

Din sökning på "*" gav 534708 sökträffar

Samverkan mellan kommunala och statliga handläggare kring unga vuxna med ekonomiskt bistånd- en kvalitativ studie

Collaboration between municipal and state administrators about young adults who receive financial assistance- a qualitative study The aim of this qualitative study was to investigate how social workers and employment advisors on the administrator level collaborate in their work with young adults who receive financial assistance. This study is based on two different forms of collaboration between

Mentaliseringskapacitet, stress och arbetsklimat bland grundskolelärare i Sverige

Studiens syfte var att undersöka sambandet mellan mentaliserings¬kapacitet och upplevd stress, samt studera om och hur socialt respektive innovativt arbetsklimat medierar eller modererar detta samband i en urvalsgrupp av grundskolelärare (n=113) i Sverige. Data samlades in med ett självskattningsformulär vilket innehöll sociodemografiska frågor samt tre instrument som mäter upplevd stress, mentaliThe purpose of this study was to explore the relationship between mentalizing capacity, stress, social and innovative workplace environment for primary school teachers in Sweden. In addition, the moderating and mediating effect of social and innovative workplace environment on the relationship between mentalizing capacity and perceived stress was also explored. Sample group (n=113) data was collec

Föreställningar om heroin : En analys av socionomers konstruktioner av bruk och behandling

The aim of this study was to depict and analyse how social workers in Swedish methadone maintenance and outpatient care construct clients and their problems in order to legitimize specific help interventions. The study was conducted in eight different clinics, and the empirical material comprises interviews with eight social workers. From a linguistic, etnomethodological and semiotic philosophy a

Är det orden som styrker när siffrorna saknas? : En diskursanalytisk studie om vårdhundar som insats inom äldreomsorgen

For some time Sweden has avoided the involvement of therapy dogs in health and social care. In spite of other countries who’s been using dogs for several years, Sweden has been sceptical of the alleged positive influence that dogs supposedly can have on humans. In countries like England, Austria and the US you can find educations on university level for dogs to be used when treating humans. Up unt

Understanding You : A Phenomenological Study about Experiences of Empathy among Social Workers Working with Forced Migrants

Empathy is a widely discussed subject in social work research, considered to be an important professional ability in interaction with clients. In contrast to its pervasiveness in practice, confusion surrounds the notion as different definitions of the phenomenon stands in conflict with each other. The ‘simulation theory’ was found to be a salient conceptualization of empathy in social work where e

”Det är de som brinner mest som brinner först” En fenomenografisk studie kring personalvetares uppfattningar av utmattningsdepression

Samhällsutvecklingen är en ständigt pågående process som påverkar och formar allt i vår omvärld, inklusive oss själva. Organisationer påverkas av den ökade konkurrensen genom nedskärningar och krav på ökad effektivitet. Det ges större frihet och större ansvar. Den andra sidan av myntet är ökade krav på kompetens och förmåga att dra gränser kring sin roll och prestation. Antalet personer, främst un

Starstruck - Photographs from a fan

In his teens Gary Lee Boas (b. 1951) began photographing famous persons with a Brownie camera. He spent the following decades in pursuit of celebrities and by the end of the 1980’s he had accumulated over 60 000 snapshots. He was a self-professed fan of fame without any artistic interest or intent. However, approaching the new millennium his amateur archive was discovered by editors and curators w

Ett normalt liv? -En netografisk studie om att leva med personlig assistans

The aim of this study was to analyze how people with disabilities describe their life with personal assistance. My theoretical approach in this study has been power in a relational context and also social capital. The material in this study came from two internet based forums, where I´ve used sixteen posts published between 2010 and 2013. In order to analyze these posts, I have chosen to use a net

Production of rubber from dandelion - a proof of concept for a new method of cultivation

Natural rubber is a biopolymer that is invaluable in our society. It is used in medical devices, tires, engines and many other consumer products, and so far no synthetic substance has been able to compete with its properties. Today, all natural rubber comes from the rubber tree, mainly grown in southeast Asia. Due to current threats to the rubber industry, finding an alternative source for natural

Barnmorskor, abort och religionsfrihet - En arbetsrättslig studie av möjligheten för samvetsfrihet i Sverige

Religionsfrihet i arbetslivet är ett aktuellt ämne som ständigt utvecklas och möter nya utmaningar. En dagsaktuell del av religionsfriheten är möjligheten till samvetsfrihet för barnmorskor, vilket innebär att en barnmorska kan vägra utföra aborter med hänvisning till sin religion. Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka möjligheten till samvetsfrihet i Sverige. För att undersöka detta har jag aFreedom of religion at the workplace is a current topic that is constantly evolving and facing new challenges. An up-to-date part of the freedom of religion is the possibility of freedom of conscience for midwives, meaning that a midwife can refuse to perform abortions, according to their religion. The purpose of this essay is to examine the possibilities of freedom of conscience in Sweden. To exa

Eating our way to sustainability: Are European meat and dairy processors living up to our expectations?

