

Din sökning på "*" gav 528038 sökträffar

Animal Bones From Iron Age Settlements in Scania, Southern Sweden : A Database From the Sheep Ahoy Project

This paper presents the data constituting the catalogue of animal bones from Iron Age settlements in Scania, as published in the book “Animal husbandry in Iron Age Scania, with a catalogue”, and part of the Sheep Ahoy project at Lund University. The dataset consists of osteological data from zooarchaeologically examined animal bone assemblages from Iron Age settlement sites in Scania. The data has

Kustnära dilemma - En studie om konflikten om det offentliga rummet vid Laholms kommuns bilstrand

The conflict about the century-old car beach in Laholm, Halland, has been a contentious issue and subject to debate for 70 years. Despite the recent decision for its closure, the matter has been contested over 350 times, which poses a significant challenge for the municipality. Applying Mitchell’s (2008) six axioms for landscape reading, the research explores how the public perceives the car beach

Ett nytt verktyg för nya tider - en analys av dubbel markanvisning på Gotland

This bachelor thesis uses the case of a double land allocation agreement on the Swedish island of Gotland and asks to what degree neoliberal planning is present when using the policy instrument. The main theoretical framework used was that of David Harvey(2005), on the manifestation of neoliberal policies. His framework puts forth four main ways in which neoliberal policies are manifested. In orde

Äldres upplevda vardagsmobilitet och välmående i Göteborg - En fallstudie på Eriksberg

Planning for an aging population is a phenomenon that has become increasingly more pertinent for Swedish planning agencies. As the number of people within the oldest age groups is rising, the society as a whole is faced with challenges in order to accommodate the increased number of elderly. One key concept within elderly urban planning is mobility, which describes an individual's ability or c

De många utmaningarna för en hållbar parkeringsplanering - En analys av nybyggnationsprojekt i Lunds Kommun

Car parking is increasingly perceived as problematic for urban landscapes; parking occupies large amounts of space and is an important motivator for car use. Private housing developers are an increasingly important player in contemporary urban development. Their responsibility for the provision of parking at new developments means that these actors will have a considerable impact on urban transpor

Framtidens boende? En studie om gated communities i Staffanstorps kommun

Gated communities är ett ovanligt boendekoncept i Sverige men har börjat få fotfäste i svensk stadsplanering. Syftet med denna uppsats är att genom en fallstudie undersöka varför Staffanstorps kommun väljer att initiera gated communities som en boendeform i sin stadsplanering, trots kritik från forskningen. Frågeställningarna som väglett studien är: vilka är de huvudsakliga drivkrafterna och faktoGated communities are an uncommon housing concept in Sweden but have begun to gain traction in Swedish urban planning. The purpose of this thesis is to investigate, through a case study, why the municipality of Staffanstorp chooses to initiate gated communities as a housing form in its urban planning, despite criticism from research. Through interviews, surveys, and document analysis, the study ha

Mot en äldrevänlig framtid: en studie av Helsingborgs stads äldreperspektiv i planeringen

In Sweden, as in many other countries, there is an increasing elderly population, which poses both challenges and opportunities for municipalities. Nevertheless, it is crucial to address their needs to ensure healthy aging and continued social inclusion to advance the prospects. The World Health Organization (WHO) has developed a framework to encourage cities to become more age-friendly, focusing

Tillfällig användning av stadens mellanrum: Samverkansprocesser, aktörer och förutsättningar

This thesis explores the value of collaboration in the development of temporary use in urban voids. By examining the role of different actors and capabilities of municipalities, the thesis investigates the conditions needed in order to realize the temporary use. Two cases in various geographical contexts, a temporary use in Malmö and a vacant lot in Arlöv, are studied. In addition to studying thes

Kombinerad mobilitet i Stockholms län – Från samverkan till verklighet

Combined mobility has increasingly been promoted as a way to use the combined strengths of cycling and public transport to enable sustainable mobility patterns. In the Greater Stockholm Area, combined mobility has worked its way into strategic regional policy documents. This study, departing from a collaborative planning perspective, uses qualitative methods to investigate how key actors in the St

Svensk planering för en cirkulär utveckling: En jämförande fallstudie av Helsingborgs stad och Lunds kommun

The historically rapid growth of modern cities has a tearing effect on our planet, which requires a systematic transformation from linear to circular resource usage and consumption. Scientists and decision makers world-wide propose Circular Cities as a part of the solution, but empirical evidence and theoretical models of their practical implementation is lacking. This study explores the framework

Hur upplevs algoritmer i användandet av sociala medier? En kvalitativ studie om unga vuxnas användande av sociala medier.

