

Din sökning på "*" gav 532923 sökträffar

An Optimisation Approach to Cartographic Generalisation

Popular Abstract in Swedish Idag lagras allt fler kartor digitalt och nya metoder krävs för att förbättra denna digitala hantering. Ett område som studerats under senare tid är automatiska metoder för kartografisk generalisering. Kartografisk generalisering innebär att man förenklar informationen i en karta för att göra den mer lättläst i den önskade skalan. Denna avhandling beskriver en optimerinCartographic generalisation is the process of simplifying a representation to suit the scale and purpose of a map. As such, generalisation has always been a central part in map production. This thesis is a contribution to the ongoing work on automating cartographic generalisation. Two topics are treated: optimisation methods in graphic generalisation, and propagation of updates between cartographi

Partial Reduction of a Vanadia/Silica-Titania Catalyst with NH3 + NO at 473 K Studied by Electrical Conductance and ESR Measurements

Partial reduction of vanadia supported on silica-titania by NH3 + NO has been studied by electrical conductance and ESR measurements. The relationship between electrical conductance and degree of reduction was determined by oxidative and reductive titrations of V(IV) and V(V) species leached from catalyst samples which had been reduced to different levels. In situ monitoring of the steady-state V(

Cold adaptation of xylose isomerase from Thermus thermophilus through random PCR mutagenesis. Gene cloning and protein characterization.

Random PCR mutagenesis was applied to the Thermus thermophilus xylA gene encoding xylose isomerase. Three cold-adapted mutants were isolated with the following amino-acid substitutions: E372G, V379A (M-1021), E372G, F163L (M-1024) and E372G (M-1026). The wild-type and mutated xylA genes were cloned and expressed in Escherichia coli HB101 using the vector pGEM-T Easy, and their physicochemical and

Statistical analysis of non-Gaussian environmental loads and responses

The thesis deals mainly with offshore engineering related problems where the dominant source of uncertainty is related to the loading. Loads arise from environmental random processes; e.g. waves, currents and winds. Complex as they are, such processes beg the consideration of randomness whence the need of associating probabilistic models to the engineering problems treated here. Two different typ

Balanced Scorecard i landsting - erfarenheter från tolv projekt i Region Skåne

Denna rapport sammanfattar och reflekterar över lärdomar från tolv Balanced Scorecard projekt. Rapporten skall i första hand läsas som ett bidrag till diskussionen om relevansen av Balanced Scorecard i utvecklingen av kommunala sektorns styrsystem. Vad som förmedlas är en illustration av och reflektion över styrmodellens förtjänster och till¬korta¬kommanden. Rapporten är ett resultat av ett utvec

The Legacy of the Jaguar Prophet : An Exploration of Yucatec Maya Religion and Historiography

Popular Abstract in Swedish Många har fascinerats av det mystiska Mayafolket som byggde fantastiska städer med tempelpyramider, astronomiska observatorier och bollplaner djupt inne i djungeln i Guatemala och Mexiko. Vilka var de som utvecklade denna högkultur med hieroglyfer och avancerade kalendrar? Denna avhandling presenterar Mayaindianernas religion och historia. Frågor som söker sina svar är This thesis deals with Maya religion and history. The Books of Chilam Balam is the collective title of a body of texts ascribed to the Jaguar Prophet. They are written in the Yucatec Maya language, and tell the reader about Yucatec Maya cosmology, rituals, prophecies, calendars, medicine and they are as well considered as Yucatec Maya emic historiography. These manuscripts are considered enigmatic

Stem Cell Plasticity Controlling Neuronal Differentiation Prior to Cell Transplantation

Popular Abstract in Swedish Parkinsons sjukdom är den näst mest vanliga neurodegenerativa sjukdomen och den drabbar 2% av befolkningen över 65 år. Sjukdomen kännetecknas av en gradvis ökad förlust av dopaminproducerande nervceller. Symtomen tilltar successivt och leder framförallt till allvarliga fördröjningar i rörelsemönstret. Dessvärre, när de första symptomen väl upptäcks, så har redan 50% av Parkinson's disease (PD) is the second most common neurodegenerative disease and affects 2% of the population over 65 years of age. The disease is characterized by the progressive loss of dopaminergic neurons. Over time, symptoms increase and, in particular, lead to a dramatic slowness of movements. Unfortunately, when the fi rst symptoms are discovered, more than 50% of the dopaminergic neurons a

