

Din sökning på "*" gav 533160 sökträffar

Non-radiative decay and fragmentation in water molecules after 1a1-14a1 excitation and core ionization studied by electron-energy-resolved electron-ion coincidence spectroscopy

In this paper, we examine decay and fragmentation of core-excited and core-ionized water molecules combining quantum chemical calculations and electron-energy-resolved electron-ion coincidence spectroscopy. The experimental technique allows us to connect electronic decay from core-excited states, electronic transitions between ionic states, and dissociation of the molecular ion. To this end, we ca

European Position Paper on Rhinosinusitis and Nasal Polyps 2020

The European Position Paper on Rhinosinusitis and Nasal Polyps 2020 is the update of similar evidence based position papers published in 2005 and 2007 and 2012. The core objective of the EPOS2020 guideline is to provide revised, up-to-date and clear evidence-based recommendations and integrated care pathways in ARS and CRS. EPOS2020 provides an update on the literature published and studies undert

The Generation and Identity of Human Myeloid-Derived Suppressor Cells

Myeloid-derived suppressor cells (MDSCs) are cells of myeloid lineage with a potent immunosuppressive capacity. They are present in cancer patients as well as in patients with severe inflammatory conditions and infections. MDSCs exist as two main subtypes, the granulocytic (G-MDSCs) and the monocytic (Mo-MDSCs) type, as defined by their surface phenotype and functions. While the functions of MDSCs

Perfusion in Upper Eyelid Flaps : Effects of Rotation and Stretching Measured With Laser Speckle Contrast Imaging in Patients

PURPOSE: The aim of this study was to investigate how the blood perfusion in human upper eyelid skin flaps is affected by the length of the flap and the degree of stretching and rotation of the flap.METHODS: Twenty-nine upper eyelids were dissected as part of a blepharoplastic procedure in patients. The 1-cm wide proximal end of the flap remains attached, to mimic a random pattern skin flap (herea

Corona är ett hot mot Sveriges säkerhet

En infektionssjukdom som covid-19 hotar både den mänskliga säkerheten och den nationella säkerheten. En politisk instabilitet till följd av en dålig ekonomi, minskat förtroende för samhällsinstitutioner, generell demoralisering samt rädsla, kan också ge konsekvenser som direkt hotar Sveriges säkerhet, skriver Ardavan Khoshnood, läkare och kriminolog.An infectious disease such as COVID-19 threatens both human security and national security. Political instability as a result of poor economy, diminished confidence in institutions, general demoralization and fear can also have consequences that directly threaten Sweden’s security, writes Ardavan Khoshnood, physician and criminologist.

Stalin's Double Edged Game : Soviet Bureaucracy and the Raoul Wallenberg Case 1945-1952

Raoul Wallenberg, the courageous Swedish financier and trade executive turned diplomat who saved thousands of Jews in Hungary in 1944, was arrested in January 1945 by the Soviet military counterintelligence, incarcerated in the Lubianka prison in Moscow, and later executed for reasons that remain obscure to this day. Drawing on recently declassified Soviet encrypted cables and a wide array of Sovi

Processområdets betydelse vid spricktillväxt.

Brottmekaniska processer ar något som intresserat människor i alla tider. Ibland har det varit för att vinna en fördel t ex vid tillverking av flintverktyg och malmbrytning, men oftast for att förhindra mekanisk kollaps. I det senare fallet kan oförsiktighet resultera i spruckna tallrikar eller trasiga fönster, men ocksa i allvarligare saker som brott i flygplansvingar eller fartygsskrov som i värBrottmekaniska processer ar något som intresserat människor i alla tider. Ibland har det varit för att vinna en fördel t ex vid tillverking av flintverktyg och malmbrytning, men oftast for att förhindra mekanisk kollaps. I det senare fallet kan oförsiktighet resultera i spruckna tallrikar eller trasiga fönster, men ocksa i allvarligare saker som brott i flygplansvingar eller fartygsskrov som i vär

Towards sustainability with building services systems : – by focusing on material choices, energy use and thermal indoor climates in residential buildings

För att en utveckling ska anses hållbar måste mål ur såväl sociala, ekonomiska som miljömässiga aspekter vara uppfyllda. Det svenska miljömålssystemet, baserat på Agenda 2030, innehåller 16 miljökvalitetsmål och ett antal etappmål. För genomförande och uppföljning ansvarar åtta myndigheter, av vilka Boverket har ansvar för målet ”En god bebyggd miljö”. Faktorer som har valts att studera är inomhusFor a development to be considered sustainable, social, economic and environmental requirements must be met. The Swedish sustainable development goals, based on Agenda 2030, contain 16 national environmental quality goals. The National Board of Housing, Building and Planning is responsible for achieving the goal "A good built environment". Essential factors chosen for studies are: indoor environme

Risk-reducing salpingo-oophorectomy, natural menopause, and breast cancer risk: an international prospective cohort of BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutation carriers

BACKGROUND: The effect of risk-reducing salpingo-oophorectomy (RRSO) on breast cancer risk for BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutation carriers is uncertain. Retrospective analyses have suggested a protective effect but may be substantially biased. Prospective studies have had limited power, particularly for BRCA2 mutation carriers. Further, previous studies have not considered the effect of RRSO in the context

Shifting Gears : Automated Driving on the Eve of Autonomous Drive

The compelling images and promises attached to autonomous drive vehicles can easily create an impression that one can speak of a radical distinction between a self-driving future and a manual-driving present. Yet today’s drivers can already refer to their everyday driving as being experienced as though on ‘auto-pilot’, in which they are able to drive their cars while lost in things such as daydrea

Exceptions, limitations and collective management of rights as vehicles for access to information

Copyright law reflects a balance between the competing interests of protection and access. It is often held that this balance has been disturbed by recent technological and related legal developments. This article describes and compares two vehicles to enhance access to information in the online environment, while also taking into account the interest of protection: (i) the introduction of (broade