In Europe, sustainability in the meat and dairy industry has emerged as an issue of great concern for society. Research and pressure centre on the agricultural component and little attention has been given to the processing industry despite the integral role it plays in the European meat and dairy supply chain. This thesis aims to fill this knowledge gap by identifying the current sustainability p

Samarbete och ansvarsfördelning mellan socialtjänst och mottagningar för underhållsbehandling - En kvalitativ studie om de yrkesverksammas erfarenheter.

Authors: Sofie Christensen och Josefine Hentzel Title: Cooperation and division of responsibilities between social services and clinics for maintenance treatment. A qualitative study of the professionals' experiences. Supervisor: Dolf Tops Assessor: Hans-Edvard Roos The purpose of this study was to investigate how the staff of the social services adult unit and clinics for maintenance treatme

”Det händer inte mig” En studie om utsatta kvinnors upplevelser av våldsrelationens konsekvenser.

Summary: The purpose of this study was to look at autobiographies through qualitative methods. The autobiographies have been written by women who have been victims of domestic violence. The main purpose has been to highlight how the women describe themselves (as victims or survivors), the psychosocial consequences of the violence they have experienced and their turning points: the way out of the r

Mammors upplevelser av att avsluta eller komplettera amningen innan barnet är sex månader

Amningsfrekvensen i Sverige är sjunkande och den sjunker i takt med barnets ålder. Rekommendationerna från WHO är att helamma sitt barn i sex månader. Syftet med studien var att få en djupare förståelse för hur mammor upplever att inte helamma sitt barn i sex månader. En kvalitativ intervjustudie har genomförts med 12 mammor. En kvalitativ innehållsanalys tillämpades för att analysera materialet.

Estimation of Cropland Ecological Footprint within Danish Climate Commissions 2050 Scenarios for Land use and Bioenergy Consumption

The ecological footprint of Denmark has been rising since (and likely even before) 1961, which signifies an unsustainable living by the Danish population. Global footprint reports show Denmark as one of many countries on earth which has exceeded its biocapacity (BC), which means natural resource consumption in Denmark is faster than the land’s regenerative capacity. The residents of Denmark are co

Med Fredsbaskrarnas möten i centrum : Utlandsveteraner berättar om tjänstgöring, identitet och sina relationer till varandra, andra människor och Försvarsmakten

This master’s thesis centers on the meetings on one organization, the Fredsbaskrarna or Peace Berets. Its purpose it to reveal and analyze the interactions, conversations and narratives at these meetings. Fredsbaskrarna is an interest organisation started by military veterans, where local meetings and face-to-face interactions are of central importance. The concrete research questions are: Which e

Does a prospective payment system like the DRG induce a moral hazard behavior?

This bachelor essay examines whether a prospective payment system such as the Diagnose Related Group (DRG) reimbursement system create moral hazard behavior like supplier induced demand in the Swedish healthcare market using data from 2012. Supply induced demand in the Swedish healthcare sector is suggested by some descriptive evidence, but is not supported by a controlled regression analysis of a

Ansvarsutredningar av tre potentiellt förorenade fastigheter i Helsingborgs stad

I Sverige finns det ett stort antal områden som är förorenade. En uppskattning från Naturvårds-verket är att det kan finnas över 82000 sådana områden. Helsingborgs stad har identifierat fastigheter inom kommungränsen som eventuellt kan vara förorenade. Basen för Helsingborgs arbete är tidigare fastighetsundersök-ningar, så kallade MIFO fas1-undersökningar, utförda av Länsstyrelsen i Skåne. I samarIn Sweden there are numerous polluted places. An estimation from the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency puts the number to more than 82000. The City of Helsingborg have identified potentially polluted real estate properties within its city limits. The city based its efforts on prior work from the Skåne County Administrative Board, so called MIFO phase1-investigations. In cooperation with the

Automatisk reglering av färgnyans på pappret i en pappersmaskin

This paper deals with design and implementation of a regulator to control the tint of the paper on Stora Enso Nymölla AB’s paper machines. The paper industry is a major industrial area in Sweden with continuous processes running around the clock with as short downtime as possible, which places special demands on the running and testing of controllers. The paper machine is in many cases the bottlen