Penile intraepithelial neoplasia: Results of photodynarnic therapy

Failure of response to treatment or recurrent disease is often noted in patients with penile intraepithelial neoplasia. Photodynamic therapy has recently been added to the list of treatment modalities used for this diagnosis. Our primary objective was to study the results of photodynamic therapy in the treatment of penile intraepithelial neoplasia in men over the age of 40 years. Ten patients aged

Biphasic Effect of Gingipains from Porphyromonas gingivalis on the Human Complement System.

Periodontitis is an inflammatory disease of the supporting structures of the teeth and is caused by, among other agents, Porphyromonas gingivalis. P. gingivalis is very resistant to killing by human complement, which is present in a gingival fluid at 70% of the serum concentration. We found that the incubation of human serum with purified cysteine proteases of P. gingivalis (gingipains) or P. ging

Carbon-14 levels in the vicinity of the Lithuanian nuclear power plant Ignalina

Carbon-14 levels in the vicinity of the Lithuanian nuclear power plant Ignalina have been investigated. During 2001-2004, approximately 70 samples were collected and analysed using accelerator mass spectrometry. The study included samples of leaves, grass, moss, soil and aquatic plants, covering a distance up to 32 km from the power plant. The highest C-14 specific activities were found in soil sa

Levels of S100B protein are higher in mature human milk than in colostrum and milk-formulae milks

Background & Aims: Human milk is believed to contain biological factors involved in the regulation of newborn growth, including brain development. Recently, it has also been shown to contain the calcium-binding S100B protein, regarded as a neurotrophic factor. The present study investigates the concentrations of this protein in colostrum, human milk at different levels of maturation and in mil

CFC-lagstiftning. En studie av CFC-beskattning i belysning av den internationella beskattningsrättens utsträckning, den internationella skatterätten, neutral beskattning samt beskattning efter skatteförmåga.

Popular Abstract in Swedish Skatteparadis och lågskatteländer utövar en stark dragningskraft på inkomsterna i världen. En bidragande orsak till det förhållandet är att den skattskyldige kan undgå eller minska sin skatt på inkomster, som överföres till sådana länder. Ett sätt att minska skatten är att skattskyldig med hemvist i högskatteland äger bolag med hemvist i skatteparadis eller lågskattelanThis thesis on international tax law deals with the topic Controlled Foreign Corporation (CFC) legislation, in relation to the international right to tax, international tax law, neutral taxation and taxation according to the taxpayer´s ability to pay. The Organisation for European Cooperation and Development (OECD)has recommended to all member-states that they incorporate CFC legislation into thei

Cardioprotection by estrogens: implications of observational studies

Women younger than 50 have a lower age-specific incidence of CVD than men. With advancing age this difference gradually disappears. These well-established facts provide the rationale for numerous primary and a few secondary intervention studies with ERT. With increasing sophistication and longer observation periods, both case-control and cohort studies agree on a cardioprotective effect by estroge

Dizziness and fear of falling: A behavioural and physiological approach to Phobic Postural Vertigo

Popular Abstract in Swedish Yrsel är ett mycket vanligt symtom bland patienter inom olika specialiteter inom sjukvården. Orsaken bakom symtomen kan ligga i neurologiska sjukdomar, sjukdomar i innerörats balansorgan samt i psykiatriska sjukdomar, framför allt ångestsjukdomar. Medicinska undersökningar leder inte alltid till att orsaken till yrseln konstateras i en specifik sjukdom och ibland kan maDizziness is a common problem and it often co-exists with anxiety. Level of anxiety is the best predictor of handicap for dizzy patients. There is diagnostic controversy and few treatment programs for such patients. These patients can be labeled as panic disorder with agoraphobia or by the concept of Phobic Postural Vertigo which is characterized by dizziness or imbalance in standing or walking de