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”Det händer inte mig” En studie om utsatta kvinnors upplevelser av våldsrelationens konsekvenser.
Summary: The purpose of this study was to look at autobiographies through qualitative methods. The autobiographies have been written by women who have been victims of domestic violence. The main purpose has been to highlight how the women describe themselves (as victims or survivors), the psychosocial consequences of the violence they have experienced and their turning points: the way out of the r
Mammors upplevelser av att avsluta eller komplettera amningen innan barnet är sex månader
Amningsfrekvensen i Sverige är sjunkande och den sjunker i takt med barnets ålder. Rekommendationerna från WHO är att helamma sitt barn i sex månader. Syftet med studien var att få en djupare förståelse för hur mammor upplever att inte helamma sitt barn i sex månader. En kvalitativ intervjustudie har genomförts med 12 mammor. En kvalitativ innehållsanalys tillämpades för att analysera materialet.
Estimation of Cropland Ecological Footprint within Danish Climate Commissions 2050 Scenarios for Land use and Bioenergy Consumption
The ecological footprint of Denmark has been rising since (and likely even before) 1961, which signifies an unsustainable living by the Danish population. Global footprint reports show Denmark as one of many countries on earth which has exceeded its biocapacity (BC), which means natural resource consumption in Denmark is faster than the land’s regenerative capacity. The residents of Denmark are co
Med Fredsbaskrarnas möten i centrum : Utlandsveteraner berättar om tjänstgöring, identitet och sina relationer till varandra, andra människor och Försvarsmakten
This master’s thesis centers on the meetings on one organization, the Fredsbaskrarna or Peace Berets. Its purpose it to reveal and analyze the interactions, conversations and narratives at these meetings. Fredsbaskrarna is an interest organisation started by military veterans, where local meetings and face-to-face interactions are of central importance. The concrete research questions are: Which e
Does a prospective payment system like the DRG induce a moral hazard behavior?
This bachelor essay examines whether a prospective payment system such as the Diagnose Related Group (DRG) reimbursement system create moral hazard behavior like supplier induced demand in the Swedish healthcare market using data from 2012. Supply induced demand in the Swedish healthcare sector is suggested by some descriptive evidence, but is not supported by a controlled regression analysis of a
Ansvarsutredningar av tre potentiellt förorenade fastigheter i Helsingborgs stad
I Sverige finns det ett stort antal områden som är förorenade. En uppskattning från Naturvårds-verket är att det kan finnas över 82000 sådana områden. Helsingborgs stad har identifierat fastigheter inom kommungränsen som eventuellt kan vara förorenade. Basen för Helsingborgs arbete är tidigare fastighetsundersök-ningar, så kallade MIFO fas1-undersökningar, utförda av Länsstyrelsen i Skåne. I samarIn Sweden there are numerous polluted places. An estimation from the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency puts the number to more than 82000. The City of Helsingborg have identified potentially polluted real estate properties within its city limits. The city based its efforts on prior work from the Skåne County Administrative Board, so called MIFO phase1-investigations. In cooperation with the
Automatisk reglering av färgnyans på pappret i en pappersmaskin
This paper deals with design and implementation of a regulator to control the tint of the paper on Stora Enso Nymölla AB’s paper machines. The paper industry is a major industrial area in Sweden with continuous processes running around the clock with as short downtime as possible, which places special demands on the running and testing of controllers. The paper machine is in many cases the bottlen
Psykiatriska paradigm och diagnosen depression: pengar, politik och piller
The purpose of this study is to examine depression in regard to the shifting paradigms of psychiatry, which could possibly be tied to the shifting economic policies in western society at large. The methodological approach in doing this has been one of studying literature regarding past and present psychiatric paradigms, as well as literature on the economic paradigms of recent history, and interpr
Performance measurement system for warehouse activities based on the SCOR® model : A research study in collaboration with Consafe Logistics AB, Sweden
Background: SCOR is a worldwide accepted and renowned process reference model that is developed and endorsed by the non-profit organization Supply Chain Council. It’s a cross-industry diagnostic tool for supply chain management. Consafe Logistics wanted to know if a performance measurement system for warehouse activities could be developed based on the SCOR model, and how it could be applied in th
