

Din sökning på "*" gav 534439 sökträffar

Charge transport and electron-hole asymmetry in low-mobility graphene/hexagonal boron nitride heterostructures

Graphene/hexagonal boron nitride (G/h-BN) heterostructures offer an excellent platform for developing nanoelectronic devices and for exploring correlated states in graphene under modulation by a periodic superlattice potential. Here, we report on transport measurements of nearly 0°-twisted G/h-BN heterostructures. The heterostructures investigated are prepared by dry transfer and thermally anneali

Competition between silicifiers and non-silicifiers in the past and present ocean and its evolutionary impacts

Competition is a central part of the evolutionary process, and silicification is no exception: between biomineralized and non-biomineralized organisms, between siliceous and non-siliceous biomineralizing organisms, and between different silicifying groups. Here we discuss evolutionary competition at various scales, and how this has affected biogeochemical cycles of silicon, carbon, and other nutri

Upper-limb sensory impairments after stroke : Self-reported experiences of daily life and rehabilitation

Objective: To describe stroke survivors' experiences of sensory impairment in the upper limb, the influence of such impairment on daily life, coping strategies used, and sensory training for the affected hand. Design: A qualitative study with a content analysis approach. Subjects: Fifteen post-stroke patients interviewed individually. Results: Five categories emerged from the data: "Changed and va

IL-1R and MyD88 signalling in CD4+ T cells promote Th17 immunity and atherosclerosis

The role of CD4+ T cells in atherosclerosis has been shown to be dependent on cytokine cues that regulate lineage commitment into mature T helper sub-sets. In this study, we tested the roles of IL-1R1 and MyD88 signalling in CD4+ T cells in atherosclerosis. Methods and results We transferred apoe-/-myd88\+/\+ or apoe-/-myd88-/- CD4+ T cells to T-A nd B-cell-deficient rag1-/-apoe-/- mice fed high f

On environmental street art

Keynote presentation based on the book "Street Art and the Environment" (2018).Keynote presentation based on the book "Street Art and the Environment" (2018).

Between Nature and Modernity : Agroecology as an alternative development pathway: the case of Uganda

Jordbruksmodernisering har dramatiskt ökat tillgången till mat på global nivå, men till ett högt pris för miljön. Idag efterlyser många ett ’paradigmskifte’ i jordbruket, även flera stora mainstream-institutioner. Med ett skifte till vad? Under senare år har det synts en ökande tilltro till agroekologi, ett alternativ som syftar till att förstå och bedriva jordbruk som komplexa agroekosystem. FrånAgricultural modernization has massively increased global food supply, but at a high environmental cost. Today many are calling for an agricultural ‘paradigm shift’, including several mainstream institutions. But to what? In recent years, agroecology has gained credence as an alternative approach that seeks to understand and manage farms as complex agroecosystems. From a development perspective, i

Three-Dimensional Printing of Bisphenol A-Free Polycarbonates

Polycarbonates are widely used in food packages, drink bottles, and various healthcare products such as dental sealants and tooth coatings. However, bisphenol A (BPA) and phosgene used in the production of commercial polycarbonates pose major concerns to public health safety. Here, we report a green pathway to prepare BPA-free polycarbonates (BFPs) by thermal ring-opening polymerization and photop

Advancing the immunoaffinity platform AFFIRM to targeted measurements of proteins in serum in the pg/ml range

There is a great need for targeted protein assays with the capacity of sensitive measurements in complex samples such as plasma or serum, not the least for clinical purposes. Proteomics keeps generating hundreds of biomarker candidates that need to be transferred towards true clinical application through targeted verification studies and towards clinically applicable analysis formats. The immunoaf

Multiple Blockholder Structures and Family Firm Performance

This study examines how multiple blockholder structures affect family firm performance. Building on arguments from both principal–principal agency and familiness perspectives, we suggest that asymmetrical distribution of voting power among family and nonfamily blockholders hurts firm performance. Further, we suggest that the larger the number of blockholder types, the stronger the negative effect

The Sci-Fi Brain: Narratives in Neuroscience and Popular Culture

The connection between neuroscience, popular media and lay perceptions of the brain involves the framing of complex scientific processes and results through familiar cultural narratives and metaphors. Such narratives are often built on the premise that neuroscience, with the help of powerful new technologies, will finally solve the mysteries of brain and mind, consciousness and morality. At the sa


Even though architecture often might be conceived of as timeless, there has always been different ways of dealing with time in architectural discourse and practice. Since the early 20th century the temporal activities that goes on in and between buildings has, for example, been addressed by concepts such as function, flexibility and program. Architecture is of inevitable importance in our everyday

Energy Stored by Radiating Systems

Though commonly used to calculate Q-factor and fractional bandwidth, the energy stored by radiating systems (antennas) is a subtle and challenging concept that has perplexed researchers for over half a century. Here, the obstacles in defining and calculating stored energy in general electromagnetic systems are presented from first principles as well as using demonstrative examples from electrostat

Coeliac disease in children with type 1 diabetes

Coeliac disease and type 1 diabetes are the most common paediatric autoimmune disorders. Both conditions have increasing incidence and can often coexist in a patient. The diseases share many genetic and immunological features, but diagnostic and treatment approaches vary substantially worldwide. Because of the often subtle presentation of coeliac disease in children with type 1 diabetes, many are

Heat transfer and MHD flow of non-Newtonian Maxwell fluid through a parallel plate channel : Analytical and numerical solution

Analytical and numerical analyses have been performed to study the problem of magneto-hydrodynamic (MHD) flow and heat transfer of an upper-convected Maxwell fluid in a parallel plate channel. The governing equations of continuity, momentum and energy are reduced to two ordinary differential equation forms by introducing a similarity transformation. The Homotopy Analysis Method (HAM), Homotopy Per

Development of an influenza virus protein microarray to measure the humoral response to influenza virus infection in mallards

Avian influenza viruses pose a serious zoonotic threat, in part because current seasonal influenza virus vaccines only offer strain-specific protection, instead of heterosubtypic or universal protection against influenza virus infection. Understanding the humoral response to vaccination and natural infection in the broadest context possible is important to developing defenses against influenza zoo