

Din sökning på "*" gav 535076 sökträffar

Societal consequences of critical infrastructure vulnerabilities: integrating power system and regional inoperability input-output models

Critical infrastructures provide indispensable services to society and extensive disruption of these give rise to large societal consequences. Most risk-related studies of critical infrastructures, however, focus rather narrowly on the direct consequences, e.g. expressed by services not supplied or cost of nonsupplied services. Although these measures might serve as a proxy for the direct societal

Springback analysis in Advanced High Strength Steel using a new flexible semi-industrial tool geometry

The automotive industry is using more and more of Advanced High Strength Steel in order to reduce the weight of the car. Since this will generate more springback, it is of vital importance to be able to predict the amount of springback in the parts. Otherwise, many late changes have to be made in order to fit the parts in their position. In order to increase the ability to understand and test the

Staphylococcal enterotoxin H - structure and function of a superantigen

Popular Abstract in Swedish I vår omgivning finns det många bakterier, virus och parasiter som kan skada och göra människor sjuka. För att skydda oss mot angrepp av dessa sjukdomsalstrande organismer och andra skadliga ämnen har flera nivåer av skyddsmekanismer utvecklats. Huden, slemhinnorna och det låga pH-värdet i magsäcken är några av de yttre barriärer som hindrar många skadliga organismer atThe aim of this thesis was to characterise the biological functions of the superantigen staphylococcal enterotoxin H (SEH). Superantigens are highly immunostimulatory proteins, which crosslink T cells and antigen presenting cells (APCs). SEH is included in a family of staphylococcal enterotoxins (SEs) produced by certain strains of Staphylococcus aureus. The three-dimensional fold of SEH was dete

Fixation of the cemented acetabular component in hip arthroplasty

Popular Abstract in Swedish Vid total höftledsartroplastik är cementering av den konstgjorda ledpannan (cupen) ett allmänt sett välfungerande koncept, men frekvensen av lossning och åtföljande omoperation är fortfarande för hög. En av de viktigaste faktorerna för långtidsöverlevnad av protesimplantat är den initialt uppnådda fixationen och stabiliteten. Den föreliggande avhandlingen omfattar såvälIn total hip arthroplasty cemented fixation of the acetabular component is a generally successful concept, but the rate of aseptic loosening and consequent revision surgery is still too high. One of the crucial factors for longterm implant survival is the initial fixation and stability. This thesis comprises experimental and clinical studies, including radiostereometry (RSA) with up to 5 years fol

Themes and challenges in making urban freight distribution sustainable

Abstract in UndeterminedPurposeThe purpose of this article is to explore and classify themes and challenges in making urban freight distribution sustainable.Design/methodology/approachThe study has a cross sectional design which started by a narrative literature review and analysis of a sample of related literature (like peer-reviewed articles and EU (European Union) documents). It ended with comp

Monitoring of Cellular Dynamics with Focus on Electrochemical Detection Techniques

This thesis presents work in two main areas of focus, the development of electroanalytical techniques to monitor the dynamics of cellular processes as well as design and fabrication of microelectrode chips for electrochemical detection as well as a prototype microfluidic system to be used for cell analysis and culturing. The electrochemically monitored cellular parameters were the cellular redox e