

Din sökning på "*" gav 533069 sökträffar

A Comprehensive Assessment of Carbon Dioxide Removal Options for Germany

To reach their net-zero targets, countries will have to compensate hard-to-abate CO2 emissions through carbon dioxide removal (CDR). Yet, current assessments rarely include socio-cultural or institutional aspects or fail to contextualize CDR options for implementation. Here we present a context-specific feasibility assessment of CDR options for the example of Germany. We assess 14 CDR options, inc

Leveraging agroforestry for bioenergy security in Sub-Saharan Africa and Southeast Asia

Biomass is often viewed as a primitive source of energy that needs to be modernized. However, itis unlikely that preferred modern energy sources will displace traditional biomass-based energyin the near term, especially in rural Africa and southeast Asia (FAO 2017). Demand for sustainablysourced biomass is likely to increase as the world moves away from fossil fuel dependence andtransitions to sus

New information about the toxicological profile of Prorocentrum panamense (Prorocentrales, Dinophyceae) and its global distribution

Dinoflagellates of the genera Prorocentrum and Dinophysis are known producers of toxic compounds belonging to the okadaic acid (OA) group. The ingestion of shellfish contaminated with these toxins causes a human disease named diarrheic shellfish poisoning (DSP). In this study, the first record of Prorocentrum panamense, a potential toxin-producer species, was reported in the Canary Islands togethe

Using Iron L-Edge and Nitrogen K-Edge X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy to Improve the Understanding of the Electronic Structure of Iron Carbene Complexes

Iron-centered N-heterocyclic carbene compounds have attracted much attention in recent years due to their long-lived excited states with charge transfer (CT) character. Understanding the orbital interactions between the metal and ligand orbitals is of great importance for the rational tuning of the transition metal compound properties, e.g., for future photovoltaic and photocatalytic applications.

Variability of antioxidant compounds and capacities in four wild fruits collected in different years and locations in Mozambique

This study investigated the variability of antioxidant compounds and capacity of four wild edible fruits from Mozambique: Adansonia digitata (AD), Dialium schlechteri (DS), Garcinia livingstonei (GL), and Syzygium cordatum (SC), collected over three consecutive years from seven locations. Antioxidant compounds including total polyphenol content (TPC), total flavonoid content (TFC), and vitamin C

Cellulose derived Diels-Alder covalent adaptable networks: a route towards recyclable thermosets

Plastmaterial utgör idag en fundamental del av vår vardag men användningen av plast är kopplad till två stora problem; den största delen produceras av fossilbaserade resurser och endast en bråkdel av materialen återvinns. Härdplaster är särskilt svåra att återvinna på grund av deras permanenta tvärbindningar vilket är suboptimalt. Ett alternativt tillvägagångssätt för att skapa tvärbundna materialPlastic materials have grown to become essential in our everyday lives but the usage of plastics is connected to two significant issues; the major part is produced from fossil-based resources and only a fraction of the materials is recycled. Thermosets are especially difficult to recycle due to their permanent crosslinks, which is suboptimal. An alternative approach for crosslinking emerging in th

Utformning av integrerade stöd med grova stålrörspålar för järnvägsbroar

Syftet med denna uppsats är att utifrån ett referensobjekt undersöka hur broar med integrerade stöd grundlagda på stålrörspålar kan utformas för att uppfylla högt ställda deformationskrav för höghastighetståg. Användningen av integrerade stöd är stor i bland annat USA och England. De främsta fördelarna med integrerade stöd är att de innebär att broar kan utformas utan lager och fogar. Detta är fö

Linking small-scale topography with microclimate, plant species diversity and intra-specific trait variation in an alpine landscape

Background: Small-scale topographic complexity is a characteristic feature of alpine landscapes, with important effects on alpine plant distribution. Aims: We investigated the links between small-scale topographic complexity and resultant microclimatic heterogeneity, vascular-plant species richness and beta diversity, and realised niche width and trait variation of some target species. Methods: We

Does stronger pollen competition improve offspring fitness when pollen load does not vary?

PREMISE OF THE STUDY: Competition among pollen grains from a single donor is expected to increase the quality of the offspring produced because of the recessive deleterious alleles expressed during pollen-tube growth. However, evidence for such an effect is inconclusive; a large number of studies suffer from confounding variation in pollen competition with variation in pollen load. METHODS: In thi

Feasibility of a Pumped Storage Hydro & Wind-Power Hybrid Setup

Energilösningen för Framtiden: Vattenpumplagring & Vindkraft Genom åren har användningen av fossila bränslen minskat, samtidigt som vi sett en ökning av förnybara energikällor som vindoch solkraft. Sverige står dock inför en utmaning: vindens oförutsägbara natur skapar problem för elnätets stabilitet. Denna rapport utforskar möjligheterna kring el-lagring genom vattenpumplagring kopplat till The introduction of the Renewable Energy Directive 2009, increased the renewable energy sources (RES) in the European Union (EU) and especially Sweden. Given the uncontrollable nature of weather patterns, energy generation is likely to become more volatile, thereby elevating the risk of curtailment and negative energy prices. The electricity demand in Sweden is also poised to rise sharply in the u

Multiple ancestries and shared gene flow among modern livestock guarding dogs

Livestock guarding dogs (LGDs) have been used to protect livestock for millennia. While previous works suggested a single origin of modern LGDs, the degree and source of shared ancestry have not been tested. To address this, we generated genome-wide SNP data from 304 LGDs and combined it with public genomic data from 2,183 modern and 22 ancient dogs. Our findings reveal shared ancestry and extensi

Att spela på elevers drömmar: en musiklärares ensemblepraktik på gymnasieskolans estetiska program

Föreliggande studie intresserar sig för hur en lärare kan tillvarata och skapa utrymme för elevers personliga drömmar, mål och visioner med att studera på det estetiska programmet inom ramen för ensembleundervisningen. Vidare undersöker studien hur en lärare, med utgångspunkt i elevernas drömmar, mål och visioner kan skapa förutsättningar för elever att känna motivation. Den tidigare forskning somThis study is interested in how a teacher can make use of and create space for students’ personal dreams, goals and visions by studying the aesthetic program within ensemble teaching. Furthermore, the study investigates how a teacher, based on the students’ dreams, goals and visions can create an environment where students can feel motivated. Previous research on the subject covers students’ desir