Spectral Analysis of Flame Emission for Optimization of Combustion Devices on Marine Vessels
Chemiluminescent emission from OH*, CH* and C2* radicals and its dependence on the equivalence ratio is being investigated in the current study. The aim of this project is to use the results for combustion control on marine vessels and safety checks. The study was conducted in collaboration with Kockumation, a leading company in developing control systems for running boilers and steam turbines on
Between dreams of papers and a house: Everyday life of Albanian undocumented migrant women in Greece
This research draws attention to the way undocumented Albanian immigrant women experience their everyday life in Greece. Which are the structural factors experienced by Albanian undocumented immigrant women that defines their everyday life in Greece and what strategies are used by these women in order to resist these macro-structural factors. Qualitative interviews were held with 11 undocumented A
The Rise of the Sharing City: Examining Origins and Futures of Urban Sharing
With more than half the world’s population living in ever more economically productive cities, and urbanisation continuing apace, large-scale environmental problems resulting from unsustainable, excessively consumption-focussed life styles are doomed to happen. Meanwhile large amounts of equipment and infrastructure are barely used. The recently emerged Sharing City concept combines the benefits o
How do macroeconomic factors affect capital structure? The case of Swedish firms
Using unbalanced panel data for the sample period 2002-2012, this study investigates the relation between macroeconomic factors and the capital structure of 233 Swedish companies. Using the Random Effects model, this paper identifies the macroeconomic determinants that affect the capital structure of Swedish firms. We find that the leverage measures are positively related to the GDP Growth rate, I
Down and out: Macroeconomic shocks and child health in the Dominican Republic
This paper investigates the association between infant mortality and macroeconomic shocks in the Dominican Republic, using the 2002 and 2007 Demographic and Health (DHS) surveys. The article starts by reviewing the recent evolution of macroeconomic and social indicators in the country, as well as infant mortality trends calculated from the DHS surveys. It then proceeds to estimate logit and s
Building a business case for the environment: What's strategy got to do with it?
Under an action research paradigm, this thesis project explores the business potential of an environmental strategy and assesses the formulation of such a strategy implemented by an automotive original equipment manufacturer. Because of the heterogeneous nature of a company’s approach to environmental issues due to inter alia managerial conducts and company culture, this article provides an in-dep
Aviation Biofuel Production in Sweden
Civil Aviation is one of the fastest growing sectors on earth, for which emissions currently account for between 2 and 3% of the global total (International Air Transport Association, 2013). Decarbonising the aviation sector is a key challenge on the international agenda, for which sustainable alternative fuels stand as playing a future role. Biofuels for aviation (biojet) have shown to be energy
The Landscape is changing-Icelandic state owned enterprises and corporate social responsibility (CSR): Assessing Landsvirkjun´s CSR strategy
Corporate social responsibility (CSR) is increasingly required of companies. However, CSR at state owned enterprises(SOEs)has not received much attention in the CSR literature. This thesis has the objective to add to knowledge on CSR of Icelandic SOEs. The objective led to three research questions: Q1. How do internal and external factors, affect the implementation and communication of CSR at stat
Chinese land reform:property rights and land use
Is China’s “property rights” legislation, which distinguishes transferable “property rights” and inalienable “land ownership”, a new concept that is unknown before, or a pragmatic reversion to the individual property rights system abolished by the communist revolution? This study claims that the latter is a better exposition. As part of a “socialist market economy”, such a reversion is manifested
Genusskapande i tv-spelsvärlden
Genom att studera ett tv-spel med hjälp av en kvalitativ metod vill jag vissa på hur genus skapas inom spelets dramaturgi. Genom att beskriva min emperi och testa denna mot genusteorier vill jag vissa på en skev framställning av könen där mannen är centrerad och kvinnan lämnad till pereferin.