Din sökning på "*" gav 529364 sökträffar
Peter Asplund ”Aspiration” feat Claes Crona, Artipelag, Gustavsberg
Svante Thuresson & Claes Crona Trio, Crescendo, Norrköping
Postnatal development of the nociceptive withdrawal reflexes in the rat : A behavioural and electromyographic study
1. The postnatal development of nociceptive withdrawal reflexes was studied. In awake intact rats, forelimb, hindlimb and tail reflexes were recorded on videotape. In decerebrate spinal rats, electromyography (EMG) was used to record nociceptive withdrawal reflexes in musculi extensor digitorum longus (EDL), peronei, gastrocnemius-soleus (G-S) and biceps posterior-semitendinosus (BP-ST). Thermal (
Europol, Eurotrash, Eurodisney, Eurosport, Eurodisco
Light Mirror - en första version av pianostycke i projektet "Musiken i Pianot"
Light Mirror - a first version of a piano piece in the project "The Music in the Piano", which is a collaboration with pianist and teacher Eva Lundgren at Malmö Academy of Music.
It was only a joke… : From youthful indiscretion to national and international complications, - an applied research case study in real time
On the propagation of polarization sets for systems of real principal type
We define and study the polarization sets for vector-valued distributions. Systems of real principal type are defined, and we prove that for such systems of pseudodifferential operators we have a unique propagation of the polarization sets for the solutions.
The solvability and subellipticity of systems of pseudodifferential operators
The paper studies the local solvability and subellipticity for square systems of principal type. These are the systems for which the principal symbol vanishes of first order on its kernel. For systems of principal type having constant characteristics, local solvability is equivalent to condition (Ψ) on the eigenvalues. This is a condition on the sign changes of the imaginary part along the oriente
SMYO Soundwalk and performance
Historical climate changes and hybridization shaped the evolution of Atlantic Forest spinetails (Aves : Furnariidae)
Combining phylogeographic approaches and hybrid zone inference in a single framework is a robust way to depict respectively the biogeographic history of lineages and the evolutionary processes responsible for speciation. Here, we studied the spatiotemporal patterns of diversification and characterize the hybrid zone between two Atlantic Forest spinetails (Synallaxis ruficapilla and Synallaxis cine
Johan Hörlén, Hans Andersson, Bengt Stark, Glenn Miller Café, Stockholm
Randomized clinical trial of musical distraction with and without headphones for adolescents’ immunization pain
Distraction has shown to be a helpful pain intervention for children; however, few investigations have studied the effectiveness of this method with adolescents. The aim of this study was to evaluate the usefulness of an easy and practical musical distraction in reducing adolescents' immunization pain. Furthermore, to examine whether musical distraction techniques (with or without headphones) used
Energy, Power, Wisdom: Examined Sound Production, Form, Process.
The assessment of road safety for passing relief lanes using microsimulation and traffic conflict analysis
Most crash prediction models are statistically-based prediction methods which require significant efforts in crash data collection and may not be applied in particular traffic environments due to the limitation of data sources. Traffic conflict studies have been proposed to mitigate this issue using short time survey to count traffic conflicts which are assumed as a surrogate measure of safety. Un
Almost global convergence for distance- and area-constrained hierarchical formations without reflection
This paper discusses formation shape control systems with both distance and signed area constraints, which aim to avoid the flipping or reflection ambiguity in a target formation shape. We prove an almost global convergence result for a triangle formation with general shape, by choosing a particular value of the control gain associated with the formation area term. This result extends the recent p
Chiral recognition by molecularly imprinted polymers in aqueous media
Molecularly imprinted polymers were prepared using 2-vinylpyridine and/or methacrylic acid as functional monomers in a self-assembly imprinting protocol. The resulting polymers were analyzed in aqueous media, and the effects from the pH of the mobile phase and the degree of added organic solvent were investigated. The results are indicative of the importance of ionic bonds in conjunction with hydr
Mot en evidensbaserad CAP
EU:s gemensamma jordbrukspolitik (CAP) är ett av de viktigaste styrmedlen för svenskt jordbruk, både när det gäller ekonomiska resurser och med avseende på hur stora arealer mark som påverkas. I den nuvarande CAP finns medel avsatta för miljöåtgärder såväl inom pelare 1 genom de så kallade förgröningsåtgärderna, som genom Landsbygdsprogrammet (pelare 2) via miljöstöden. Därmed skulle det kunna fin