped phantoms with non-uniform activity distributions. Methods: Characterization of the grid stru

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Kvinder fylder kun 5,2% af alle navngivne personer i danske læremidler til faget historie.

Astrobiocentrism : Reflections on challenges in the transition to a vision of life and humanity in space

Astrobiocentrism is a vision that places us in a scenario of confirmation of life in the universe, either as a second genesis or as an expansion of humanity in space. It manages to raise consistent arguments in relation to questions such as what would happen to knowledge if life were confirmed in the universe, how would this change the way we understand our place in the cosmos? Astrobiocentrism ra

Adapting Japanese chrematonyms into chinese from the sociolinguistic perspective : Strategies and approaches

For this study we analyzed more than one thousand Japanese company and brand names. We selected those available in China and analyzed the mode of adaptation into Chinese. We decided to utilize six different categories and seven subcategories to differentiate and evaluate the strategies various Japanese companies use to make their brand name more suitable and understandable for Chinese consumers. T

Folklorized politics : How Chinese Soft Power Works in Central Asia

The main aim of this article is to develop a discussion on folklorization or how identity is commodified and reduced to only some cultural traits. Currently, folklorization is one of the main devices in PRC’s cultural and political policies in Central Asia. Authors analyze folklorization both inter-state with a particular focus on Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan, and intra-state, with focus on Xinjiang,

Below, above and beyond – seagrass ecosystem functions in a connected coastal landscape

Seagrass meadows constitute important habitat for a plethora of organisms, rendering them important habitats for conserving biodiversity. Seagrass meadows also modify the environment by attenuating wave and current energy. As a result of this, seagrass meadows trap organic matter and in addition to their high productivity, are able to sequester carbon that is stored in their underlying sediments.

Using Synthetic Data For Object Detection on the edge in Hazardous Environments

This thesis aims to evaluate which aspects are important when generating synthetic data with the purpose of running on a lightweight object detection model on an edge device. The task we constructed was to detect Canisters and whether they feature a protective valve called a Cap or not (called a No-Cap). The problem was split into three separate classes in order to evaluate objects with varying si

Data Augmentation for Object Detection using Deep Reinforcement Learning

Data augmentation is a concept which is used to improve machine learning models for computer vision tasks. It is usually done by firstly, defining a set of functions which transforms images and secondly, applying a random selection of these functions on the images. Since the quality of training data is one of the, if not the most important factor to obtain a good model, this master thesis poses th

Non-lethal sampling for assessment of mitochondrial function does not affect metabolic rate and swimming performance

A fundamental issue in the metabolic field is whether it is possible to understand underlying mechanisms that characterize individual variation. Whole-animal performance relies on mitochondrial function as it produces energy for cellular processes. However, our lack of longitudinal measures to evaluate how mitochondrial function can change within and among individuals and with environmental contex