Studiens syfte är att undersöka vad som motiverar unga vuxna att använda sig av sociala medier, hur deras användande ser ut, vilket typ av innehåll de får upp och deras upplevelser kring det innehåll som presenteras för dem. Studien utgår främst från den kvalitativa metoden fokusgruppsintervjuer, och det transkriberade innehållet analyserades sedan genom kodningsmetoden Summary-based reporting. Fo

Bonusbarnbarn och bonusförföräldrar : Om omsorgsrelationer mellan generationer i ombildade och valda familjer

Förföräldrar, det vill säga far- och morföräldrar, spelar en allt viktigare roll som omsorgspersoner i sina barnbarns liv även i välfärdsstater som Sverige (Bordone et al., 2023; Zanasi et al., 2023). Samtidigt innebär ökande separationer och ombildningar av parrelationer både bland föräldrar och bland förföräldrar att allt fler befinner sig i bonusrelationer (Guzzo, 2016; Lowenstein, 2005). BonusGrandparents play an increasingly significant role as caregivers in their grandchildren's lives, even in welfare states like Sweden (Bordone et al., 2023; Zanasi et al., 2023). Concurrently, the rise in separations and reconstitutions of partnerships, both among parents and grandparents, has led to an increase in step-relationships (Guzzo, 2016; Lowenstein, 2005). Step-grandparenting and step-gran

International Human Rights Commitments to Protect Victims of Domestic Violence: Refugee recognition as the first step for an integrated approach under EU law in Case C-621/21, Intervyuirasht organ na DAB pri MS (Women victims of domestic violence)

The judgment by the Grand Chamber of the Court of in Case C-621/21 Intervyuirasht organ na DAB pri MS case has already attracted significant attention for the finding of the Court that women victims of domesticviolence can be considered as members of particular social group for the purposes of recognition of refugee status. This case note presents the the facts of the case and analyses reasoning o

Individually tailored exercise in patients with postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome related to post-COVID-19 condition - a feasibility study

Postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (POTS) occurs in approximately 30% of people with highly symptomatic post-COVID-19 condition (PCC). It involves several symptoms that limit physical and psychological functions and cause reduced quality of life. Evidence for different treatments of POTS and PCC is limited, and this study aimed to evaluate the feasibility of individually tailored physical e

Tear secretion is preserved while the area of meibomian glands is reduced in patients with prosthetic eyes, contributing to the symptoms of dry eye

Background/aims It is unclear whether a reduction in tear secretion contributes to the discomfort experienced by those with prosthetic eyes. Tear secretion has hitherto only been measured with the Schirmer test which may be affected by the pooling of tears behind the prosthesis. In this study, direct imaging of the lacrimal gland has been performed to measure tear secretion in anophthalmic sockets

Ball Tracking in Association Football - Leveraging Player Detections to Locate the Ball Using Graph Attention Networks

Går det att prediktera en fotbolls position utifrån var spelarna befinner sig på planen? Detta arbete utreder om det är möjligt att använda information om fotbollsspelares positioner och rörelser för att avgöra var bollen befinner sig i olika skeenden av en fotbollsmatch. Med framfarten av artificiell intelligens och maskininlärning har antalet användningsområden skjutit i höjden. Inom fotboll såWhen automating data analysis or broadcasts in association football, a key piece of information is the position of the football. Locating the ball is often easier said than done since there are many scenarios where the ball is hard or even impossible to detect accurately using object detection methods. This thesis explores a different approach to determining the ball's position. Since the play

Pedagogikens dolda effekter på utbildningen till militär besättningschef

Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka om pedagogiken som används i Försvarsmaktens besättningschefsutbildning är relevant. Med en öppen frågeställning valdes tematisk kvalitativ analys som metod för studien. Initialt gjordes en översyn av de kursbeskrivningar och krav som ställs på en militär besättningschef, som sedan följdes upp med intervjuer och frågor till befälhavare och chefer med god k

The Transformative Potential of the Craft Imaginary - A Study on Craft Brewing

Craft has been a steady adversary to the proliferation of industrialization. As an imaginary of embodied work, mainly driven by intrinsic motivation and by a strive for excellence, craft is increasingly re-emerging in discussions on improving current forms of work. A common theme across research on craft is its potential to address alienation as one of the main pathologies of modern work. We study