Din sökning på "*" gav 531192 sökträffar
Swinging between Legitimacy and Legality: Politics of Environmental Justice in the context of Turkey’s Privatized Hydropower Regime
Quantifying the benefit of A-SCOPE data for reducing uncertainties in terrestrial carbon fluxes in CCDAS
ESA's Earth Explorer candidate mission A-SCOPE aims at observing CO2 from space with an active LIDAR instrument. This study employs quantitative network design techniques to investigate the benefit of A-SCOPE observations in a Carbon Cycle Data Assimilation System. The system links the observations to the terrestrial vegetation model BETHY via the fine resolution version of the atmospheric transpo
Fundamentals of climate change science
This chapter provides a high-level summary of the state of knowledge regarding observations, processes and models of climate, terrestrial ecosystems and the global carbon cycle. We focus strongly on observations (at various timescales, including palaeo timescales as appropriate), and what can be learned from their interpretation in the light of the established principles of climate science and ter
Hirschsprung's disease. Physical outcome and innovations
Epidemiology of meniscus position: associations with knee symptoms and osteoarthritis
Meniscal extrusion (ME) in the knee joint is defined as when the peripheral border of the meniscus is substantially located outside the joint margin. Prior studies have reported that ME is associated with meniscal tears, meniscal degeneration, and the presence of knee osteoarthritis (OA). Medial ME of the body of 3 mm or more, as seen on knee Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) has a wide acceptance
Two-phonon structures for beta-decay theory
The β-decay rates of 60Ca have been studied within a microscopic model, which is based on the Skyrme interaction T45 to construct single-particle and phonon spaces. We observe a redistribution of the Gamow-Teller strength due to the phonon-phonon coupling, considered in the model. For 60Sc, the spin-parity of the ground state is found to be 1+. We predict that the half-life of 60Ca is 0.3 ms, whil
Essays on Credit Ratings
This thesis consists of four self-contained articles, all of which contribute to the empirical research on credit ratings. Broadly speaking, the first two papers highlight two less ordinary “uses” of credit ratings, in the context of (1) measuring financial constraints and (2) bond market segmentation. The last two papers focus on a relatively new concept in the credit ratings’ literature, specifi
Search for pair production of heavy vectorlike quarks decaying into hadronic final states in pp collisions at s =13 TeV with the ATLAS detector
A search is presented for the pair production of heavy vectorlike quarks, TT or BB, that decay into final states with jets and no reconstructed leptons. Jets in the final state are classified using a deep neural network as arising from hadronically decaying W/Z bosons, Higgs bosons, top quarks, or background. The analysis uses data from the ATLAS experiment corresponding to 36.1 fb-1 of proton-pro
Quantitative versus standard pupillary light reflex for early prognostication in comatose cardiac arrest patients : an international prospective multicenter double-blinded study
Purpose: To assess the ability of quantitative pupillometry [using the Neurological Pupil index (NPi)] to predict an unfavorable neurological outcome after cardiac arrest (CA). Methods: We performed a prospective international multicenter study (10 centers) in adult comatose CA patients. Quantitative NPi and standard manual pupillary light reflex (sPLR)—blinded to clinicians and outcome assessors—
Search for charged Higgs bosons decaying into top and bottom quarks at √s=13 TeV with the ATLAS detector
A search for charged Higgs bosons heavier than the top quark and decaying via H± → tb is presented. The data analysed corresponds to 36.1 fb−1 of pp collisions at s=13 TeV and was recorded with the ATLAS detector at the LHC in 2015 and 2016. The production of a charged Higgs boson in association with a top quark and a bottom quark, pp → tbH±, is explored in the mass range from mH± = 200 to 2000 Ge
Studie av skäreggens belastningsbild vid diskontinuerlig spånbildning
The bar-hinge motor : A synthetic protein design exploiting conformational switching to achieve directional motility
One challenge to synthetic biology is to design functional machines from natural building blocks, from individual amino acids up to larger motifs such as the coiled coil. Here we investigate a novel bipedal motor concept, the Bar-Hinge Motor (BHM), a peptide-based motor capable of executing directed motion via externally controlled conformational switching between a straight bar and a V-shaped hin
Prediagnostic serum organochlorine insecticide concentrations and primary liver cancer : A case–control study nested within two prospective cohorts
Although experimental evidence indicates that certain organochlorine insecticides are hepatocarcinogens, epidemiologic evidence for most of these chemicals is very limited. We estimated associations, using prospectively collected sera, between organochlorine insecticide concentrations and cancer registry-identified primary liver cancer in two cohorts, one from the United States and one from Norway
Form och norm : Om arkitekturen i den psykiatriska vården
Effects of sodium chloride and melibiose on the in vitro growth and sporulation of Frankia strain HFPCcI3 isolated from Casuarina cunninghamiana
The in vitro growth and sporulation of Frankia isolate HFPCcI3, a nitrogen‐fixing symbiont of Casuarina, was inhibited by both the toxic and osmotic effects of sodium chloride. This was demonstrated by comparing HFPCcI3 halotolerance with its tolerance to metabolically neutral melibiose osmoticum at sodium chloride and melibiose concentrations from 0 to 500 mmol L‐1. The osmotolerance of this stra
Electroweak and QCD corrections to Z -boson production with one b jet in a massive five-flavor scheme
We compute the O(αsα2) and O(αs2α) contributions to the production cross section of a Z boson with one b jet at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) and study their phenomenological relevance for LHC physics. The accurate prediction of hadronic Z+b-jet production is needed to control a background that greatly affects both the measurement of Higgs-boson properties and the searches of new physics at the
Psychometric properties of three Fatigue Rating Scales in individuals with late effects of polio
Objective To evaluate the psychometric properties of the Fatigue Severity Scale (FSS), the Fatigue Impact Scale (FIS), and the Multidimensional Fatigue Inventory (MFI-20) in persons with late effects of polio (LEoP). More specifically, we explored the data completeness, scaling assumptions, targeting, reliability, and convergent validity. Methods A postal survey including FSS, FIS, and MFI-20 was